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Picked up a new monitor today (highly recommended)

Blighty Skins

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It was the last one there...so lucky I reserved it the night before. It's an LG L1960TR.


It looks beautiful (much nicer in the flesh)...is very slim and light because they cleverly put an external adaptor. The plastics are good and the base is solidly made and heavy. The on/off button is a touch-sensor so no pushing your monitor out of place to switch it on/off.

The specs are amazing and I've yet to see one that matches it. 2ms and 3000:1 contrast ratio!! The picture is mind-blowing.

The only fault I can find is: the buttons to control the menu (brightness, contrast etc.) are extremely flimsy and wont last long if you keep fiddling with them...so important to find settings and leave alone.

Oh...also...added bonus...3 years on-site warranty as standard. :)

Now...I researched widescreen monitors last night...and all you wide lovers out there can keep them. A lot of games either don't play on them or play badly...why the hassle? Also, there were some 19 inch widerscreens next to this one on display and they looked positively puny and small...no thanks. It's too early for widescreen in my opinion...maybe 3 or 4 years down the road I'll consider it.

I left out the best bit: 0 dead pixels. Ha...top that! :silly:

I highly recommend it..if you want one in the US I found one on Best Buy:


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Sorry, forgot to add: In the box they were very generous. It comes with a normal wire and a DV-I digital wire...

That is nice, I always had to get the connector convertors from the store unless my video card came with one, which since I didn't buy a new one for a while, wasn't the case.

If you're happy with your one, then keep your one. I certanly wasn't happy with my one... By the way...since when is $290 a lot for a 19 inch TFT? ;)

My 19 inch was 235 a year or so ago, it has a slightly slower response time if I remember correctly but eh...

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Nice monitor Blighty! It looks pretty damn sexy.

I got my 22" Widescreen monitor for $240 (brand new) - Ha, beat that! The only game I play (Counter Strike: Source) supports widescreen so its no problem. It also has a pretty quick 5ms response time.

But damn your 2ms is the fastest you can currently get with LCD (I think). Nice buy. But you should have gotten widescreen though, imho.

But enjoy it man. What graphics card are you running that with?

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That is nice, I always had to get the connector convertors from the store unless my video card came with one, which since I didn't buy a new one for a while, wasn't the case.

My 19 inch was 235 a year or so ago, it has a slightly slower response time if I remember correctly but eh...

Yours should be fine then. I had a crappy 17 inch Compaq with an eye-splitting 25ms (wont find a higher one than that). Can you say: migraine!!

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Nice monitor Blighty! It looks pretty damn sexy.

I got my 22" Widescreen monitor for $240 (brand new) - Ha, beat that! The only game I play (Counter Strike: Source) supports widescreen so its no problem. It also has a pretty quick 5ms response time.

But damn your 2ms is the fastest you can currently get with LCD (I think). Nice buy. But you should have gotten widescreen though, imho.

But enjoy it man. What graphics card are you running that with?

ITG, 22 inch widescreen is probably the minimum I think you can get away with...because it gives you a bit of height...the 19 inch widescreens I saw in the shop just looked too puny...it reminded me of my 1st 14inch crt monitor..:laugh: $240 is very good...where di you steal...er buy it from? :D

Oh yeah..sorry...forgot to answer...I'm currently running only a Radeon 1650 Pro AGP but this is just a stop-gap...xos I'm in the process of building a PC..will probably SLI a couple of mid-range cards eventually.

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ITG, 22 inch widescreen is probably the minimum I think you can get away with...because it gives you a bit of height...the 19 inch widescreens I saw in the shop just looked too puny...it reminded me of my 1st 14inch crt monitor..:laugh: $240 is very good...where di you steal...er buy it from? :D

Oh yeah..sorry...forgot to answer...I'm currently running only a Radeon 1650 Pro AGP but this is just a stop-gap...xos I'm in the process of building a PC..will probably SLI a couple of mid-range cards eventually.

i've heard that SLI and Crossfire are not really worth it.

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ITG, 22 inch widescreen is probably the minimum I think you can get away with...because it gives you a bit of height...the 19 inch widescreens I saw in the shop just looked too puny...it reminded me of my 1st 14inch crt monitor..:laugh: $240 is very good...where di you steal...er buy it from? :D

Oh yeah..sorry...forgot to answer...I'm currently running only a Radeon 1650 Pro AGP but this is just a stop-gap...xos I'm in the process of building a PC..will probably SLI a couple of mid-range cards eventually.

Yeah 19" widescreen is tiny as heck. I wouldn't consider buy one of those. I got my 22" for cheap because its an off brand (Chimei -although they make the screens for Dell monitors and other companies). I bought it at Microcenter. It was on sale for $270 and I used a $40 off coupon. Came in at $241 out the door. I am very happy with it. And no dead pixels! My old Dell 1907fp had one red dead pixel right on the screen and it drove me mad.

The Ati 1650 is a pretty damn good AGP card. You must get pretty decent frame rates in games. I am running two nVidia PCI-E cards right now, eVGA 7900's in SLI. Got em both for a whopping $220 :D. I can play most games at my native resolution at full settings. And eVGA has a really cool step up program where you send in your card and they give you credit for a new one. So when my SLI setup become obsolete I can upgrade to an 8800gtx for around $200. The 8800gtx is selling for $550 right now. So I reccomend going for eVGA. I read somewhere they are starting to sell them across the pond, but I am not sure about the step up program. You should check it out. And let me know what you plan on putting in that new sytem.

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