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We're still a bad team


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I thought the strategy all along was to solidify the MLB and CB spots in free agency and then go into the draft to tab help on the defensive line..........with perhaps a veteran DL added at reasonable cost during the summer as the result of post June 1 cap actions by other clubs.................has this changed???????????? :)

Because from what I am reading here folks are upset that we haven't yet solved our DL issues two or three days into MARCH :mad:

The back seven is improved by the additions of Fletcher and Smoot in a number of ways beyond the mere signing of these players taken in isolation.

The addition of Fletcher at MLB allows the Redskins to move Marshall back to the weakside, where he started 10 games in 2004 and produced solid results.

So, adding Fletcher actually upgrades us at TWO positions. Having Marcus Washington healthy after 2 offseson surgeries and rehab is another net plus for the defense as he is the real playmaker at LB.

Assuming Washington does return healthy, the Redskins have upgraded at ALL THREE linebacking positions over what we had in 2006. Washington by his own admission was playing at far less than 100% for much of the season.

Adding Smoot likewise helps the backfield. Smoot may be 175 and he doesn't do too well in tackling 240 pound tight ends or fullbacks, but what he can do is cover receivers.

And that is a skill that was rarely on display in 2006. Mike Rumph and Kenny Wright as the #3 and #4 corners were a joke and everyone knew it from Day 1. It was ironic to hear Clinton Portis ask the rhetorical question of why the club never promoted John Eubanks from the PS to play for the team, given the fact at times he looked like the best cover corner they had at Redskins Park (when Springs was hurt)............

Assuming the Redskins are serious about keeping Springs (at a lower cap number for 2007), the Smoot signing should create some competition for Carlos Rogers and at the same time take some of the pressure off of him.

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I'm excited about the offseason and next season so far. Campbell is going to be great. Brunell was a lousy starter, but he's a great back up. Portis and Betts both healthy is a hell of a backfield. The Skins haven't traded away any picks this offseason and are going to get a stud for the DL with their 6th pick. They also seem to be a lot more conservative with their FA additions. Fletcher is a big addition on defense. He'll improve the run defense, and his presence should have a big impact on some of the younger players like Taylor and Rocky. I'm very happy about having Rocky and Marshall replacing Holdman.

A few hopefullys here:

Hopefully Springs will stay healthy and we'll sign Smoot. Springs, Smoot, and Los is quite a trio. Hopefully we'll find a good replacement for Dock. Hopefully we won't get the injury bug again.

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Because from what I am reading here folks are upset that we haven't yet solved our DL issues two or three days into MARCH :mad:

:applause: :applause: Well Said

It is only March 3, and there is still a long way to go until the season starts. Am I saying that if we pick up a good DL that we are the best team in the NFL?, no. But what I am syaing is that our offense was pretty good the last month of the season. And with Portis coming back, Betts behind him, a healthy Moss, Randle El, and hopefully a better B Lizzel. And Fletcher might not be a sexy pick up but the man can play some football. So I am just going to chill and watch and see what the Redskins can put toghter this season.

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Yeah, coach Gibbs matching the Redskins playoff win total during the 13 years he was absent in his second season was absurdly disappointing to me. The most disappointing even. If I could, I'd say "Mr. Gibbs, please, sir, take that playoff win back to whence it came from, you big disappointing coach of a coaching man, you."

And I'd add, "and Mr. Coach, please decrease the disappointment you've brought me by making this organization have some semblance of stability in your 3 seasons back. Winning or losing matters not, only of import is that carousel of QBs, coordinators and coaches that for many years brought me great pleasure and further endeared me to this organization. Thanks for ruining that. Jerk." That's what I'd say to coach disappointing Gibbs.

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