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Mick WISHES he had a hole to crawl into

Joey T

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Mick's Schtick just isn't workin' man. If he has the right to pick on every little miscue of our team, I most certainly have the right to pick on his sorry @ss comments.

That's what makes America great.

Jesh, I thought that other sorry @ss jerk

(EJ)was bad. Mick, If you want to be a Rickles, don't use the Skins as your forum. This is not the place and I DO NOT FIND YOUR HUMOR (sic)amusing at all.

I find your conduct on this board the same as a child, trying desperately to bring attention to itshelf and that is a pitiful thing to behold. I hope you out grow it, soonsmile.gif

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Lay off of Mick He is practicing in case his day job becomes to boring to remain.

I do suggest ordering DEF Comedy Jam or watching the comedy channel though.

I do think you should think about another handle because after those watching/hearing those espn games nearly everyone I know feels like taking a Theisman


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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Joey, go easy my brother.

Mick is aces. I've had him over to my home. I don't think he's done anything terribly wild of late, especially since he's worked to shed his prankster persona. If you are worked up about the thread on Jeff George you have to consider that largely it's the case that George has always deserved some negative commentary.

I'd cut Mick a little slack. Bulldog is far more routinely harsh on the team, but you aren't nipping at his heels either because you probably recognize the thought Bulldog utilizes in his posts, or you are a tad concerned a bigger dog might turn around and nip back smile.gif.

Mick's a good guy and I'd ask that you give him the benefit of the doubt. The man makes a mean batch of coconut shrimp too.


Doom is in the box.

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It’s quite bewildering how anyone with a high school education could construe from my post about George, that it was supposed to be some kind of funny joke to get attention. Consider for a moment that the text of my post consisted of only 3 words, and reflected an actual opinion. The fact that this individual decided to go into conniptions over my post and rant in such a way, is far more childish than anything I’ve done in recent time, and only proves that he is the one starving for attention. Someone here desperately needs to get a life. I find this person’s post is so hypocritical that it borders on comical.

Joey, or whatever your real name is, apparently my little post got your panties in a wad. But chew on this, will you - I personally find your posts extremely juvenile and un-amusing as well, however the difference with me is I have MATURELY learned to completely ignore your posts and point my mouse elsewhere, rather than pout and whine in the manner that you have. Why you havn’t learned those same basic mouse-clicking skills by now, is beyond anyone's comprehension.

And it's quite ironic hearing someone rant about someone else' quality of posts as such, when the one whining has a grand total of 61 measley posts, over a 1-year period, and none of which contain much substance.

Here’s another little nugget of info for you Joey, regarding my so-called desire for attention : I personally don’t give a flying fart if you or ANYONE reads or agrees with my posts, or laughs with them – that's because when I post, I usually do so to vent - the same way hundreds of others here vent once in a while. So there’s really no logical or sane reason for you to attack my posts in particular. It seems to reflect the fact that you have some uncontrolled anger and instability that you may need to get some help for.

So Joey, do us all a favor and do one of the following 2 things when you read a post you disagree with :

1) Either respond with a coherent thought (if you can manage to gather such a thing at the time),


2) Completely ignore the post and move on with your life.

And if you choose to ignore my post, I will certainly shed no tears at the loss of your support, as I get all the "attention" I need from intelligent and mature friends of mine, thank you.

So let’s summarize what's happened for those who are slow of mind : I posted a brief, objective honest opinion about Jeff George. Joey then branches out with a brand NEW thread full of irrational whining and senseless name-calling. Now someone please tell me who’s the REAL childish one starving for attention ?

Hint : His handle starts with a “J”

Seeya. smile.gif

[edited.gif by Mick on September 22, 2001.]

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Come to think of it...

Maybe I should recommend to UBB to incorporate some kind of feature where users can put 'other' users in some sort of 'ignore' list so their posts don't appear. smile.gif


<IMG SRC="http://members1.chello.nl/~irmbouwman/gamestarter/sexy20.gif" border=0>

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Whatever you think is best Terrylaugh.gif

I just HAD a problem with how Mick treated Indy a while back and I don't particularly like Mick's demeanor, however that does not make me politically correct either.

My reason for being here is to enjoy the commerodrie (sp) and observations of OUR team, the Washington Redskins. All of us here live and die (in the sports world) for their accomplisments and GREAT deeds in the lore of the NFL.

I have no beef and if Terry wants to hang a .........on me, let the games beginlaugh.gif

Now if Mick wants to meet for ****tails........that's none of your business Terryfrown.gif

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