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Against anti-Europeanism


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Really? Now I know healthcare is a big cluster**** (I worked in the industry the past year) but come on, at age 23 how much do you pay?

Mine is 23 dollars a month premium with a 30 dollar copay

Even when I was self employed only I was paying 116 a month for healthcare

Relating to this article, there are some things Europe does right. The public transportation infrastructure as well as a very walkable continent makes getting around an ease. That along with smaller portions and you have healthier people (weight wise, they do smoke reds like they are going out of style)

However the article is generally right, the socialistic policies of Europe are sinking it, the Euro cannot survive as an economic entitiy because of the various discrepincies in the economies which make it up, and uneducated Muslims are basically invading the continent and not assimilating, which is going to cause major problems in 20-30 years. I don't see how any of this is not realized by the European decision makers?

I think you give too much credit for the transportation systems. The infrastructure is from centuries of a very centrtalized lifestyle.

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Really? Now I know healthcare is a big cluster**** (I worked in the industry the past year) but come on, at age 23 how much do you pay?

Mine is 23 dollars a month premium with a 30 dollar copay

Even when I was self employed only I was paying 116 a month for healthcare

Relating to this article, there are some things Europe does right. The public transportation infrastructure as well as a very walkable continent makes getting around an ease. That along with smaller portions and you have healthier people (weight wise, they do smoke reds like they are going out of style)

However the article is generally right, the socialistic policies of Europe are sinking it, the Euro cannot survive as an economic entitiy because of the various discrepincies in the economies which make it up, and uneducated Muslims are basically invading the continent and not assimilating, which is going to cause major problems in 20-30 years. I don't see how any of this is not realized by the European decision makers?

Damn do you have it good. Mine's $332 a month with varying copays. For example, I got a tiny piece of metal stuck in my eye from working on my car. The doctor prescribed some eyedrops which my copay for was $90 in addition to the two $30 visits. So that's $482 last month on health care.

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Wow, talk about a tough crowd. First off, I agree with the tone of the article stating that Anti-Europeanism is the equivalent of Anti-Americanism. They are both moronic and do more harm than good. Second off, I find it telling that none of you have any counterpoints to the "Muslim invasion" prophecies, because lets face it, when looking at the statistics the US will become a latin country faster than Europe will become a muslim region. I would also think more of you would applaud the gradual dismantling of the untenable welfare states that a lot (though not all) of the European countries have. But no, apparently we do not need Europe, the region serves only as a hindrance to grander American goals of... I dunno what agenda we have this month? Making the world safe for Iraqi civil war? Whatever happened to forgiveness and letting bygones be bygones. Only b!tches cry and whine about what the past while doing nothing to improve the future. It appears that we prefer whining and cheap insults ;).

Besides, I applaud the Economist referencing the Simpsons, it takes a real news magazine to do so :).

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Relating to this article, there are some things Europe does right. The public transportation infrastructure as well as a very walkable continent makes getting around an ease. That along with smaller portions and you have healthier people (weight wise, they do smoke reds like they are going out of style)

However the article is generally right, the socialistic policies of Europe are sinking it, the Euro cannot survive as an economic entitiy because of the various discrepincies in the economies which make it up, and uneducated Muslims are basically invading the continent and not assimilating, which is going to cause major problems in 20-30 years. I don't see how any of this is not realized by the European decision makers?

Just to put the record straight.

The UK will have the same percentage of obese people as the US in approximately 4 years time. Even France is catching up.

Economy wise we have UK/Poland type differences, you have East and West Coast/Hicksville (that middle bit). One size fits all fits in neither IMO.

The US will be North Latin America way before West Arabia happens (and the West Arabia bit isn't nailed on hombre).


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False Pedro. I live amongst them and hispanics have every desire to assimilate. Despite what you may read from right wing xenophobes. We will be darker perhaps, but we will still be America. Can't say the same for your muslims I'm afraid. I'll take a Corona over tea any day. :2drunks:

Both Europe and the US are bringing in foreign workers out of necessity. While we are drawing on our Christian neighbors from the south of us who share a lot of the same values and ideals, Europe is bringing in immigrants from the Middle East to help.... we saw how that was going last year in France.

Europe is in for some big changes over the next 10 years.

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Both Europe and the US are bringing in foreign workers out of necessity. While we are drawing on our Christian neighbors from the south of us who share a lot of the same values and ideals, Europe is bringing in immigrants from the Middle East to help.... we saw how that was going last year in France.

Europe is in for some big changes over the next 10 years.

Without question you're right. How are they going to like all that social program love being thrown at people that hate them.

I'll use a Waylon Jennings analogy for the whole immigrant thing. :cool:

We've been so busy keeping up with the Wong's...20 million Mexicans and we're still building on. ;)

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Both Europe and the US are bringing in foreign workers out of necessity. While we are drawing on our Christian neighbors from the south of us who share a lot of the same values and ideals, Europe is bringing in immigrants from the Middle East to help.... we saw how that was going last year in France.

Europe is in for some big changes over the next 10 years.

Why do you think the EU allowed Eastern European countries to join? So we'd have more Christians etc. Instead we got peasants. :doh:

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