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*EDIT* Jerry Falwell Dead


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He was not a "real" doctor as in earned his PHD. He had three honoraries if I remember correctly, only one from an accredited university.

Is it not ridiculous then to hear the media refer to him as Dr. Jerry Falwell? That's pretty misleading.

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Is it not ridiculous then to hear the media refer to him as Dr. Jerry Falwell? That's pretty misleading.
Is it that big of a deal? Really?

I can see either way.

My high school principal had an honorary and she went by Dr. :whoknows:

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Is it that big of a deal? Really?

I can see either way.

My high school principal had an honorary and she went by Dr. :whoknows:

I think it takes away from the credibility of the news provider if they refer to him as doctor without noting that he never earned the title. If he referred to himself as doctor(don't know if he did), I think it's pretty pathetic. Did you see the definitions I found for you?

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It appears that we will never see eye to eye on Fallwell and that's OK with me. There is no such word as theophobe so I cannot answer your question.

You may have misunderstood my earlier comment about Falwell. He denied that Liberty University was affiliated with any religious movement in an attempt to obtain tax free bond financing from the City of Lynchburg. Curious what you thought about that.

A few more Falwell quotes on gay people:

"We must stop the homosexuals dead in their tracks -- before they get one step further towards warping the minds of our youth." Moral Majority fundraiser, 4/1/81

"In my age, we laughed at queers, fairies, and anyone who was thought to be a homosexual. It was a hideous thing, and no one talked about it, much less ever confessed to being a homosexual... I believe the United States will be destroyed if we permit homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle." "How You Can Help Clean Up America"

Here's one for the ladies:

"We would not be having the present moral crisis regarding the homosexual movement if men and women accepted their proper roles as designated by God. God's plan is for men to be manly and spiritual in all areas of Christian leadership ... In the Christian home the woman is to be submissive." "Listen, America!" p. 183

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A few more Falwell quotes on gay people:

"We must stop the homosexuals dead in their tracks -- before they get one step further towards warping the minds of our youth." Moral Majority fundraiser, 4/1/81

"In my age, we laughed at queers, fairies, and anyone who was thought to be a homosexual. It was a hideous thing, and no one talked about it, much less ever confessed to being a homosexual... I believe the United States will be destroyed if we permit homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle." "How You Can Help Clean Up America"

Again, something wrong with this?

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It's not that I don't like gays. I don't like the act

There are so many forces in our society to influence the youth in our country that being straight is more acceptable. Seeing two guys kiss isn't going to turn your kid gay. The statement doesn't make any sense.

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I think it takes away from the credibility of the news provider if they refer to him as doctor without noting that he never earned the title. If he referred to himself as doctor(don't know if he did), I think it's pretty pathetic. Did you see the definitions I found for you?

I agree. It is very misleading if a person goes by the title "Doctor" without actually earning a doctorate degree from an accredited school or university. It makes my ask, why? What affect is this person trying to achieve?

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There are so many forces in our society to influence the youth in our country that being straight is more acceptable. Seeing two guys kiss isn't going to turn your kid gay. The statement doesn't make any sense.

But the **** is everywhere. TV, magazines. Hell, my son says kids in his school think it's cool to act and dress like flamers.

Pop culture and the media are probably the two most influential forces in the country

And pop culture and the media both says it's OK, it just a lifestyle choice

When really it's perverted

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But the **** is everywhere. TV, magazines. Hell, my son says kids in his school think it's cool to act and dress like flamers.

OH NO!! Sarge's son is wearing a blazer with matching shoes!! He understands interior decorating color schemes and really enjoys Judy Garland records. What ever is world coming to?!?!?

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OH NO!! Sarge's son is wearing a blazer with matching shoes!! He understands interior decorating color schemes and really enjoys Judy Garland records. What ever is world coming to?!?!?

No, actually he's not cool and popular with most of the little flamer boys and girls because his head is screwed on right

I'm quite proud of him actually because it's not easy at that age and time of life to go against the crowd.

Makes me rest a little easier knowing he has an internal moral compass. I don't have to worry as much when some pot head comes and offers him a joint

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No, actually he's not cool and popular with most of the little flamer boys and girls because his head is screwed on right

I'm quite proud of him actually because it's not easy at that age and time of life to go against the crowd.

Makes me rest a little easier knowing he has an internal moral compass. I don't have to worry as much when some pot head comes and offers him a joint

It would have been funny to see Sarge in the 1950s ranting against Elvis Presley.

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But the **** is everywhere. TV, magazines. Hell, my son says kids in his school think it's cool to act and dress like flamers.

Pop culture and the media are probably the two most influential forces in the country

And pop culture and the media both says it's OK, it just a lifestyle choice

When really it's perverted

So, do you fear your son is going to start acting gay or something? Trust me, you are a far more influential person in your son's life than any of the stuff that's out there.

This is probably a weird question for you to answer, but if I may ask, what would you do if your son told you he was gay? Would he be less of a person to you?

BTW, my personal opinion is I tend to distance myself from the people you call "flamers", just because they're annoying and I tend to not have much in common with them (not that it's impossible that I'd ever become friends with one). I would have no problem with being friends with a gay person who acts normal (that probably sounds bad, but I really doubt I would ever befriend a guy like Chamo from "I love New York").

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It appears that we will never see eye to eye on Fallwell and that's OK with me. There is no such word as theophobe so I cannot answer your question.

The funny thing is, I said on page 1

While I didn't agree with everything Falwell said, I still believe he was a man who loved God.

I am actually fairly neutral with regard to him. I just take issue with people who scream "hate, hate" when somebody has the guts to call something or somebody "wrong".

And yes theophobia is for real.

Maybe you misunderstand the term. Homophobia is either hating or being afraid of homosexuals. Theophobia is a fear of God. So you would be put into that category correct?
And a phobia is an irrational fear or anxiety with regards to an object or activity. So, no, I'm not theophobic, my fear of God is perfectly rational and does not cause me anxiety disorders.

But you are right in one respect. According to my research, you could call me or Falwell or anybody who speaks of homosexuality in a negative light a homophobe. At least according to wikipedia. Its not even a real clinical phobia from what I read, but more or less made up. Probably as a way of demonizing opposition to a cause.


A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are primarily understood as negative attitudes towards certain categories of people or other things, used in an analogy with the medical usage of the term. Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, dislike, disapproval, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, or hostility towards the object of the "phobia". Often this attitude is based on prejudices and is a particular case of general xenophobia.

Class discrimination is not always considered a phobia in the clinical sense because it is believed to be only a symptom of other psychological issues, or the result of ignorance, or of political or social beliefs. In other words, unlike clinical phobias, which are usually qualified with disabling fear, class discrimination usually have roots in social relations.

Below are some examples:

  • Ephebophobia, fear of youth or adolescents
  • Homophobia, fear, dislike, or hatred of homosexual people, often used pejoratively to describe a moral objection to homosexuality.
  • Islamophobia, fear-induced prejudice against Muslims or Islamic culture.
  • Xenophobia, fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown

So can I call people who bash Christianity as intolerant, foolish, dangerous, or stupid Christianophobes?


Christianophobia, sometimes called Christophobia (which means fear of Christ), is a term used by some to describe a fear or hatred of Christians, or Christianity in general.

I know, sounds silly doesn't it? :)

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So, do you fear your son is going to start acting gay or something? Trust me, you are a far more influential person in your son's life than any of the stuff that's out there.

This is probably a weird question for you to answer, but if I may ask, what would you do if your son told you he was gay? Would he be less of a person to you?

I have no fear of that at all. His head is on right. As much as the head of a 14 year old can be. But why should he be subjected to freaks? People that want to think a perverted lifestyle is "cool" and display that "coolness" on a daily basis in society

It's like Falwell said, back in the day those kids would have been ridiculed, teased and probably even smacked around until they conformed with normal standards.

Now days it's a free for all. If it feels good do it. Hell, do it in the streets and sue the first person that complains. Tell the judge you were offened, disenfranchised, that your feeeeeeeeelings were hurt by someone telling you what to do

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I have no fear of that at all. His head is on right. As much as the head of a 14 year old can be. But why should he be subjected to freaks? People that want to think a perverted lifestyle is "cool" and display that "coolness" on a daily basis in society

It's like Falwell said, back in the day those kids would have been ridiculed, teased and probably even smacked around until they conformed with normal standards.

Now days it's a free for all. If it feels good do it. Hell, do it in the streets and sue the first person that complains. Tell the judge you were offened, disenfranchised, that your feeeeeeeeelings were hurt by someone telling you what to do

First of all, you didn't answer my question. No matter how straight you think your son's head may be, what if he came to the realization that he was gay?

Also, you're basically telling me that you're feelings are in fact hurt because you aren't able to smack a gay kid around and have him conform?

Gay being wrong is mostly based in religion, but you know what? Not everybody's religion(or lack of religion) states that being gay is wrong. A government ruled by the church is very dangerous IMO.

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Liberty University Dismissed Students For Practicing A Religion Other Than Baptism.

Three students at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University were dismissed because they "refused to stop worshiping at a Pentecostal church," as opposed to the Baptist services mandated by the school. University staff said that the three were "creating some confusion" among the other students by sharing with them their differing religious beliefs. [Associated Press, 9/27/91]

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Also, you're basically telling me that you're feelings are in fact hurt because you aren't able to smack a gay kid around and have him conform?

Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. We had a whole long thread on this in the past where Sarge defended gaybashing. For real.

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Liberty University Dismissed Students For Practicing A Religion Other Than Baptism.

Since when is baptism a religion?

Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. We had a whole long thread on this in the past where Sarge defended gaybashing. For real.

I'm trying to think of a way to argue against gay bashing, but there's really no way to argue. It seems like it's so ingrained into a person that it's kinda like trying to convince a Christian that Jesus didn't ascend into heaven (not that I'm saying that). It's just not going to happen.

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First of all, you didn't answer my question. No matter how straight you think your son's head may be, what if he came to the realization that he was gay?

Also, you're basically telling me that you're feelings are in fact hurt because you aren't able to smack a gay kid around and have him conform?

Gay being wrong is mostly based in religion, but you know what? Not everybody's religion(or lack of religion) states that being gay is wrong. A government ruled by the church is very dangerous IMO.

Sorry, I did leave off the last part. I've been posed this question before, and I still don't know the answer. I'lll burn that bridge if I get to it

As for smacking a kid around, yeah, some of them need a good smack becasue they weren't brought up right. There's alwasy been fruit loop kids, ones that want to stand out in a crowd, but today's fruit loop kids not only stand out, but stand out while promoting a devieant lifestyle.

If soceity still had any morals, those kids would at the very least be shamed into acting normal, but soceity has no shame anymore

Hell, nowadays you do something illegal, perverted or immoral, you get a TV show on MTV

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Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. We had a whole long thread on this in the past where Sarge defended gaybashing. For real.

Hey, somebody has to straighten them out ;)

We could probably start at ground zero out there

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I'm trying to think of a way to argue against gay bashing, but there's really no way to argue. It seems like it's so ingrained into a person that it's kinda like trying to convince a Christian that Jesus didn't ascend into heaven (not that I'm saying that). It's just not going to happen.

I meant physically beating up gays, not just condemning them. Sarge supports outright physical assaults on gay people.

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Sorry, I did leave off the last part. I've been posed this question before, and I still don't know the answer. I'lll burn that bridge if I get to it

As for smacking a kid around, yeah, some of them need a good smack becasue they weren't brought up right. There's alwasy been fruit loop kids, ones that want to stand out in a crowd, but today's fruit loop kids not only stand out, but stand out while promoting a devieant lifestyle.

If soceity still had any morals, those kids would at the very least be shamed into acting normal, but soceity has no shame anymore

Hell, nowadays you do something illegal, perverted or immoral, you get a TV show on MTV

It's funny that you mention MTV because there was a documentary/show called True life that I saw that followed gay people around and heard their stories.

When I hear about gay kids trying shock therapy because they're so desperate to be straight, I don't question that they feel shame for being gay. I also don't question the pressure the one gay man felt from his Mormon family, after being excommunicated from his church and basically erased as a member of his family. Yet this guy continues to be gay? Why? Because he can't help it!

What do you find worse? A gay guy marrying a woman who he doesn't love and eventually neglects because he isn't attracted to her. Or having the gay guy find another guy who he loves, while the woman doesn't have to go through the pain and trauma of a unloving marriage like the one you expect the her to have?

I meant physically beating up gays, not just condemning them. Sarge supports outright physical assaults on gay people.

Yeah, I figured that was probably included. Other than putting them in jail, what can you do really?

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