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Last Two Drafts


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It really bothers me, that the Cowboys have the Browns top pick....they might do really well this year, and have a top five draft pick.

Go Browns! Wouldn't it be sweet if they turn things around and reel off a bunch of victories, as the Cowboys sit by and watch the value of that draft pick drop like a rock in a duck pond?!?

Go Browns!!!

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From Kissing Suzy Kolber

This Is the War Room! The Washington Redskins

Leading up to the draft, we’ll be giving you exclusive inside access to the war rooms of various teams across the league. Today: the Washington Redskins.

Vinnie Cerrato: Mr. Snyder I've got our chair set up right over here at the head of the table.

Daniel Snyder: That's good Vinnie, that's very good, but where are you sitting?

Vinnie: I'll be on your lap, sir.

Snyder: Excellent

Eric Schaffer: Mr. Snyder, I need to speak with you.

Vinnie: YAP! YAP! YAP!

Eric: Sir, could we speak in private, Vinnie seems to be biting me.

Snyder: Yeah, it cost me 2 mil but I finally got him trained (maniacal laughter). OK Vinnie, down boy. Who's my good boy? Who's my cuddly little boy?

Eric: Look Mr. Snyder, I've been going over the numbers and if we acquire Asante Samuel, Lance Briggs, and LaDanian Tomlinson we'll never be able to sign JaMarcus Russell and Calvin Johnson.

Snyder: Hey Gimp, is he right about that?

Eric: Mr. Snyder, Coach Gibbs can't respond until you take that ballgag out of his mouth.

Snyder: hehehe. Why'd I do that? I swear I can't remember?

Eric: I believe he violated your "No Jesus-talk in the War Room" rule.

Snyder: That's good, that's very good. But I want those players dammit! Once I have Russell and Johnson I'll be unstoppable!

Gregggg Williams enters, stops to kick Coach Gibbs in the ribs on the way

Snyder: Oh ****, here comes the *******.

Gregggg Williams: God dammit Mr. Teeny, what's all this **** I'm hearing about Russell and Johnson?!?! I told you ten mother****ing times that I was trading the draft picks for proven commodities like Junior Seau and Ted Johnson.

Snyder: Don't blame me Gregg, I'm with you. It's Coach Gimp and the mathelete. I think your guys have plenty left in the tank.

Gregggg: So what's it gonna be nerdlinger?

Full transcript at http://kissmesuzy.blogspot.com/2007/04/this-is-war-room-washington-redskins.html

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Just a thought, but in the past couple of drafts The Skins have been finding late round gems (i.e. Golston, Montgomery, HB Blades, undrafted Heyer). From 2000 up until the 2006 draft won of the biggest problems was we weren't finding any 2nd day draft picks that would stick on the roster.

Now, I recall changing a couple of the scouts prior to the 2006 draft. I'm not aware of the names, could someone please fill me in on this.

Anyway, the point beings, is I feel our scouting department has improved with these changes.

Sssh don't mention Heyer, Die Hard might have a fit! :D
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