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skins sighting in miami


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just got back from miami, and thought i'd post that i saw santana and sinorice moss, rocky mcintosh and frank gore all chillin at wet willie's on ocean drive. didn't say anything to them in fear of being "that guy" when they were just all hanging out tryin to enjoy themselves. but still it was cool to see the U guys hangin out like that, especially rocky!

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just got back from miami, and thought i'd post that i saw santana and sinorice moss, rocky mcintosh and frank gore all chillin at wet willie's on ocean drive. didn't say anything to them in fear of being "that guy" when they were just all hanging out tryin to enjoy themselves. but still it was cool to see the U guys hangin out like that, especially rocky!

Damn, I live down here, you should've hit me up!

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Yeah, and they would have laughed him. Those are just their employers, they were all raised by The U and will remain friends forever. Its kind of a fraternity. ;)

Exactly, atleast he would have been remembered. I know there is no team loyalty anymore, but hey atleast have fun with them.

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I don't think they would have gotten mad if you approached them, I'm sure they deal with it all the time when they are in Miami. Still pretty cool.

i'm sure they wouldn't have gotten mad either, i mean it wasn't the first time i've ran into players before. and if you've seen some of my other posts i have spoken to them. its just i feel like since they were out in miami and kickin it like that they kinda just wanted a break from all that stuff. or maybe it was just the call-a-cab that had me thinkin that lol, who knows!

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Why is it these football players all love these slushy drinks?

A bartender at PF Changs in tysons says Chris Warren always comes in an orders frozen daquris. He actually made a joke to him and said, I should expect a cowboy player drinking girly drinks. LOL!

But he said Marcus Washington always comes in an orders the same thing as well.

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i'm sure they wouldn't have gotten mad either, i mean it wasn't the first time i've ran into players before. and if you've seen some of my other posts i have spoken to them. its just i feel like since they were out in miami and kickin it like that they kinda just wanted a break from all that stuff. or maybe it was just the call-a-cab that had me thinkin that lol, who knows!

My trick is to wake up every morning on an empty stomach and go pound a call-a-cab. Im set for the next few hours. Damn Bacardi 151 really kicks in.

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Exactly, atleast he would have been remembered. I know there is no team loyalty anymore, but hey atleast have fun with them.

Yeah, but its a college thing. Its a special time and no money is really involved yet. If he made "The U" sign with his hands then he would have been recieved better cause then they'd know he understands.

I wish I was there though to get drunk with them!:2drunks: Maybe even grab a groupie or two!:ladiesman

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Why is it these football players all love these slushy drinks?

LOL...I went to Miami for the 1st time a few years back...my boy got me from the airport and the first stop was at WW's. He said, no matter what, you gotta try the Call-A-Cab...having a 2 of those, and a few shots...not to mention sitting outside in the 85 degree heat/sun...you will be feelin NICE....

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LOL...I went to Miami for the 1st time a few years back...my boy got me from the airport and the first stop was at WW's. He said, no matter what, you gotta try the Call-A-Cab...having a 2 of those, and a few shots...not to mention sitting outside in the 85 degree heat/sun...you will be feelin NICE....

AHHHHH, your killing me! I want a call-a-cab right now! I just got back from Miami 3 weeks ago and now im itching to go back.

Anyone want to open one here in gtown with me? Im sure we could make a killing. Then in winter, just change it to a regular bar!

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How could you not approach them? Not even buy them a drink? Not even a picture?

You are freakin fired man. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. That was a once in a lifetime chance and you blew it in my opinion. Then you come on here are proclaim your lack of everything.

You know what. I dont believe you. Yeah, harsh, but cmon some members would give a lot to see them and you just looked at them like they were eye candy.


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How could you not approach them? Not even buy them a drink? Not even a picture?

You are freakin fired man. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. That was a once in a lifetime chance and you blew it in my opinion. Then you come on here are proclaim your lack of everything.

You know what. I dont believe you. Yeah, harsh, but cmon some members would give a lot to see them and you just looked at them like they were eye candy.


damn i shoulda asked them if they wanted anymore groupies, sounds like u woulda been perfect

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How could you not approach them? Not even buy them a drink? Not even a picture?

You are freakin fired man. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. That was a once in a lifetime chance and you blew it in my opinion. Then you come on here are proclaim your lack of everything.

You know what. I dont believe you. Yeah, harsh, but cmon some members would give a lot to see them and you just looked at them like they were eye candy.


Or maybe he had some respect for them? Maybe he was trying to let them enjoy there time instead of being an annoying fan? You know they are people too and don't need to be bothered everytime!

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AKM, how do you make a call-a-cab?

I'm not sure the exact recipe, all I know is there is a lot of bacardi 151 and some red slushy stuff.

Its the best Slurpee ever! Go to Wet Willies website and I believe they tell the ingrediants in there.

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I'm not sure the exact recipe, all I know is there is a lot of bacardi 151 and some red slushy stuff.

Its the best Slurpee ever! Go to Wet Willies website and I believe they tell the ingrediants in there.

I'm gonna request one at happy hour one day this week and see if I can find the metro to get home!

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My mistake, its made with Grain Alcohol! Here is what the website states:

Call a Cab® The name says it all. The grain house specialty. Made with Grain Alcohol* (153° or 190°). Try with Shock Treatment or Attitude Improvement and Sex on the Beach (Triple Play). Very Strong.

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just got back from miami, and thought i'd post that i saw santana and sinorice moss, rocky mcintosh and frank gore all chillin at wet willie's on ocean drive. didn't say anything to them in fear of being "that guy" when they were just all hanging out tryin to enjoy themselves. but still it was cool to see the U guys hangin out like that, especially rocky!

cool story. is frank gore as ugly in person as he is on the tube? haha jk

I give you props for not being 'another annoying fan.' I'm sure they (the only ones that matter-Santana and Rocky) woulda gotten a kick out of you professing your Skins loyalty in Miami with other players there though. All the people saying you are a chump for not doing anything, well at least you respect a person's personal space. But now I wanna try one of those Call-A-Cab drinks.

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How could you not approach them? Not even buy them a drink? Not even a picture?

You are freakin fired man. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. That was a once in a lifetime chance and you blew it in my opinion. Then you come on here are proclaim your lack of everything.

You know what. I dont believe you. Yeah, harsh, but cmon some members would give a lot to see them and you just looked at them like they were eye candy.


Just FYI, you get $200 for passing go.

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