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Now they're demanding from us :).


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When I read this.....

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghanistan's ruling Taliban called up 300,000 troops to defend against a possible U.S. attack as their supreme leader warned that killing him or Osama bin Laden would not end attacks on Americans.

Mullah Mohammed Omar warned the United States it would avoid conflict only if it withdraws its military from the Persian Gulf, stays out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and leaves Islam and Muslims alone.

"If they choose otherwise, they are looking for an endless war that will burn America and America only," Omar said in a statement issued to the Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera. "When America doesn't choose a peaceful way out of this and chooses war and confrontation, she only is responsible for the consequences."

I think to myself, they need a Tomahawk Enema.

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Nah, enough of that tomahawk crap from hundreds of miles away. I'd like them to get a barbed wire enema courtesy of our finest in close proximity from one of the following services: SEALs, Delta Force, Green Berets, Force Recon, Rangers, . . .


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor


"I fear we've awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve."

- Japanese Imperial Admiral Yamamoto, after hearing that the Japanese declaration of war failed to reach the U.S. government before the attack upon Pearl Harbor

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"What we have here, is a faliure to comunicate."

Face it, We're coming and HELL's coming with us.<IMG SRC="http://users.pandora.be/karel.boonen/Smilies/056.gif" border=0>


"He has a confidence born of demonstrated ability."<IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/wash2-med.gif" border=0>

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God was here before the Marine Corps (NAVY) so you can give your heart to JESUS but your A$$ belongs to the Corps.

Dubba Ya answering a liberal reporter's question after smashing the Taliban in 2K2.

Cokie Roberts: "My Goodness they are all dead."

Dubba Ya: "All Fanatics Die, Fanatics never truly live."


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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Guest The Angry Buddha

A thermonuclear enema would work most efficiently against those 300,000 shoeless troops.


<IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~wahoofamily/flag.gif" border=0>

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Want some real info? I heard on the radio this p.m. that the British Special Forces are already on the ground along the Pak-Afg border, and along with the rebels against the Taliban. The British reporter speculated that if the Brits are there, then our Delta Force or other elite troops are there with them.

It'll be raining in Kabul or whereever that sob is hiding pretty soon.

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The British press is probably correct. I have a friend in the British army. Actually, he plays soccer on the Armed Forces team, but, they stationed him in Oman for six weeks, and he says that time has been extended and he knows some friends in the British special forces that are "in position" to make a move. But, there's no way British special forces are there without us.


Doom is in the box.

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Actually, BoW, the Soviets did lose because they lacked resolve, and like Vietnam for us, they lost because they refused to put enough men on the ground to win. Like in Vietnam, they never lost a set battle, but, they did continue to lose territory once they had pacified it, because they lacked men to hold it.

If we put 500,000 men on the ground, and I don't see that happening, but, if we do, we'll possess the entirity of Afghanistan within six months. I don't see this happening though. It's just not worth doing as there's nothing there to benefit from from total occupation. We MAY do this to Iran or Iraq in a year or so when it's their turn though.

With our technology, we'll fly overhead, listen to conversations in caves, and drop people on those spots. Within six months, Bin Laden will be dead and the whole of the Taliban will be thoroughly routed and it wouldn't be surprising if that happened by arming the 300,000 they've called up today.


Doom is in the box.

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True, but we got Afghan fighters of our own, this time. The Norther Alliance is moderate moslem, hates the Taliban, knows the territory as well or better than the Taliban, and is REAL motivated to fight them.

I suspect that if the word got out that the US will not only back the Northern Alliance, but equip and pay them too, then I'd imagine that 300,000 will be the number of recruits that THEY'LL get to go after the Taliban.

You promise every Afghan fighter $100 for every Taliban head they turn in (I'd say scalp but we're way too PC for that nowadays smile.gif ), and you'd likely find that the Taliban would be marginalized right back into the boonies.

Let the Norther Alliance take on the Taliban, and we go after the terrorists.

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credible reports show the Taliban with perhaps 45,000 to 50,000 troops maximum. there are incredible stretches of the country where there is no reigning authority, so those maps where the Taliban is said to control 75% of the land is an overstatement to say the least.

Regarding the Soviets. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was carried out and supported by reserve troops and 2 year conscripts, not by the professional active duty forces which were stationed in Europe and along the Chinese border.

Besides, the Soviets were interested in taking and HOLDING territory, something the US and its allies are not.

The scenario of last resort is for the US to have a large army on the ground anywhere in the world if it can be avoided.

In this situation it appears that with the state of Afghanistan in near anarchy, and using proxy forces within the country the US can achieve its aims and not cause a bloodbath for itself or the Afghan civilians.

Of course the Taliban is ruthless enough and committed enough to die for their beliefs no matter the odds, so mopping up resistance is best left to the Afghan resistance if and when that becomes appropriate. We should give them every resource to do so of course.

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