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Coming to America. Dolphins game.


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Before i start, i know this thread is alittle early and some of the questions have been asked before. But due to work i am away prior to our trip to see the opening game against the Dolphins and i would just like some information before we leave Sept 5th.

Concerning the ES Tailgate.

From previous posts and other threads i am aware that we would be very welcome at the Tailgate.

First of all i dont want to just crash the Tailgate, do we have to speak or introduce ourselfs to anyone specific ?

I would like to contribute to the Tailgate and will pay towards the fund, but as i am coming from UK is there anything specific that we could bring ? I have thought of things such as drink, chocolate, sweets etc from UK.

As for location time etc i will get that information from the threads prior to leaving.


The main reason for our trip to see this game is my son is a Dolphins fan. I have always supported the Redskins since 1983. While in Florida last year we attended the Miami, Green bay game for him. So this year its my turn. to be home.

What i would like to know and ask out of courtesy... would he be welcome to attend the ES Tailgate.

Also without being arrogant i would obviously be alittle concerned for his safety with him being an away supporter. Not so much around the tailgate but at the game as a whole. Please dont be offended about this question, as you probably know over here it can be a bad thing sometimes wearing an opposing teams soccer shirt. At the Miami game i wore an England soccer shirt which brought more attention than having a Green bay top on.

It is our first trip of many to Washington. I intend to make a trip every year to see the Redskins, sometimes to away games... so i cant wait to actually meet fellow fans and hopefully new friends which we will be able to see on an annual basis.

Thank you for any help or suggestions.


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Before i start, i know this thread is alittle early and some of the questions have been asked before. But due to work i am away prior to our trip to see the opening game against the Dolphins and i would just like some information before we leave Sept 5th.

Concerning the ES Tailgate.

From previous posts and other threads i am aware that we would be very welcome at the Tailgate.

First of all i dont want to just crash the Tailgate, do we have to speak or introduce ourselfs to anyone specific ?

I would like to contribute to the Tailgate and will pay towards the fund, but as i am coming from UK is there anything specific that we could bring ? I have thought of things such as drink, chocolate, sweets etc from UK.

As for location time etc i will get that information from the threads prior to leaving.


The main reason for our trip to see this game is my son is a Dolphins fan. I have always supported the Redskins since 1983. While in Florida last year we attended the Miami, Green bay game for him. So this year its my turn. to be home.

What i would like to know and ask out of courtesy... would he be welcome to attend the ES Tailgate.

Also without being arrogant i would obviously be alittle concerned for his safety with him being an away supporter. Not so much around the tailgate but at the game as a whole. Please dont be offended about this question, as you probably know over here it can be a bad thing sometimes wearing an opposing teams soccer shirt. At the Miami game i wore an England soccer shirt which brought more attention than having a Green bay top on.

It is our first trip of many to Washington. I intend to make a trip every year to see the Redskins, sometimes to away games... so i cant wait to actually meet fellow fans and hopefully new friends which we will be able to see on an annual basis.

Thank you for any help or suggestions.


My brother is a Bills fan. He will be wearing his jersey in December when they play the Redskins. Half the fun is listening to the ribbing that will happen at the game. In my opinion if you keep cool and not get out of hand in the stands being an opposing fan at Fed Ex is not a problem. But do not expect an indifferent crowd. Do expect that drunk Redskin fans with a dirty mouth will be within listening range. There are always fans who do not know the difference between cheering and drunk babble.

As far as the tailgate. Expect good hearted ribbing. Though I have never been.

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One of the nice things about fans at FedExField is, for the most part, we're not ***holes towards opposing fans -- unlike Eagles fans when visiting the Linc. No worries.

Eagles fans are complete d-bags at their stadium. But it don't matter to Mrs. Portis. Hahah, punching out an Eagles fan.

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One of the nice things about fans at FedExField is, for the most part, we're not ***holes towards opposing fans -- unlike Eagles fans when visiting the Linc. No worries.

I thought so, as we are visiting Washington for the first time and taking the metro to the game i just wanted to check. Thanks


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Trust me, all are welcome to the tailgate...

The thread will be created probably on sunday (in the tailgate forum), as we will want to get a head start for the first game of the season. You can bring whatever you would like. If you have any questions, send them to Huly.

Looking forward to meeting you :cheers:

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Sorry all i could think of when I read the title was....

Prince Akeem: Oh sir, the Giants of New York took on the Packers of Green Bay. And in the end, the Giants triumphed by kicking an oblong ball made of pigskin through a big "H". It was a most ripping victory.

:laugh: :laugh: Good one!

Not to worry, you and your son will have a great time. Here's another thread that has some Q & A's for you. Hope to see you at the tailgate!


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Pez, Montanared. we have the tickets and we leave on the 5th sept.

we will definitely be at the ES Tailgate. will look out for the post so as to get the necessary info.

I also look forward to meeting all of you.

BTW.. I was thinking of the film when i wrote the title.


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At the Miami game i wore an England soccer shirt which brought more attention than having a Green bay top on.


If it had been a Mexico, Cuba, or almost any South American countries soccer shirt, you wouldn't have stood out. :laugh:

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Can't wait to meet you, kevin. :cheers:

You'll find that the ES crew are the sort of people that once you meet them, you feel like you've known them forever. The first time I met most of my fellow ESers was at the draft-day party. By the time I made it back for last week's Steelers game, I felt like I was meeting back up with old friends. And really, that's what it is. I've always said any true Skins fan can talk to any other true Skins fan like they've known each other forever. And we do.

I don't know about everyone else. But, I would like to see you bring something that we can't get here. Don't spend a whole lot of money, but if you can bring something unique to your home, I'd think that would be most appreciated.

We'll see you soon. Safe travels. :cheers:

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I'd love a pint of Fuller's ESB ;)

j/k, you don't need to bring anything in particular. Looking forward to meeting you and your son. :cheers:

will see what we can do:)

I don't know about everyone else. But, I would like to see you bring something that we can't get here. Don't spend a whole lot of money, but if you can bring something unique to your home, I'd think that would be most appreciated.

will get some good british liquor and goodies unique to uk from duty free at airport.

Thanks again guys, see you soon.


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