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once again, margin of victory for Gints is Refs

Murilo Bustamante

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I saw two mediocre football teams out there in the rain, both of whom made a lot of mistakes. If either team had made a few fewer mistakes, it would not have been close. And maybe the biggest mistake was our pathetic QB throwing an INT to the Giants' disgraced third string corner, the one who got burned even by the Ravens' receivers a few years ago.

But once again, the NFL pulled out all the stops to make sure one of the bumbling teams won-

* blatant holding on Champ on Tiki's one long run was ignored, setting up one field goal.

* very questionable roughing the passer on a failed Giants' third down sets up another Giants' field goal.

* the Tiki fumble. Nuff said.

When will the NFL stop screwing the Skins and glorifying the Gints? The Midgets are going nowhere this season. They looked like the mediocre team they (and we) are. Toomer dropped a catchable ball for every one that he made, and was their best receiver. They couldn't get any drives going without penalties (and neither could we, though ours were more legit). But once again, the NFL took the same side it always does.

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Blaming this one on the refs is really reaching. Yes they screwed up the fumble, but I think the ref sort of realized the mistake, so he spotted them short of the marker. It was an honest mistake there was no way that he was intentionally screwing the skins.

The two pass intereference calls on Gardner were questionable, the giants has a long punt return called back. I thought the officiating was alright today.

The redskins did not play well enough to win today. That's the way I saw it anyway.

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Ok, there were many penalties called on the Giants. The Giants had the same amount of penalties as the Redskins but for double the yardage. As far as the roughing the passer call, it was quesitonable, I admit it. But, there was an illegal contact call as well which would have given the Giants a first down anyway. And you can't tell me that the illegal contact call would have been questionable because we didn't see it. I'm sorry, I know you feel this way because these things went against your team but I cursed out the refs probably just as much as you did today.

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Skins didn't deserve to win either way, but the Tiki fumble was huge. That could have been a big momentum turner, and they would have only needed a few yards to get in FG range. As soon as they botched that call, I knew it was over.

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The Redskins did NOT lose this game because of penalties or calls of the officials :)

The Redskins lost this game in two areas:

offense where the team managed only 12 first downs in 60 minutes and only 60 yards on the ground.

special teams where the winning field goal was blocked because the snapper forgot to ask the ref for a clean ball and where the Skins allowed a big return to set up a Giants field goal.

Oh, did I mention Betts' fumble on the next kick return?

But if you want to believe it is always something else other than the coach and the team that loses these games, go ahead if it makes you feel better :)

My prediction was Giants 17 Redskins 14.

Pretty close, eh?

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I'm sorry, but blaming the refs here is just the wrong thing to do.

I can think of a few pass interference calls that were called against the Giants that were a little questionable. I'm tired of Skins fans crying bloody murder about the refs screwing us everytime the team lays an egg.

The blame for this loss, and the Jacsonville loss, is squarly on the shoulders of an inept, inadequate, disorganized, and uninspired offense.

I'm no fan of refs, not by a long shot, but maybe y'all should start looking to the team to fing reasons for losses, not the refs.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

If the refs make the correct call, we have it on their 33. That is fact.

We certainly would have had a better chance to win from there rather than where we ended up dontcha think?

They screwed us a chance to win.

It was a sh!tty call, however, as we saw, a FG was by no means guaranteed.

It's ironic that the the one time we really, really needed to go for it on fourth down -- in the cold rain on a sh!tty field -- we didn't.

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Originally posted by mphilips16

I'm sorry, but blaming the refs here is just the wrong thing to do.

I can think of a few pass interference calls that were called against the Giants that were a little questionable. I'm tired of Skins fans crying bloody murder about the refs screwing us everytime the team lays an egg.

The blame for this loss, and the Jacsonville loss, is squarly on the shoulders of an inept, inadequate, disorganized, and uninspired offense.

I'm no fan of refs, not by a long shot, but maybe y'all should start looking to the team to fing reasons for losses, not the refs.

I agree. It would be nice to have a team that plays well enough that a few bad calls are not gamebreakers. From what I could tell, the team had its chances and did not capitalize.:puke:

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

If the refs make the correct call, we have it on their 33. That is fact.

We certainly would have had a better chance to win from there rather than where we ended up dontcha think?

They screwed us a chance to win.

The Redskins screwed themselves, it is as simple as that. First of all, I've seen the replays a dozen times and there was no conclusive evidence that Tiki fumbled. Second, even if that was a bad break, good teams overcome bad breaks. the Redskins still have a chance to win with a field goal and failed miserably. We can blame the soggy field, but it sure didn't look like a soggy field affected the Giants, who were 4 for 4 in FG's. The Redskins lost, pure and simple.

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