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What does it mean to be a man?

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so..let me get this right.

When my twins were born my wife was making about 20K more a year than I was. So our decison was that I would stay home and raise our children so we didnt need to put them in childcare and have someone else raise our children(I'm not critical of others,thats their choice). So I'm not a man because I chose to not put my family into a financial burden and to allowed my wife to continue to work? You may want to clarify that statement. In my eyes it took "more of a man" to understand the situation it would put his family into rather than be ignorant enough to just expect my wife to stay home barefoot and pregnent and put my family in jepordy.:2cents: :logo:

your wife makes 20g's more than howser, md?

jokes aside, i salute you. i'd do the same in a heartbeat given the chance.

to me, if you could just pigeonhole what being a man is into one thing, fatherhood epitomizes manhood more than anything. of course, you can't pinpoint the meaning of manhood so acutely. that's also not to say guys that aren't fathers can't be men, but fatherhood is just....special.

i cherish the days that eli and i have a day or three alone together. there's nothing more fulfilling.

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Wow..there are some good responses posted. I agree w/alot of them. The definition of a man, imo, is not just about 1 thing. I agree w/Blondie on the "word is his bond". Important in my book. Being accountable for his actions. Another important one. Doing the best he can to provide and not minding getting a helping hand when needed from his spouse. Admitting when he makes a mistake and having the fortitude to pick himself up and learn and go forward when said mistake occurs. Standing up for what he believes in and working together w/his spouse to ensure the kids don't go without and that their household stays intact. Knowing when enough is enough. Knowing the difference between sex and making love. Not being afaid to say 'I love you' and saying it as much and as often as he can. Doing what needs to be done regardless of what others think or are going to think of him. Sacrificing his wants so that his families' needs are met. That's about it. Too much? O well...My husband has about 96% of the above criteria..the other 4% can be worked on.....together!

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Good response.

Also, I think a real man is not threatened by a woman who is his equal....knows what she wants......and can be independent. A real man understands the needs of others. A real man provides stability and the opportunity for growth for all of his family members.

A real man is is emotionally close.......and allows others to feel.......and even though he may not understand those feelings, he gives his family the opportunity to experience feelings and he helps when his family is hurt.

A real man will allow his woman to walk beside him.........not trail him.

A real man gives support......and listens. There are times for advice and times for support.

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...And he should be able to "get it up" whenever, wherever the situation calls.

This is a serious duty, fellas. If you're woman comes to you in need of the high, hard one, you better deliver it (because trust me, there's more than a few able body replacements out there, including yours truly, who will be happy to step in and satisfy, if you know what I mean). Shouldn't matter if you're sick, have a headache, belly ache, or if you just stepped on a land mine (so long as the essential parts are still in one piece)...excuses are only for the woman. When you start making them yourself, better check your area 'cause it just may have fallen off.

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...And he should be able to "get it up" whenever, wherever the situation calls.

This is a serious duty, fellas. If you're woman comes to you in need of the high, hard one, you better deliver it (because trust me, there's more than a few able body replacements out there, including yours truly, who will be happy to step in and satisfy, if you know what I mean). Shouldn't matter if you're sick, have a headache, belly ache, or if you just stepped on a land mine (so long as the essential parts are still in one piece)...excuses are only for the woman. When you start making them yourself, better check your area 'cause it just may have fallen off.


Honestly, that has never happened to me before

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