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Met J.Campbell Tonight!!


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Hey guys,

Just wanted to share this picture of Me, Jason Campbell, and Chief Zee from tonight's bowie baysox game. I work at the Baysox stadium and one of our players girlfriends was a former redskins cheerleader, so she arranged to have Jason come sign autographs and throw the first pitch for "football Fever night" at the ballpark.

Jason is a GREAT guy, very nice, friendly and upbeat. He signed a few things for me and my dad, let us take a couple pictures (after the first ones didnt come out), and we had a few words about training camp. He was not in any hurry and seemed more than willing to talk to every fan that came to the table. Hope u guys enjoy this story/pic...See u at training camp

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threw with solid QB form, almost like a pass, pretty strong throw and made it over the plate but might not have quite been inside the strike zone

oh just great, I mean I know it is only baseball, and a minor league at that,but what the hell happened to him coming out this year and improving...not good, not good at all... :doh:

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oh just great, I mean I know it is only baseball, and a minor league at that,but what the hell happened to him coming out this year and improving...not good, not good at all... :doh:

I assume you have a dry humor like me and your post was just sarc;)

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oh just great, I mean I know it is only baseball, and a minor league at that,but what the hell happened to him coming out this year and improving...not good, not good at all... :doh:

Worse yet, he stared down the catcher. That's a sure pick in a real game. :doh:

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I met Campbell at last years Beach Blitz. My brother is a magician and was hired to work the black tie dinner and he was doing tricks on some of the players, I was there as his photographer. Campbell seemed amused and appreciated the magic, but Brunell seemed bothered and in a hurry and didn't seem to appreciate the tricks. Derrick Dockery and his girlfriend had a ball with my brother as did Randy Thomas, Joe Salavae, and James Thrash.

Also Gary Clark is the coolest dude you'd ever want to meet!!!

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I met Campbell at last years Beach Blitz. My brother is a magician and was hired to work the black tie dinner and he was doing tricks on some of the players, I was there as his photographer. Campbell seemed amused and appreciated the magic, but Brunell seemed bothered and in a hurry and didn't seem to appreciate the tricks. Derrick Dockery and his girlfriend had a ball with my brother as did Randy Thomas, Joe Salavae, and James Thrash.

Also Gary Clark is the coolest dude you'd ever want to meet!!!

yea I got clarks auto. at this years beach blitz, he is a great guy

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