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Anyone Like The Fact That Marty Cut Bankston?


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I found it sort of refreshing that we're not handing out secure roster spots just because a guy's a vet anymore.

Marty seems to be holding players accountable for their performance on the field. About the only guys I can recall Norv cutting were Patrise Alexander and a buncha sacrificial kickers.

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It is CERTAINLY a change of pace in Washington to cut a guy line Bankston. As you said, TC, on-field performance is the measure, and not past performance. With Bankston, it was clear from those watching the games, that he was not getting any penetration and wasn't even standing up to blocks well. I think he's a better two-gap defender than what we'll generally be running here, and he was unable to adjust. He'll play somewhere. It's nice to know Marty is paying enough attention to recognize when a guy isn't performing to the level expected and he doesn't mind cutting losses.


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there are a few I have missed on in camp so far, but this is one I called from the get-go.

I remember watching Bankston in Arizona for 7 years. The difference between that player and the one we got via the Bengals this season is striking. Bankston has not only lost his quickness but seemingly some strength as well.

In the preseason games he appeared to be a statue out there on the field with little flexibility or movement. The Falcons consistently pushed him off the line of scrimmage. The following week against Cleveland it was even worse.

If we were getting the "old" Bankston it would have been a very good signing and Michael would have started at tackle at some point during the season IMO.

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I have a feeling we'll sign another DE or DT after today's cuts. I can't see us going into the season with Boose and Ham as backups, especially if there's another guy out there who can play both DT and DE.

Maa Tanuvasa could be cut by the Broncos in a salary cap-type move and would fit the bill nicely. He is a $477K guy, unfortunately.

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If Maa Tanuvasa is released, I think several teams will be interested in him. He's accumulated 20 sacks in his first three years, 8.5 in his rookie year...although only six since. And...at 6'2"/270lbs....he might be a bit small for the middle so the outside backing up Smith and Coleman would be a better fit for him.

Signing him for the minimum, and knowing he's already in game shape would be a plus. He might be the only "prospect" out there if he's released.

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To answer the original question: are we glad Marty's not keeping Bankston: yes and no.

Yes, it's good to see that he's not willing to carry guys who clearly don't improve our team. We suffered through too many players like J. Patton and S. Richards for too long.

But in that it we wasted the pre-season time on him and are left with nothing to show for it, then no. True, Marty didn't know whether Bankston could contribute, and based on limited options, had little choice but find out. But in that we are back where we started at the beginning of pre-season, then I'm a little disappointed that plan B appears to be wait until the final cuts and hope that somebody decent becomes available.

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I've had last night to dwell on this. I can only conclude that Marty thought he had a better chance of using Bankston's cap money to sign a better player than Bankston. It's somewhat of a gamble given Bankston's ability to play both DT and DE, but it makes some sense. We now have more money to make a signing.

And I too am beginning to wonder whether Cortez Kennedy will end up with us.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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