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Vanguard: Saga of Heroes


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Coming from an ex Everquest player (played for about four years and quit 3 years ago), I was just curious if anybody out there is looking into playing this MMORPG? Apparently it's supposed to be a mix between EQ and WoW.

I've already purchased the game and am downloading the client as we speak, if you plan on playing or are interested shoot me an email and we can maybe play on the same servers!

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Coming from an ex Everquest player (played for about four years and quit 3 years ago), I was just curious if anybody out there is looking into playing this MMORPG? Apparently it's supposed to be a mix between EQ and WoW.

I've already purchased the game and am downloading the client as we speak, if you plan on playing or are interested shoot me an email and we can maybe play on the same servers!

I was in Beta, and while I really like the game, my wife's laptop just does nto have the hardware needed to run it. Since she is on the road most of the time with her new job, just was not gonna work.

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I refuse to buy it right now.. THey basically just released a Beta 6 product. Everyone is complaining about all the bugs. People and mobs and still falling through the world ffs.. That's basic collision control. I beta'd it from Beta 2 and have been disappointed with the direction it's taken since Beta 4. When they worl the bugs out I may consider picking up a copy, however I'm done paying for beta

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I'm happy with WoW's expansion. I won't consider a game that takes a step backwords in MMO design like vanguard. There is no reason to go back to annoying death penalties (which hurt PvP more then help it) or the long boring grinds of old.

Next game I will check out is Age of Conan. Having to actually "aim" at your target will create some interesting situations among the typical MMORPGers which are traditionally terrible in any situations requiring them to do more then stand still and spam a few buttons.

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I'm happy with WoW's expansion. I won't consider a game that takes a step backwords in MMO design like vanguard. There is no reason to go back to annoying death penalties (which hurt PvP more then help it) or the long boring grinds of old.

Next game I will check out is Age of Conan. Having to actually "aim" at your target will create some interesting situations among the typical MMORPGers which are traditionally terrible in any situations requiring them to do more then stand still and spam a few buttons.

Looking forward to AoC myself.. Seems really interesting.. EVE Online is also hinting to planet exploration, where you can actually fly through a planet's atmosphere and land and get out and explore.. I will be all over that if it comes to reality.

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I'm happy with WoW's expansion. I won't consider a game that takes a step backwords in MMO design like vanguard. There is no reason to go back to annoying death penalties (which hurt PvP more then help it) or the long boring grinds of old.

Next game I will check out is Age of Conan. Having to actually "aim" at your target will create some interesting situations among the typical MMORPGers which are traditionally terrible in any situations requiring them to do more then stand still and spam a few buttons.

A death penalty is one of the few things I wish that WoW wold add. There isn't enough risk vs reward in games these days. That was what I loved about UO and AC. There was a risk everytime you set foot outside of a town. In UO it was losing everything you were carrying....armor, weapons, regs, etc.....in AC the risk was 2 fold. Not only could you lose items but you suffered vitae. Things like this really enhance the gaming experience in an MMORPG. Unfortunately developers cater to the EQ crowd or the 0.o as we like to call them. :D

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A death penalty is one of the few things I wish that WoW wold add. There isn't enough risk vs reward in games these days. That was what I loved about UO and AC. There was a risk everytime you set foot outside of a town. In UO it was losing everything you were carrying....armor, weapons, regs, etc.....in AC the risk was 2 fold. Not only could you lose items but you suffered vitae. Things like this really enhance the gaming experience in an MMORPG. Unfortunately developers cater to the EQ crowd or the 0.o as we like to call them. :D

That's great in theory. The problem is human engage in risk reduction as part of our nature. The effect on PvP is players would attack only when they were virtually assured success. Thus PvP becomes more like muggings then battle.

That creates a bad situation in games that are populated with players like me. Hell, I'm the guy that found ways to rob and assasinate players in PlanetSide. You don't want to risk your armor in a game with thousands of players where I can bring 4 friends along and "farm" the enemy that stands no chance of even putting up a fight.

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That's great in theory. The problem is human engage in risk reduction as part of our nature. The effect on PvP is players would attack only when they were virtually assured success. Thus PvP becomes more like muggings then battle.

That creates a bad situation in games that are populated with players like me. Hell, I'm the guy that found ways to rob and assasinate players in PlanetSide. You don't want to risk your armor in a game with thousands of players where I can bring 4 friends along and "farm" the enemy that stands no chance of even putting up a fight.

I play on Darkspear a PVP server.. I understand the risks. However 9 out of 10 times I'm only attacked by a group of 2 or more anyway. I love WOW don't get me wrong, but it is a little easy in the lower levels.. But the risk vs reward is when you start getting really good gear and you have to plop down 50 gold to repair after a night raiding BWL or something.

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That's great in theory. The problem is human engage in risk reduction as part of our nature. The effect on PvP is players would attack only when they were virtually assured success. Thus PvP becomes more like muggings then battle.

That creates a bad situation in games that are populated with players like me. Hell, I'm the guy that found ways to rob and assasinate players in PlanetSide. You don't want to risk your armor in a game with thousands of players where I can bring 4 friends along and "farm" the enemy that stands no chance of even putting up a fight.

I believe in being able to alter the way people play the game. In WoW it's about taking over and controlling the best leveling areas forcing people to use areas that don't offer as high of a reward. That's my biggest problem with Instances. I hate that you are secluded from the rest of the population.

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