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I Found an Email...Please Join Me (Un-Merged)


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Well, since it's a matter of debate now ... here's my thinking.

If you guys are serious about these campaigns, and committed to following them through over the long haul, having them in one thread will make it easier to keep track, not harder. A week from now---two weeks, a month---when the angry buzz of the first day is gone, these campaigns will not be active on a daily basis. It will be periodic at best. Searching for one central thread will easy. It will be the one titled "Hall of Fame Protest/Activist Thread."

And identifying which campaign you're posting about is as easy as saying so in a word or two at the beginning: "Update on email campaign."

Also, if you gentlemen do stick with each of the three campaigns over the coming weeks and months and work them on a daily basis, it makes a whole lot more board sense to have one such thread always active on page one than three or more.


Edit: Or ... TK can volunteer to be permanent HOF Protest Thread cop. :)

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The Hall of Fame, the place where legends are sealed and kept alive for eternity. The place where one day my children and their children can go and remember the past of the players that made the game what it is. The process in which these players are inducted into such a honor is absolutely ridiculous. Having sports journalists vote for who they think should get in is absolutely ludicrous. These men who have not the least played any organized sport past the high school level have the honor of deeming who is deserving and who is not of eternal glory? It is such a sham how the voting has gotten political, Peter King, in an article last year, said that Washington Redskins team owner Daniel Snyder's public comments about Monk getting snubbed could end up "hurting Monk's chances". All I ask is why? What does Snyder have anything to due with Art Monk's 16 year prolific career? Today, Adam Schefter a former Hall of Fame voter said that voters would probably vote against Tagliabue because they didn't like the way he operated the NFL. This is wrong. This is so wrong to have personal biased opinions of these journalists keeping deserving men out of the Hall. This afternoon it was announced that Michael Irvin was inducted into the Hall of Fame while Art Monk was not inducted. Their numbers for the sake of argument almost identical but why doesn't the NFL take into consideration the character of the athlete, that set an example on the field and in the locker room of what the league stands for? Irvin has been arrested multiple times on drug possesion over the course of his career while Art Monk was a leader in the locker room, an aspect of which these journalists will never know or see. The voting process MUST change, let previous inductee's form a commitee of some sort and allow them to vote, they know, they see who is deserving. Hall of Fame head coach Joe Gibbs for the Washington Redskins quoted today after learning that Art Monk, once again didn't make it into the pro football Hall of Fame, "I'm disappointed that Art wasn't recognized for election into the Hall of Fame today, but I remain confident that he will be recognized for all the positive contributions he has brought to the game. I can't think of a more deserving player or person that possesses more Hall of Fame credentials than Art."

Concerned Fan.

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Well, since it's a matter of debate now ... here's my thinking.

If you guys are serious about these campaigns, and committed to following them through over the long haul, having them in one thread will make it easier to keep track, not harder. A week from now---two weeks, a month---when the angry buzz of the first day is gone, these campaigns will not be active on a daily basis. It will be periodic at best. Searching for one central thread will easy. It will be the one titled "Hall of Fame Protest/Activist Thread."

And identifying which campaign you're posting about is as easy as saying so in a word or two at the beginning: "Update on email campaign."

Also, if you gentlemen do stick with each of the three campaigns over the coming weeks and months and work them on a daily basis, it makes a whole lot more board sense to have one such thread always active on page one than three or more.


Edit: Or ... TK can volunteer to be permanent HOF Protest Thread cop. :)

I just thought that this email campaign will most likely fizzle out in the coming weeks, therefore we need as many people to send their emails in the next day or two to impress the point on the NFL network. The Canton protest will obviously be addressed for several months, since the induction isn't until summer. - This is why I thought they were deserving of their own threads.

So in other words, less merging, more emailing. :silly:

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I think all the emails have been written extremely well. I do however feel that this his how they will be viewed....


If DISS's vid sent directly to VOTERS didnt have an impact, nothing will. I think at this point we may need to be happy with the fact we ever saw the man play and we all know what type of player he is/was in life and on the field.:logo:

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I think all the emails have been written extremely well. I do however feel that this his how they will be viewed....


If DISS's vid sent directly to VOTERS didnt have an impact, nothing will. I think at this point we may need to be happy with the fact we ever saw the man play and we all know what type of player he is/was in life and on the field.:logo:

I don't know - the NFL Network may like that they have something to talk about. If enough people voice a concern - they'll be compelled to address it.

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Just sent mine.

I would like to see a serious discussion take place about the fundamental flaws of the current Hall of Fame voting process. Forget for a moment that the very group claiming to represent "The Fan" clearly does not, as evidenced by various polls after this years announcement, or that Adam Sheftner (sp), before the announcements were made Saturday, so much as said that what goes on in the voting room is a political game of certain cliques and favors. The fact that it is done secretly seems to illustrate, that even they know the system is severely flawed. So, they avoid having to defend it by making it secret. These people need to have their feet held to the fire, and I believe it is your responsibility to ensure that the fans are accurately represented.

Thank you for providing this forum, where fans can speak for themselves.

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