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Gaines Adams: 4-3 DE or 3-4 OLB???

Chump Bailey

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Sorry chief, that still doesn't qualify him as an "injury machine." He's still a very productive receiver despite his age. Champ Bailey will be 29 this year, is he too old?

The ab surgery and the hammy are neither lingering injuries and he's expected to fully recover from the shoulder fracture.

Blowing our cap space on an overrated Nate Clements isn't the answer when all we need is depth at the position.

fine, i wont use the phrase "injury machine". but he was injured all season, and he ended his season with a bad injury also. he'll be 32, which is old and combine that with all the health issues he had this year, he can go for all i care. i dont care about money with the redskins, they dont either so why does it matter? they always find a way to make it work. lets concentrate on getting the best players here, not how much fake monopoly money dan snyder ponies up to get them.

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carter plays left end so he goes up against left tackles, which are usually your best blocker. I like Gaines Adams motor, his moves, his attitude (he wants to be a redskin) but I think in the NFC east, especially, you need to be able to stop the run. The only passer that is legitimately great is Donovan McNabb who cant seem to stay healthy. Dallas has a great 1-2 punch in Jones/barber, and Brandon Jacobs is a like one of those big ass strip mining trucks, he is just a monster. We need a big DE, a power DE, to shut down the run game, we can hope to make it one year with our current DT, but we cant go another year with the same DE. I'd be really happy with Gaines Adams, but I think Jamaal Anderson has the bigger upside, great junior season, only 2 years playing DE, the kid has his best football in front of him. Gaines Adams, if he can truly get up to 275 without losing speed, will be awesome. JA is slow at the snap, but that can be improved, if he gets good coaching, he will be better then Adams. it's a matter of what we want, awesome pass rush with Adams, sacrifice our run stopping ability which is essential in the nfc east, or stop the run and rush the passer pretty good.

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carter plays left end so he goes up against left tackles, which are usually your best blocker. I like Gaines Adams motor, his moves, his attitude (he wants to be a redskin) but I think in the NFC east, especially, you need to be able to stop the run. The only passer that is legitimately great is Donovan McNabb who cant seem to stay healthy. Dallas has a great 1-2 punch in Jones/barber, and Brandon Jacobs is a like one of those big ass strip mining trucks, he is just a monster. We need a big DE, a power DE, to shut down the run game, we can hope to make it one year with our current DT, but we cant go another year with the same DE. I'd be really happy with Gaines Adams, but I think Jamaal Anderson has the bigger upside, great junior season, only 2 years playing DE, the kid has his best football in front of him. Gaines Adams, if he can truly get up to 275 without losing speed, will be awesome. JA is slow at the snap, but that can be improved, if he gets good coaching, he will be better then Adams. it's a matter of what we want, awesome pass rush with Adams, sacrifice our run stopping ability which is essential in the nfc east, or stop the run and rush the passer pretty good.

you make some very valid points and I agree with most of them, but none of us, even the talent evaluators in the FO, can predict whether J.Anderson will be better than Adams. It's all a crap shoot and how that player fits into the system, and how he is utilized.

A.Carter is one cut SOB ... and it is possible to think that he could easily bulk up even more so to help against the run. In fact, I think A.Carter excelled against the run way more so than he pressured QB's last year. And if I am not mistaken, right DE's go up against LT's ... maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn that A.Carter was a right end going up against LT's all last year whihc was part of the reason he got off to a slow start, he was facing the best OL'man on every team?

Regardless ... I just feel the need to constantly point out that a discprepancy in overall wieght (of about 15-20lbs) is not a sound reason to take one player over another. And in this case Anderson over Adams. A DE needs to be able to rush the passer, and if Anderson can be coached up to have a quicker release on the ball, than it's not out of the picture to think that Adam's can add an extra 10-15lbs of upperbody strength to help against the run.

Intangiables that cannot be coached are the things that will place the value of one player over another ... and IMO (just me) ... Adams would be a safer pick at the #6 spot in that regard (if we cannot trade down) by his past performances. But that is neither here nor there. I think these players are so similar and have tiny differences in their physique and playing style ... that either would be a welcomed edition to the team and would have an immediate impact and the potential to see a lot of playing time.

I just don't see Alan Branch being wort a #6 pick considering we have Griff, Sal and Golston in the rotation.

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carter plays left end so he goes up against left tackles, which are usually your best blocker. I like Gaines Adams motor, his moves, his attitude (he wants to be a redskin) but I think in the NFC east, especially, you need to be able to stop the run. The only passer that is legitimately great is Donovan McNabb who cant seem to stay healthy. Dallas has a great 1-2 punch in Jones/barber, and Brandon Jacobs is a like one of those big ass strip mining trucks, he is just a monster. We need a big DE, a power DE, to shut down the run game, we can hope to make it one year with our current DT, but we cant go another year with the same DE. I'd be really happy with Gaines Adams, but I think Jamaal Anderson has the bigger upside, great junior season, only 2 years playing DE, the kid has his best football in front of him. Gaines Adams, if he can truly get up to 275 without losing speed, will be awesome. JA is slow at the snap, but that can be improved, if he gets good coaching, he will be better then Adams. it's a matter of what we want, awesome pass rush with Adams, sacrifice our run stopping ability which is essential in the nfc east, or stop the run and rush the passer pretty good.

I bet big Alan Branch can stop Brandon Jacobs.

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carter plays left end so he goes up against left tackles, which are usually your best blocker. I like Gaines Adams motor, his moves, his attitude (he wants to be a redskin) but I think in the NFC east, especially, you need to be able to stop the run. The only passer that is legitimately great is Donovan McNabb who cant seem to stay healthy. Dallas has a great 1-2 punch in Jones/barber, and Brandon Jacobs is a like one of those big ass strip mining trucks, he is just a monster. We need a big DE, a power DE, to shut down the run game, we can hope to make it one year with our current DT, but we cant go another year with the same DE. I'd be really happy with Gaines Adams, but I think Jamaal Anderson has the bigger upside, great junior season, only 2 years playing DE, the kid has his best football in front of him. Gaines Adams, if he can truly get up to 275 without losing speed, will be awesome. JA is slow at the snap, but that can be improved, if he gets good coaching, he will be better then Adams. it's a matter of what we want, awesome pass rush with Adams, sacrifice our run stopping ability which is essential in the nfc east, or stop the run and rush the passer pretty good.

if the priority is a run stopper...go with Branch.

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you guys are missing the point, Adams may be a few pounds lighter, but that's all he needed to be in college - and he was an absolute monster. He is by far the best pure pass rusher in the draft, which is something we need. Not only that but he improved trememndoulsy each year as a DE ... his 40 times are phenominal. He didn't lift at the combine, but he will at his pro-day workouts.

Look, I can't speak much about J.Anderson, as I've only seen his highlights (though I would not be upste if we drafted him either) ... but I just feel that everyone around here keeps saying the same old garbage that is spewed out by certain media members. Anderson played only one good year at DE ... and Arkansas used a lot of trickery and zone blitzing, etc. NOt trying to dimindish the fact that he led the SEC in sacks, that alone is impressive as it gets. But do we really want to put our #6 pick in a guy who was a converted WR who reonly oplayed one dominant year at DE, as opposed to a player DE all 4 years of his college career and dramamtically imrpved each year?

Adams dominated the day he stepped foot on the feild and continually got better each year (and I watched it all unfold with my own eyes, every game of his college career). For pete's sake, the guy is only 21 or 22 years old ... I just think it's rediculous to see a player who has the ability to change the outcome of a ballgame (simialar to that of a J.Peppers) and then somehow think he just won't hold up in the NFL because he is 15-20 pounds lighter than someone else we have on our team, or what the media protrays as a tweener? That's rediculous and people are nitpicking him way too much and way overanalyzing this. He is the safest #6 pick there is out there for us.

And for the Record, A.Carter is NOT a speed rusher ... he looked slow as molasses all year last year. True he was going up against LT's all year and was getting doubled ... but he is nowhere near as fast off the edge as people seem to think. I think he is stronger than people give him credit, but speed? I never saw it.

Adams didn't do much as either a freshman or a sophmore and only played well as a Jr and a Sr. Not that this is really suprizeing in any way, he matured and got better. Same thing with Anderson. Actually Adams blew up the one year later than Anderson did. And while Anderson is only a Jr, Adams is a 5th year Senior. Keep that in mind. He didnt do nearly as well as a true JR as Anderson did. That and Adams is pretty weak against the run. We already have one guy that is kinda small and will be attacked in the run game, we dont need 2 guys like that on the edge.

carter is good, yeah hes a little small, but you cant have no pass rush at all. id like to see carriker here, just because of his size, plus his 40 time was pretty good. anderson would be good also, although i dont watch college football, and it scares me that people are saying he only had 1 good year. oh well, any of these guys would be an upgrade over daniels, and hopefully our coaching staff can do the rest.
I agree, both those guys would be a nice fit for our D. Both play the run well and would command respect as pass rushers. They might not be as dangerous as a pass rusher as Adams might be, but I think both are going to be strong (if not exceptional) in both the run and the pass.
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The size thing on the Dline is over-rated you can stop the run by getting upfield penetration, just like you can by clogging up blocks...I think we should go w/Gaines Adams he's about 260 now and will probably bulk up to about 265-270 that's fine...

Switch Carter back to LDE and put Adams at RDE and allow him to line up wide outside the LT so he can use his speed and quickness to disrupt the running and passing games...

Tell me were Charles Mann or Dexter Manley large DE's or were thay speed rushers? How'd they do?

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The size thing on the Dline is over-rated you can stop the run by getting upfield penetration, just like you can by clogging up blocks...I think we should go w/Gaines Adams he's about 260 now and will probably bulk up to about 265-270 that's fine...

Switch Carter back to LDE and put Adams at RDE and allow him to line up wide outside the LT so he can use his speed and quickness to disrupt the running and passing games...

Tell me were Charles Mann or Dexter Manley large DE's or were thay speed rushers? How'd they do?

Dex was pretty small and extremly fast. Mann however was a big DE. He was not a speed rusher and was tough against the run. Kinda what alot of us would like here, a fast guy and a big guy. ;)

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Chump ... Carriker is a far better fit for the Skins ... he's much bigger and plays the run better and is a ferocious-enough rusher ... plus he is super smart. If Quinn falls to the Skins ... there is a good chance they could trade down and still get the Nebraskan.

Get Carriker, hes the best fit for us.

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Get Carriker, hes the best fit for us.

not really because that would still leave us with a vulnerable interior line which got abused in our last game of the season against the nyg. Tiki was taking it up the middle and getting a first down or + every time he carried the ball. Carriker would leave us with that same problem. We need branch to seal up that middle, occupy 2 offensive lineman and leave griff and our DEs with one on one matchups. if you have a problem with daniels we should make a move for kerney but in no way should we draft a DE. Our DT situation is BAD, if branch is gone at 6 which I doubt we should trade down to pick okeye. But if we get okeye, philip daniels then has to be replaced where as that wouldn't be an absolute necessity if we got branch. But as to carriker, no way! we draft DT or we go home.

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Charles Mann was 6'6 270, and Dexter Manley was 6'3 256..Gaines Adams is 6'5 260, and Andre Carter is 6'4 265...Charles Mann was muscular but he was lean like Andre Carter, and Gaines Adams is bigger than Dexter Manley...

Like I said before you can disrupt the running game by getting penetration, attacking the LOS, and gang tackling...You dont just have to have big DL that hold up blocks...

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regardlesss of who we take, I just hope that it is either Adam's or Anderson at DE ... we have solid DT's - they just couldn't stay healthy, and with Golston emerging, I think we have some decent depth there to rotate those 3 guys in and out.

DEPTH is what will help us reach the playoffs!

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remember also with our DTs, griffin is still very good and golston i personally think is starter material. he has one season under his belt and with more coaching and more comfort in the defense i think hes starter capable. also remember that we have montgomry, who is a pretty huge guy and i think the skins selected him last year to be that 2 gap run stopper, he just hasnt figured it out yet. i think with time and coaching he'll be a guy we can use up the middle. a DE will be great for us, and carriker is expected to go low first round. if we could somehow trade down and snag a DT and a DE we'd be good to go.

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