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Why Is Jerrah Dragging His Feet To Sign Romo?


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Who would have thought we'd be this late into July without Romo sits to pee being signed? Apparently, talks began in March, but both sides forgot to pick up the phone...until Jerrah did in early June.

In re-reading Lenny the Hut's piece on the situation, it becomes clear that the pukes are between a rock and a hard place. As, Pastabelly says, the pukes hate to tie up cap in a qb signing (perhaps because they've been burned so many times in the recent past...), but signing Romo sits to pee will definitely cost them a bunch of cap.

But is the slowness for the signings something else? Is Jerrah waiting for a training camp evaluation from Wade? ...from Garrett? ...from some other source?

My guess is that Romo sits to pee gets signed, ties up tons of cash, and turns out to be another Hogeboom.

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For whatever reason, Jones like to wait before he re-signs players. For example, he'll wait until the very last second to sign all of the rookies like he has done for the last bunch of years and a few of them won't be signed until hours before training camp starts.

My guess with Romo sits to pee is that he signs a slightly better deal than what Schaub got and they do it probably a week or two before the season starts, provided Romo sits to pee doesn't get injured or something like that. I doubt it will be a cap killer contract as since Stephen Jones has taken over the financial side of things we really haven't had an issue with a player being "un-cuttable" due to their contract. Larry Allen is about the only guy I can think of that fits in that category.


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For whatever reason, Jones like to wait before he re-signs players. For example, he'll wait until the very last second to sign all of the rookies like he has done for the last bunch of years and a few of them won't be signed until hours before training camp starts.


Note: See rest of the NFL.

I think that it is obvious that JJ wants some more assurances that Romo sits to pee can play before giving him the pay. It is possible for Romo sits to pee to progress into a good NFL QB.

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I think that JJ is not sold on Romo sits to pee being the QB of the future, this year will be telling for him.

1. He will be learning the new offense

2. His team and the fans will be on his arse (he is no longer the rookie QB) he will be expected to play at a high level all the time.

3. He knows Dallas has two first next year (one probably a top 5) so they can get a new QB if he doesn't play well.

That is a lot of pressure on one Romo sits to pee.

I think JJ knows this and he is waiting to see how he does. I don't think he wants to tie a ton of money up in a QB who has not proven to be the answer yet. Add that to his obvious lack of focus this year, I think maybe he would have a contract now if he had shown the same work ethic and focus as Jason Campbell.

I dont think JJ wants to spend 50 - 60 mil on Romo sits to pee and then have to draft a qb early in the first next year and pay another 50 -60 mil for Romo sits to pee's replacement. I don't think yo will see a deal for Romo sits to pee until the end of the season if it is successfull. It would be a big gamble to sign him sooner.

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Add that to his obvious lack of focus this year, I think maybe he would have a contract now if he had shown the same work ethic and focus as Jason Campbell.


:rolleyes: You read to much into the atn forum. Romo sits to pee hasn't missed an OTA and has been at the practice facility more than any other player. The info has been provided on this site but most turn a blind eye to what they don't want to see.

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:rolleyes: You read to much into the atn forum. Romo sits to pee hasn't missed an OTA and has been at the practice facility more than any other player. The info has been provided on this site but most turn a blind eye to what they don't want to see.

I dont't have to read the the atn forum to have common sense, and as it has been pointed out to you no one has said he missed any time. Being out till the we hours in mexico the night before OTA's shows a lack of focus. Add that about Jerry wishing he would cutail the activities is the basis for my remark.

Either way he has not shown the work ethic of JC and perhaps if he had shown more then he would have a contract.

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You guys just keep living with these mythes. I will post quotes again. Read um and weap:


In fact, in his first off-season as the Cowboys starting quarterback, Romo sits to pee, always a football gym rat who Bill Parcells first fell in love with because of his work ethic, has never worked harder.

And when you talk to the Cowboys players this offseason, they gush about their quarterback. Bradie James tells us that you see Romo sits to pee working longer hours as new offensive coordinator Jason Garrett tries to install a game plan featuring more of a West Coast Offense. And James reveals that the signal caller has looked razor sharp in that new offense.

Marc Colombo says that Romo sits to pee's confidence and work ethic are contagious. Julius Jones reports that you absolutely see a different Romo sits to pee in minicamps this year, one who walks and talks and practices with the responsibility and moxie of being the quarterback and leader in Dallas. Marcus Spears says the entire team takes its lead from Romo sits to pee, and he's the player to lead Dallas back to the Super Bowl.


For the first time in his fledgling career, Romo sits to pee will have a new voice in his head. Gone are Bill Parcells and David Lee. And Romo sits to pee had an excellent relationship with last year's QB coach, Chris Palmer. In are Jason Garrett and Wade Wilson. They played for the Cowboys. They know the demands of the position. They must stay on top of Romo sits to pee, especially with his mechanics. He tends to get sloppy with how he holds the ball in the pocket.

During the open practices this summer, Romo sits to pee showed the ability to get the ball down the field and he mostly stayed away from careless decision-making. That's good. For those worried about how he comes back from the playoff loss at Seattle, don't be.


''I want Tony to be everything he can be on the field, but I like his colorfulness off of it,'' Jones said Thursday. ''There's an element of entertainment in football. The publicity comes with the automatic question of what is he not doing when he's out doing that. I like the way he handles that. I know he has his eye on the ball.''

Romo sits to pee has had to work hard because the Cowboys are working on a new offensive system under new head coach Wade Phillips.

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I dont't have to read the the atn forum to have common sense, and as it has been pointed out to you no one has said he missed any time. Being out till the we hours in mexico the night before OTA's shows a lack of focus. Add that about Jerry wishing he would cutail the activities is the basis for my remark.

Either way he has not shown the work ethic of JC and perhaps if he had shown more then he would have a contract.

I believe Jerrys comments were being characterized as encouraging Romo sits to pee to "chill out" not curtail his outside activities. "Chill out" can be taken several ways. Keep doing what your doing but take it easy or stop doing what your doing altogether. Knowing anything about Jerry you would be inclined to believe he meant to take it easy but not to stop his non-football activities.

Why do I think this? Jerry is all about marketing. I'm sure he is loving all this publicity Tony Romo sits to pee, Dallas Cowboys Quarterback, is getting for his team. Being publicized in non-football arenas (country music, hollywood, charities) is great pub for the Cowboys and expands their name to an even greater purchasing population. I believe Jerry has already said he liked Tony's hispanic heritage and the ability to reach out to that growing community not only in the U.S. but in Mexico. At the same time Jerry realizes what goes up can come down. Going onstage to sing with some band (as Tony did) may seem innocent enough but what happens if that band gets hit with some type of scandal? Like 3 months later an underage girl allegedly raped backstage by a band member. Tony would be sucked up into that scandal due to an "innocent" singing onstage with the group. Jerry most likely wants Tony to "chill out" and make sure he is careful and avoid activities that could possibly put himself and thus the Cowboy image in jeopardy. Go to the concert but avoid cameras showing you having a Bud backstage with the band. I believe this is a more likely explanation than Jerry thinking Tony is doing to many things and not enough time/focus on football.

Also, it is repeatedly stated that Romo sits to pee needs to be at Valley Ranch watching tapes or learning the new/tweaked offense. Though he may not have all the resources available to him, I can't believe Tony wouldn't have access to most any film or printed material to take home or with him on his travels. To say he can't be learning/improving when he is not at Valley Ranch belies the technology of today.

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Once again even if Romo sits to pee is working as hard as he can I said that if he was working as hard as JC then he might have a contract. Obviously he is not working 10 hours a day since early March at the Ranch or traveling to his receivers homes so that they can work togeather while they are on their vacations.

Funny how the rest of my points are ignored.

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Once again even if Romo sits to pee is working as hard as he can I said that if he was working as hard as JC then he might have a contract. Obviously he is not working 10 hours a day since early March at the Ranch or traveling to his receivers homes so that they can work togeather while they are on their vacations.

Funny how the rest of my points are ignored.

I got your point but it isn't based on any facts. You guys believe that since Romo sits to pee goes places on his time off he is never working out to get better. I posted the quotes again to show you that is pure fiction.

Patrict Crayton did an interview this week on the radio (it's posted in this forum, you can listen to it yourself) where they were kidding him about being at VR every day working out with Romo sits to pee. He also threw Parcells under the bus but that's irrelevant for this thread.

I have seen no articles posted about JJ being upset with Romo sits to pee's travels and in fact posted one above saying just the opposite.

I am not saying JC isn't working very hard. I hope he is - it only makes the rivalry better. But don't think Romo sits to pee isn't working hard too. If you do, you're only lying to yourself.

Anyway, for whatever reason Romo sits to pee doesn't have a new contract, his work ethic is certainly the least of the reasons.

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Also, it is repeatedly stated that Romo sits to pee needs to be at Valley Ranch watching tapes or learning the new/tweaked offense. Though he may not have all the resources available to him, I can't believe Tony wouldn't have access to most any film or printed material to take home or with him on his travels. To say he can't be learning/improving when he is not at Valley Ranch belies the technology of today.

So you honestly think Romo sits to pee takes DVD's with him when he travels to Mexico or wherever Carrie wants him and watches game film before he heads out to play golf or hold Carrie's purse? Let's try to be a little more realistic.

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I got your point but it isn't based on any facts. You guys believe that since Romo sits to pee goes places on his time off he is never working out to get better. I posted the quotes again to show you that is pure fiction.

Patrict Crayton did an interview this week on the radio (it's posted in this forum, you can listen to it yourself) where they were kidding him about being at VR every day working out with Romo sits to pee. He also threw Parcells under the bus but that's irrelevant for this thread.

I have seen no articles posted about JJ being upset with Romo sits to pee's travels and in fact posted one above saying just the opposite.

I am not saying JC isn't working very hard. I hope he is - it only makes the rivalry better. But don't think Romo sits to pee isn't working hard too. If you do, you're only lying to yourself.

Anyway, for whatever reason Romo sits to pee doesn't have a new contract, his work ethic is certainly the least of the reasons.

You are missing a key point. Focus.

A couple of outings here or there are fine. Romo sits to pee has been on a LOT of outings. Night clubs, award shows, beauty pageants, Golf tournaments, concerts. That doesn't exactly show that Tony is at home or at the facility studying. To me it shows that he's distracted.

A guy trying to secure his starting position under a new HC, OC and QB Coach should be working night and day to try and get better. Eat, sleep, ****, practice, study, repeat. Especially after his dismal december last year.

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So you honestly think Romo sits to pee takes DVD's with him when he travels to Mexico or wherever Carrie wants him and watches game film before he heads out to play golf or hold Carrie's purse? Let's try to be a little more realistic.

and he throws passes to the pilots :laugh:

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You are missing a key point. Focus.

A couple of outings here or there are fine. Romo sits to pee has been on a LOT of outings. Night clubs, award shows, beauty pageants, Golf tournaments, concerts. That doesn't exactly show that Tony is at home or at the facility studying. To me it shows that he's distracted.

A guy trying to secure his starting position under a new HC, OC and QB Coach should be working night and day to try and get better. Eat, sleep, ****, practice, study, repeat. Especially after his dismal december last year.

Again, lack of "focus" is your created problem from afar. People who work with him have said just the opposite. Even Wade Phillips jokes about him being at VR all the time.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I'm just saying it has no basis in fact. By the way he is not the only Cowboy QB to have a good time. Ever read "North Dallas Forty?" Now that was lack of focus.

Heck, Troy Aikman dated Lorrie Morgan for awhile and even took Sandra Bullock to SB 27.

Seems to me, I remember a certain redskin QB named Saint Sonny who was famous for this rather wild lifestyle (and paunch!) and he did all right.

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So you honestly think Romo sits to pee takes DVD's with him when he travels to Mexico or wherever Carrie wants him and watches game film before he heads out to play golf or hold Carrie's purse? Let's try to be a little more realistic.

I believe I am being realistic in believing Romo sits to pee indeed may be taking "work" with him on his travels. I know I've not gone on a vacation in over 15 years without my laptop to ensure I can keep up on my work. I may not be going to the fancy places he does but I enjoy my time off as much as the next guy. Heck, I'm not being paid millions to do my job either.

Romo sits to pee began as an undrafted FA from a Division II school who worked his behind off to become a starting QB in the NFL. That by itself goes a long way in establishing he has a strong work ethic. If he didn't, there wouldn't be all this discussion on the man today. Will he now after 4 years say to himself I've made it and relax/coast? Very easily could happen. Probably not too many harder positions in sport to live up to than being the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys. He may fold like a cheap suit for all I know. However, I believe if he does not develop into a solid, productive qb it will not be due to a lack of effort and work ethic.

So which is more realistic? Work hard for 4 years obtain your goal of becoming a starting qb in the nfl and then get "distracted" and be the next Hogeboom or get a taste and continue to work hard to develop into a qb that can lead his team to playoff victories (or dare dream a SB)? None of us know for sure. In the meantime, I am sure there will be plenty of debate here and elsewhere on opinions of which end of the spectrum Romo sits to pee is heading.

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I dont't have to read the the atn forum to have common sense, and as it has been pointed out to you no one has said he missed any time. Being out till the we hours in mexico the night before OTA's shows a lack of focus. Add that about Jerry wishing he would cutail the activities is the basis for my remark.

Either way he has not shown the work ethic of JC and perhaps if he had shown more then he would have a contract.

He's shown far beyond the work ethic of JC. You like what JC is doing. You pay attention to what he's doing because you're a fan of the skins. You pay attention to what you want to in regards to Romo sits to pee and the Cowboys. It's easier for you to say he's partying it up, dating etc. when reality is he's one of the hardest workers on and off the field studying the game and it's history even. You don't seek this information because it doesn't interest you. We'll see how this all translates on the field.

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He's shown far beyond the work ethic of JC. You like what JC is doing. You pay attention to what he's doing because you're a fan of the skins. You pay attention to what you want to in regards to Romo sits to pee and the Cowboys. It's easier for you to say he's partying it up, dating etc. when reality is he's one of the hardest workers on and off the field studying the game and it's history even. You don't seek this information because it doesn't interest you. We'll see how this all translates on the field.

Bolded part is pure BS. As for the rest

Very true, but once again I am only saying that numerous players and coaches have stated JC has worked at RP for 10 hour days since late feb or early March and takes his vacations to the wr's home to get some time in with them. So I will say it again perhaps if Romo sits to pee showed the type of commitment that JC has he

MIGHT have a contract already.

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Why WOULD you sign him? Common sense dictates that you don't until you have too. Where's he going to go? Nowhere. You'd franchise him if he plays as good this year as he did last year.

There is no hurry, despite what tr1 thinks.

Man I hope that is the cowboys plan.

Franchise a QB in 2007 = 10,182,000 on the cap, next year it is safe to say add a mil at least. Although if MV goes to jail it could stay the sameish.

+ two number 1 picks = I hope you get a few wr's in the first, and OL, and another FS, + sign your other vets.

Boys, dallas is out of the running for 2008 FA's.

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Why WOULD you sign him? Common sense dictates that you don't until you have too. Where's he going to go? Nowhere. You'd franchise him if he plays as good this year as he did last year.

There is no hurry, despite what tr1 thinks.

Sometimes I wonder why and than you post and it becomes clear.

You sign a player earlier, like Philly does, because you project said player to be good and by signing said player early you save future money and cap space. By waiting until said player goes to the pro bowl means you have to pay full price for said player. Now, you can't sign every player early to big long term contracts, but if you feel that player is going to be good and important to the team sometimes you should bite the bullet now for less than later for more. NFL teams vary on this philosophy and it does matter on the player and projected depth at that position, projected cap space, etc. A franchise QB seems like an important position and since they don't grow on trees it seems logical to lock him up now.

That is, if JJ and the puke FO are confident that Romo sits to pee is the future.

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He's shown far beyond the work ethic of JC. You like what JC is doing. You pay attention to what he's doing because you're a fan of the skins. You pay attention to what you want to in regards to Romo sits to pee and the Cowboys. It's easier for you to say he's partying it up, dating etc. when reality is he's one of the hardest workers on and off the field studying the game and it's history even. You don't seek this information because it doesn't interest you. We'll see how this all translates on the field.

We have had this discussion in another thread. I will say that JC worked harder than Romo sits to pee this off-season. I am not saying Romo sits to pee didn't work harder than a lot of QB's in the league and didn't spend a lot of time at VR, but he did not work as hard as JC.

As far as translating to the field. At this point it is a matter of talent. At the QB position it always is. You either are great or you are not. Working hard gets you long term back-up status. Working hard plus talent gets you to the playoffs and beyond. JC has more natural talent than Romo sits to pee and has more natural tools. JC still has to translate that on the field, but if he can quickly read NFL defenses it should be an enjoyable season.

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