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Free photo editing app?


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Anyone know of a free photo editing application? I'm looking for something simple and easy that I can use to reduce the size of jpg's. I have software at home but want something here at the office. Needs to be free of spyware and all that bullhonkey.


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In paint, click Image, then click Stretch/Skew. In the stretch area, there are two numbers that each show the number 100. If you change each number to another smaller number, the pic will be resized.
That's true, I'd forgotten I'd resized in paint.

My only caveat is that I'm not sure it does as good of a job as more powerful software. So if image quality is important, you might want to look elsewhere.

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That's true, I'd forgotten I'd resized in paint.

My only caveat is that I'm not sure it does as good of a job as more powerful software. So if image quality is important, you might want to look elsewhere.

I've never noticed a problem, other than that jpg sucks. If you really want quality, stick with bmp, but I'm sure you know that.

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I love Microsoft Office Picture Manager .... its the only photo editing program that I've found that allows you to simply resize 100's of hi-res photos at one time. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but it does what it does better than anything else I've found.

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I love Microsoft Office Picture Manager .... its the only photo editing program that I've found that allows you to simply resize 100's of hi-res photos at one time. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but it does what it does better than anything else I've found.

I always wondered what you guys used to do that...

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Paint Shop Pro 6 user here, have never used anything else. They used to have older versions to DL for free, dont know if they still do or not now a days.

Paint Shop is a beautiful program. Powerful enough to do many of the tasks that Photoshop is overkill for without being too advanced to learn.

Anyways, GIMP is the staple free graphics program.

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