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Overall thoughts on Greg Williams


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Didn't Gore have a big run in that game?

And who's side was it on?

The "big runs didn't happen when lavar was on the field" is one of the more baffling myths that won't die around here.

Are you blaming Lavar for running after the ball carrier? Even if you can somehow manage to blame Lavar for that one play, Holdman has given up much more.

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Are you blaming Lavar for running after the ball carrier? Even if you can somehow manage to blame Lavar for that one play, Holdman has given up much more.

Read carefully...

Didn't Gore have a big run in that game?

And who's side was it on?

The "big runs didn't happen when lavar was on the field" is one of the more baffling myths that won't die around here.

...the only point I was making is that the "big runs didn't happen on that side when lavar was on the field" was a myth.

I left out the "on that side" in the original post. My bad.

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The defense was in this position due to the continued departure of top notch players such as Antonio Pierce, Fred Smoot, Lavar Arrington and Ryan Clark.

Williams can probably be blamed for some of those players leaving. That's where he's failed. Hopefully a lesson has been learned.

I was a big Pierce fan. We gambled that a guy who had ONE good year should be more affordable to the team that gave him his start. We were wrong. He took the little extra money, and ran.

I thought Smoot was our biggest liability in 2004. We were able to cover for him by leaving Springs on an island, and shading ST to Fred's side. He wanted #1 corner money, and as evidenced by his benching by the team that thought he was worth it, he was NOT worth it. But I did like him.

Lavar's positive contributions to the 04-05 teams was.....zero! His loss was a net gain for the team. Hopefully, he'll sell his house here in MD and move to NY. Lying maggot!

Had Prioleau (sp) not been injured, this might be a non-issue. Or, maybe it still would be. There is no way to know for sure.

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I think GW is a good coach even though I am not a believer in his high blitz system. I always thought that high blitzing was hiding other weakness. I would much rather see a front 4 that can pressure the passer and stop the run but I guess it is hard to find those guys today so it is easier to just send everybody. A good offense can usually block and burn the blitz. How many times did Tiki gash us with runs on passing downs when we blitzed? Get some killers in the front 7 like the Ravens and I will be happy.

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I think he should be unemployed right now. We were record-settingly bad on D this year. He had something to do with that, yes?

Not even Ron freaking Lynn ever fielded a D bad as G. Williams' D was this year.

Wow...just wow. One bad year and off with his head. So much for patience. Ron Lynn, are you serious? There is no way Ron Lynn would field a top 10 d with the 85 Bears Defense.

Give GW a chance. If it still sucks next year - then we might need to look - but seriously, at this point I think we need to build continuity more than a knee-jerk reaction like a lot of people are calling for.

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*Yawns* I'm really tierd of hearing the , "He has lost players, players have been hurt" excuses for GW. Every team suffers from players leaving and players getting hurt. The Skins this season weren't even close to the worst off as far as injuries. Ryan Clark was NOT a difference maker on defense like everyone here tries to imply. Chemistry? Yeah, this I agree with. But why is the chemistry gone now? If people look back and realize his defense was at it's peak probably when he was utilizing players from before he got here! He has brought in the players HE WANTED. The chemistry is his fault, no one elses. He has proven to be stubborn enough to always think his defensive scheme will always work with whomever is in there for an extended period of time. He blitzes yes. From the outside and they are usually telegraphed before the o-line gets set, that's real smart too! There is no question this defense lacks some talent but it comes down to GW's inability to adapt before and especially during the game to certain situations. :2cents:

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I think with key players hurt, Springs and PP, the defense fell apart, and we didn't blitz because we were worried about the secondary not being able to cover, which GW said several times in interviews. And the defense was out there a TON because our offense with Brunell couldn't get anything going. I think with the secondary healthy (or better) the blitzes will def. return and our defense will be a lot better. We must get to the QB!!! So, I guess that means I agree with the original post.

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In fairness, we can't allow one season change our opinion of GW....BUT if his unit fails in 07-08 then he must go....his stock was climbing but this season it was knocked down so he will want to get it back up again as I think he will want to return somehwere as a head coach.....I wouldnt mind seing greg blache be promotedwhen that happens to keep consistency and tweek where needed

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OK... so here we are in the off season and in "lets axe GW" mode. A year ago we were all hoping/wishing/praying he would stay. Give the guy some due...please. We had serious issues and he is going to look at it all (schemes, players, chemistry etc.). He is head strong and it probably hurt us but he's smart enough to figure it out. That's why he's getting paid the big bucks.

Some positive thoughts that may help our defernse in 2007:

We're now using our healthy young gunslinger QB with lightning fast receivers, excellent proven RBs/FB/TE and a refocused Al Saunders emphasizing a smash mouth running game...all with several regular season games played together. What I'm getting at is more sustained drives to give the D more resting time.

With this year's meltdown, GW will be looking at everything as he states. What better mind is there available than him to do this for us. We need dback and MIKE upgrades and a good pass rushing DE complementing Carter would be nice.

Should be another interesting offseason at Redskins park....

Just my two cents....


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I think that GW focused on making sure players are staying in the specified position rather than agressive play. The players are waiting for the play to come to them instead of attacking. That emphasis resulted from the fact that in 2005 teams made big plays (Tiki for example). In short he changed his style to emphasize being in position. The players move to their assigned position and wait for the play to unfold.

In 2004 and 2005 the emphasis was on attacking; but the big plays especially in 2005 caused Greg to change that style. That is my feelling.

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After a while the blitz makes you look insecure. I'd like to see us win some more battles with a base defense. No smoke and mirrors, just beat the guy in front of you and make a play. It was only going to be a matter of time before coordinators abused our blitz with TE's and sending running backs out into the flats.

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Yeah, let's give GW another year. Next year at this time, if we suck again, we'll be in a better position to bless him out and wish for his head. :laugh:

All the while crying about another lost season in DC. :(

If he was an upper level manager in a corporation and his organization turned in a performance like his D did this year..... well, you tell me.

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:laugh: Let's give him another year!!! We don't have a choice if anyone really thinks otherwise. And he's the likely successor to Gibbs whether we like it or not. I think he needs to work a little more on his people skills. I read the post article about him and kind of losing the locker room in Buffalo, BUT some players are also endearing to his style so he's gotta get the right people. I think he really has to lose some of his edge though, for example this article from Redskins.com....him acting like his coaching staff is holier than thou...

Assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams said he expects to have to "fight and scratch" to keep some of his assistant coaches on staff this offseason.

With four NFL coaching vacancies already this offseason--and more possibly on the horizon--other teams will be looking league-wide to fill out staffs.

The Redskins have an experienced and veteran coaching staff on both sides of the ball. Defensive coordinator-defensive line coach Greg Blache, secondary-cornerbacks coach Jerry Gray and linebackers coach Dale Lindsey were all former coordinators with other teams before joining the Redskins.

"It would not shock me if I have to fight and scratch to keep them, because people will come after them," Williams said. "Almost every year I've been here, we've had teams come after them and we've been able to maintain them. "The biggest tihing you can have in the league is maintaining staff continuity. We want to do everything we can to maintain that staff."

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He had injuries to deal with. Give him another year and see how it goes. If we see the same next year, then lets talk about possibilities. For now I think he can do well with some draft picks and a properly placed FA or two.

I agree, the defense had a bad season but I do not think that it was the scheme

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Give GW a chance. If it still sucks next year - then we might need to look - but seriously, at this point I think we need to build continuity more than a knee-jerk reaction like a lot of people are calling for.

I agree, after reading that last article on Gregg and how much he puts into it. I think after the past success he had here, you don't just can the man after one bad season..albeit..very bad.

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Hi. Guess just about everyone is down on GW but do you really want to replace him so fast? How many different DEF coordinators did we have in the ten years befor JG got here. Seems like we had a new one every year and the D never got real good. Do you really want to go back to that? Maybe we should look at the players? Seems to me the front 7 is not that big. Anyone have any facts to back this up? How are you supposed to stop the run with a small front 7. We have to get bigger and meaner up front and we wouldnt have to blitz on every play. Teams catch up to you after a while. The Giants O line killed us up front and they are not even that good! Get some studs up front and GW will become smart again.

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