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3 Kings Autograph Signings(High Bandwidth)


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lol yes, theres a BBQ to but they dont like to tell the public about it. I've been "begging" for we weeks with NO LUCK:silly:

Haha. Well after all those April fools threads I had to make sure. I'm actually moving up to the DC area in exactly two days and I'd like to make it to this event.

Here are the links to the two foundations that the money is benefitting if anyone is interested:



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I love those guys on the field and all but only a sucker would pay 40-80 bucks for something to be signed :laugh: Unless of coarse something is getting signed for a child. I can see having encouraged donations but 40-80 dollars for a man to write his name? Nah... I'll pass. Let me know where the party is at though. :laugh:

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I love those guys on the field and all but only a sucker would pay 40-80 bucks for something to be signed :laugh: Unless of coarse something is getting signed for a child. I can see having encouraged donations but 40-80 dollars for a man to write his name? Nah... I'll pass. Let me know where the party is at though. :laugh:

It is expensive, but it also is for charity. If I had the money, I would probably go ahead and do it. But I am broke, so that is irrelevant.

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I realize the price is steep, but its NOT like they are pocketing the money.

It clearly says ALL PROCEEDS go to the Clinton Portis and Santana Moss Foundations, now unless those foundations are thier own pockets, I don't see the big deal.

The big deal is, if I can get a players autograph for free why pay 40 bucks for it?

Its no coincidence that the 2 players(Moss and Portis) who ignore the fans the most want to charge for autographs.

I have Sean Taylors autograph and didnt have to pay a dime. I love Portis and Moss but I dont have the money. I was going to show up to ask them about the BBQ.

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The big deal is, if I can get a players autograph for free why pay 40 bucks for it?

Its no coincidence that the 2 players(Moss and Portis) who ignore the fans the most want to charge for autographs.

I have Sean Taylors autograph and didnt have to pay a dime. I love Portis and Moss but I dont have the money. I was going to show up to ask them about the BBQ.

Actually, the school where I teach holds a fundraiser auction to make money (we're a Catholic school). My class' auction item (surprise, surprise) was a Redskins tailgate package that included everything from 2 tickets to 2 games and a signed Clinton Portis jersey. A family in my class has connections with Portis and he signed it at no cost whatsoever. He's my favorite Skin! Oh yeah, our auction item went for over $900.


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3 Kings of DC hah? I love those cats but try making the playoffs this year. Hell, win us a Super Bowl and I will call you whatever you want. 3 Kings, 3 Stooges, 3 of a Kind. But one playoff appearance in three years does not crown you "King". Try playing the whole season-Portis, try not going to jail-Taylor, and Moss-you're cool but don't get caught in all this crap. Is it too much to ask. You know Webber and Howard were "Kings" of DC, look what happened to them.

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I would only pay $40 for Sean Taylor to spit on my Father-in-law. Now that would be worth the price of admission!!!:laugh: j/k

Im all about autographs and meeting the skins but that price is a bit high for me. Met most of the guys i wanted to during the last auto show so im happy. AND i would have paid to look at the new cars anyway.

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I would only pay $40 for Sean Taylor to spit on my Father-in-law. Now that would be worth the price of admission!!!:laugh: j/k

He can do that! I'd double, triple, no quadruple that. Called me an A hole today =) ...I'm not the cheater, but thats for the tailgate...back to the thread

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