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Kellogg Avoids Child-Obesity Lawsuit by Announcing Product Changes


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I think America's obesity problem can be attributed to the whole deep rooted culture of food...If someone is full and doesn't finish every bite of their outrageously oversized portion, then we get on them for wasting food or ask them if they're anorexic.

The portions in any restaurant, fast food or not, are too large and the expectations are ridiculous. There's no law saying you have to eat three square meals a day or you're unhealthy. Anyone with a grandparent can agree that people pushing food on you is annoying as hell.

Same goes for kids..."finish your chicken nuggets Johnny or you can't go in the play place." MAYBE, just maybe, Johnny is full and is listening to what his body is telling him, instead of forcing every last bit of food into his stomach because America teaches us to clean our plates!

Hard to argue against. I also think people have some serious misconceptions about eating healthy. A salad is no longer the diet food it's thought to be after pouring 300 cals of dressing on it.

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It is the parents responsibility and I'm not if favor of lawsuits for this kind of issue, but marketing unhealthy crap to kids is in the same ballpark to me as tobacco advertising targeting youth.

These companies need to get some ethics.

And parents need to grow nuts and parent. And as adults they need to take responsibility for their lives.

Not a one of these things like trans fat, sugar etc. are new things.

But yet suddenly now people realize it is not good for you and they even decide to SUE?

This country is becoming nothing but a victim-based culture incapable of taking responsibility. So, they want legislation to do it for them. Weak.

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I think America's obesity problem can be attributed to the whole deep rooted culture of food...If someone is full and doesn't finish every bite of their outrageously oversized portion, then we get on them for wasting food or ask them if they're anorexic.

My dad used to threaten me to clean my plate. That didn't make me fat.

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Touch my Cocoa Krispies and hog gonna smack a *****.


And parents need to grow nuts and parent. And as adults they need to take responsibility for their lives.

Not a one of these things like trans fat, sugar etc. are new things.

But yet suddenly now people realize it is not good for you and they even decide to SUE?

This country is becoming nothing but a victim-based culture incapable of taking responsibility. So, they want legislation to do it for them. Weak.


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