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Redskins Finally Cross Rubicon


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injuries may have caused the change to Patrick Ramsey this afternoon, but I think we will all look back on today as the turning of the page here with the Redskins.

the Redskins were still undone with a mountain of turnovers, miscues and gaffes as they have been at other points this season, but what made today different was for the first time in 2 months since his last relief appearance against the Titans, Patrick Ramsey made an opposing defense afraid of giving up the big play.

And this was accomplished with the same set of receivers, running backs and offensive linemen we have struggled along with since September.

Ramsey has no doubt grown up some since his last stint against the Packers. He admitted after that loss he needed to get rid of the ball quicker and avoid the negative plays, be it interceptions, sacks or fumbles.

Today he did that. In less than one half, Ramsey had 204 yards passing and led the Redskins to 18 points.

When he entered the game the complexion of things changed. It was not only his arm but his demeanor. He came out loose and cool and just went about his business. Seeing a good drive or two out of the offense, the intensity level of the defense went up as well and it was only after McCants fumbled that last ball did things really slip away.

Spurrier may be left with starting Patrick the rest of the way in any event because of the injury to Wuerffel, but truth be told he passed Wuerffel today ON the field.

It was Wuerffel not Ramsey that threw untimely interceptions in scoring territory on passes that veterans should know not to make. It was Wuerffel that fumbled the ball on a sack that allowed the Giants to march to one of their two early touchdowns. And it was with Wuerffel on the field that once again had to call 2 early timeouts because the offense couldn't get the right players on the field and lined up on time to snap the ball.

Miscues by Thompson, McCants and Champ Bailey on punt returns (once again) doomed the Redskins effort in the end, but as a Giant fan said after the game was over 'Ramsey almost pulled it off' :)

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Pat Feldman is on the sideline now with Steve Spurrier coming out of the lockerroom.

Pat Feldman - "Coach... second half are you gonna play Patrick Ramsey?

Spurrier - "No."

Don't give Spurrier any credit for Ramsey's play. 13 games into the regular season.... and he still doesn't know who gives his team the best chance to win yet.

Honestly, I don't know why everyone has so much confidence in the man. He's stubborn and he's still not learning from his mistakes. The man still hasn't shown he can evaluate the talent.

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Very True. Danny threw the EXACT same INT that he did against the Cowboys. The one where is running to the sideline, and tries to chuck it over one guy into the arms of a wide open reciever, only to NOT get it there and to the CB instead. It was the EXACT same pass.....I just put my face in my hands and said, if Spurrier is going to let Danny make those passes as a "veteran starter" then once Ramsey goes in, he better let him have his rookie follies and let him play through them.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Pat Feldman is on the sideline now with Steve Spurrier coming out of the lockerroom.

Pat Feldman - "Coach... second half are you gonna play Patrick Ramsey?

Spurrier - "No."

Don't give Spurrier any credit for Ramsey's play. 13 games into the regular season.... and he still doesn't know who gives his team the best chance to win yet.

Honestly, I don't know why everyone has so much confidence in the man. He's stubborn and he's still not learning from his mistakes. The man still hasn't shown he can evaluate the talent.

You have been reading my posts right? :laugh: I have real doubts he's the guy and if he's just as clueless at the end of 2003 and the team shows no progress; send him to Florida.

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oh I agree Spurrier has yet to prove he has become the augur of a new era of the magnitude that either a George Allen or Joe Gibbs was :)

I am not yet out of my mind :laugh:

But after today's game even the Giants fans I talked to said the Skins were stupid to stick with Wuerffel and Matthews at this point going forward. Certainly, Snyder likes Ramsey and insisted on drafting him so it is going to be difficult now after all the losses with the other qbs for Spurrier to go back to another guy at qb unless Ramsey goes off the charts.

If Ramsey plays under control and keeps his head about him, I think he is on the field to stay.

At least let's put it this way........if Spurrier ignores the lift that Ramsey gave his offense and even his defense when he came in the game then he does so at his own peril.

the veterans on defense, who have carried the team for much of the season are well aware we were treading water with Matthews and Wuerffel.

That's why Daryl Gardener made that off the cuff but very true comment a few weeks ago about the Skins perhaps being a good team NEXT season :laugh:

it may have upset Spurrier but it reflected the feeling, not only on the Skins but around the league that the Redskins lacked the teeth on offense to be competitive with the better teams.

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That was the best thing that could have happened to us -- if Wuerffel had played reasonably well, we'd be stuck with him. We NEEDED him to stink up the joint so Spurrier will finally open his eyes and realize that the only QB on his roster who can lead this team is the rookie, and that rookie needs reps if he's gonna be the starter next year.

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