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Can We Play Dallas Next Week?


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Or do we have to go through off-season and training camp? I'm ready now. I don't care a bit about the playoffs (although I'll feel a bit better after the Ravens and Eagles are eliminated - start placing your bets on a Philly-Baltimore Super Bowl now that I've said that).

Unless something drastic happens, I'm going back to Carlisle this year.

I just feel as though it could be fun to watch the Skins again.

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Guest fuji869

I am ready for Dallas now and I hope we open against them. I guess we will have to settle for Dallas vs Washington in the NHL on March 12th for now to get us through.

I feel optimistic but a couple of losses early can kill our optimism and we will go back to bashing him. Sorry to be kind of negative but I have been a Redskin Fan a long time.

Bring on the Steve Spurrier Era!!!!! guns.gif

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Yea, you have to hand it to the man. He said all the right things and this isn't a bad thing. Got me fired up as well. With any hope, this is the kind of affect he'll have on the team as well. Right now, I just can't wait for the season to begin. Actually, I can't wait for the next news conference!laugh.gif

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Hey! I can't see a thing here! And why am I cold? For that matter....Oh I see, there's a blanket with water that's been tossed on me. Alright who....Oh it was OrangeSkin. Sigh. Can't even bask in the glow of the fire of optimism that Coach Spurrier(hmmm. sounds okay) started for us. That's okay, it was fun while it lasted. smile.gif just kidding ya O.S.

I think that after this past season, seeing where the Skins were, or weren't,(see pass offense) at the end of the season, and believing that Coach Spurrier may be the guy to address some of those problems can enhance the optimism some. I for one will pass the blanket on to someone else at this time. I'll keep an eye on it though.

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