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we do suck, Snyder and Vinny screwing around like it was fantasy football is very discouraging but, sooner or later Snyder will sell and we can move on from this nightmare of incompetency. Then it will be fun again to be a SKINS FAN

Awesome then follow nextgen right on out.:eaglesuck :gaintsuck :dallasuck

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dual personalities? manic depression? huffing?
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Huffing... oh that's just precious. Great research though. I too was (just a little bit) curious to what his first post was, but not enough to dig it up. Very interesting indeed. I'm bookmarking this in case this boob comes back after we own the league this year.
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I'll never get that mouse click back...

Congrats DJD2! As a new member you made it to 6 posts (and counting). :) You'll probably make it here. (I'm not razzing you, just using you as an example of the little perserverance it takes to stay as a poster here)

Our dearly departed

i am done with the redskins.... .

couldn't hack it and used his second and final post for what appears to be a "reach out and save me" suicide note. I hope he's OK and the fall from the FedEx Field roof didn't hurt too bad.

E = L

A = O

G = S

L = E

E = R

S = S

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i am done with the redskins. they are a joke and a lost cause..i might as well start rooting for the eagles because even if they cant win it all, they go to the playoffs every year. redskins= dumb and i cant see them getting anywhere anytime soon .

Look chief...if you're done with this team...then do everyone a favor and get the **** off of this board. Go be a fair weather fan elsewhere, you homer

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I'm a fan. I bleed burgundy and gold. Have since I figured out the rules to football. I freeze my ass off cheering in the stands.

That's not for everyone.

But you sir... are not a fan. You're a sad excuse for a football observer. Fans care about their teams, even on bad years. Even Lions fans care more for their team than you do. I sincerely believe you'll find no team that wants a supporter like yourself.

I'll take a cowpuke fan over you. At least they're loyal and care about their team.

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i am done with the redskins. they are a joke and a lost cause..i might as well start rooting for the eagles because even if they cant win it all, they go to the playoffs every year. redskins= dumb and i cant see them getting anywhere anytime soon .

a mind is a terrible thing......and it must be stopped

we gotta name for Birds fans that we have used for years......TED......Typical Eagles D**khead

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:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

I don't think that I could make this any more clear.

Oh, and does anyone else remember this? :puke:

someone must have had too much Campbell's chunky soup. also...i don't remember the team...but not even the Redskins were interested in TO. Go ahead and be an Eagles fan...Campbell is going to get all chunky soup on your new team this season.

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