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Movie fans: First glimps of the Joker from batman Begins sequel...


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This is a link to the first picture a fan took of Heath Ledger as the Joker while shooting in Chicago this week, there is allot of speculation that this is not a final product and that he could have been in mid-make-up stopping for a smoke break.

Link- http://www.superherohype.com/news/topnews.php?id=5530

Here are more set pics and info from some forums croll through the pages and be warned some rumored plot points may be disscussed in these forums.

Batman Hype forums- http://www.superherohype.com/forums/showthread.php?t=269430

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Yeah but why tease us soooo early...still over 14 months to get before it get's released :cry:

I want to see it now :(

Thanks for the pics though :D


Yea I know it's ealry, but so much news has come out with casting and other info the last month it's just to exciting.

The following is potentially a HUGE cast with many great actors/actresess and it lines up with Warner Brothers statement that this move "will be done on an epic scale"....

Cast confirmed so far-

LT. Jim Godon- Gary Oldman

Lucious Fox- Morgan Freeman

Alfred-Michael Cain

Batman/Bruce Wayne-Christian Bale

Joker-Heath Ledger

Harvey Dent/Two Face-Aaron Eckart

Rachel Dawes-Maggie Gyllenhaal

"Possible Bank Manager"-William Fichtner

Thugs- 2 other guys besides Fichtner from the show "Prison Break"

Unconfirmed Cast

Scarecrow-Cillian Murphy (possibly/probably returns)

Carmine Falcone-Tom Wilkinson (possibly/probably returns)

Victor Zsas-Tim Booth(possibly/probably returns)

Barbra Gordon-(wife)-Ilyssa Fradin (possibly/probably returns)

Flass-MArk Boone Jr. (possibly/Probably returns)

Rumored to be involved as well with additional casting

Crime boss Sal Maroni- James Gandolfini (most rumored) - Ray Liotta

DR. Harley Quinzell/Harley Quinn- ?????

and many other lesser roles but familiar actors/actresses rumored......

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To do this right Leger needs to get as far away from the Nicholson image of the Joker as possible. No bright green hair, no red lipstick. If it were me I would go goth with it, dark green/jet black hair, black lipstick etc. Base it on this:


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To do this right Leger needs to get as far away from the Nicholson image of the Joker as possible. No bright green hair, no red lipstick. If it were me I would go goth with it, dark green/jet black hair, black lipstick etc. Base it on this:


the director Christopher Nolan has eluded to more of "A Clockwork Orange" Joker than a campy Nicholson joker. He wants to get to the original essence of the comic book Joker witch is much more sadistic and ruthless,mass murdering rapist. It will be less about his appearance (even though he will have the more classic Joker look) and more about the madness underneath.

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the director Christopher Nolan has eluded to more of "A Clockwork Orange" Joker than a campy Nicholson joker. He wants to get to the original essence of the comic book Joker witch is much more sadistic and ruthless,mass murdering rapist. It will be less about his appearance (even though he will have the more classic Joker look) and more about the madness underneath.

I'm sold on that :)

If they make him like the Joker in "The Killing Joke" Graphic novel then I'd be as happy as a pig in S***

That is deffinitley some serious cast list, I'm really looking forward to how this turns out


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I'm sold on that :)

If they make him like the Joker in "The Killing Joke" Graphic novel then I'd be as happy as a pig in S***

That is deffinitley some serious cast list, I'm really looking forward to how this turns out


Yea, there are allot of "The Killing Joke" and "Long Halloween" refrences rumored to be in The Dark Kinght.

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+1; I don't think the recast of Joker will come even close.
I feel like people who actually believe that Nicholson was even a remotely good Joker have never actually read a Batman novel featuring the character. Ledger and this writing/directing team will absolutely blow away the previous "Joker" (the name should be used very loosely when describing Nicholson's portrayal).
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Yea, there are allot of "The Killing Joke" and "Long Halloween" refrences rumored to be in The Dark Kinght.

Excellent news.

The Killing Joke still ranks as one of the best Graphic Novels I have ever read.

Still havent got round to reading Long Halloween though :(

Will deffinitley make sure I check it out now then.


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I feel like people who actually believe that Nicholson was even a remotely good Joker have never actually read a Batman novel featuring the character. Ledger and this writing/directing team will absolutely blow away the previous "Joker" (the name should be used very loosely when describing Nicholson's portrayal).

I know, I know,.......I try to hold hold back blasting Nicholson as the Joker, really it's what Burton invisioned and it worked for his movie. So that is what it is.......

Here are a few quotes of Nolans more true to the source comic book Joker--

While he would not go into great detail about The Joker, to be played by Oscar nominee Heath Ledger in the sequel, Nolan did advise fans that Alan Moore's classic graphic novel The Killing Joke won't be the only influence on the sequel's depiction of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Chris Nolan-

"I also would point very much to the first two appearances of the Joker in the comic. If you look at where the Joker comes from there's a very clear direction that fits what we're doing very well," Nolan said.

Jett from Batmanonfilm.com

"From what I've heard about the direction of the film expect The Joker to be very creepy and very extreme," a trusted source for BoF advised the site, claiming that Ledger's Clown Prince will be totally unlike Jack Nicholson's portrayal in the 1989 film.

Other rumors have included the comic book scenes where Joker kills a whole class of kindergardeners as well as his rape and abuse of Barbra Gordon in front of Commisioner Gordon to drive him insane.

Pictures of a school bus have been scene on set this week in Chicago...

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