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Red Meat Price Alert

Mark The Homer

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I just picked up a whole tenderloin and 3 baby backs and 3 full slabs of ribs yesterday and i talked to a guy in the meat dept. and was told the prices will hold where they are for at least another week!!

Good call on Nicks, i put it out there in the hamburger thread cause i too used to work there back in the day (Clinton).

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I'm allergic to poultry :(

red meats all I got!! (and pork)

Im allergic to seafood but I dont feel Im missing anything. Thats got to suck being allergic to poultry.

No Chicken!? No fried chicken, no baked chicken, no chicken nuggets, no snack wraps!? Man I definately feel for you, I didnt even think that was possible

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  • 2 months later...
On my way down from Baltimore to Fairfax I stopped at Nick's of Clinton - for anyone who's interested, they have Filet Mignon for $5.99 a pound this week.


Strange ... I heard on the radio this morning that because more corn is being used for ethanol, that red meat prices were sky-rocketing. So much for that logic.

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