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Do you think Gibbs is unapproachable?


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Just thinking on the way into work this morning. After what CP said about no one going straight to Gibbs, despite Gibbs saying its a open door to the office all the time.

He said its because they are worried about their job. I was just thinking maybe the players are intimidated by JG.

Hall of Fame coach, obvious high levels of success. Its like someone in the military working for a absolute war hero or maybe a congressional staffer working for McCain or something....where do you get off criticizing anything?

I dont know...maybe I am over reading it, but I was really disturbed by the lack of communication comments.

What do you all think?

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Nah man, thats one thing i think that you can say about Gibbs is that he's a genuine person. If he says that its an open door policy, then i'm sure thats what he means. I've been very critical about his personel decisions and some of the coaching strategy, but Gibbs is definately a character guy. I think the fault here is with the players. If you are scared to approach a man face-to-face to discuss some problems that you may have, then thats your business. Furthermore, i don't believe that players get cut soley on the basis of approaching a coach with an issue. To me that just an excuse for being a pansy.

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Authentic is right. I believe that Gibbs would appreciate input from the players. That is probably one of the reasons he likes Clinton Portis so much. That being said, I can understand where the scared people are coming from. My boss is pretty approachable, and I know he wouldn't fire me if I had an issue. However, I'm not important enough to mention it, and I don't want to look like a complainer.

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Nah ask anyone who has met Joe Gibbs, he's very genuine and very easy to talk to. I don't think that the players have any problem going to him if they have an issue. There is something going on though where coaches and players aren't talking and THAT concerns me. Makes me wonder what Joe is doing (Playing CEO?)

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I think Gibbs is always looking for input, whether it be from the coaches or players. One thing he's made perfectly clear is that he lacks an ego that engulfs so many other coaches. It was evident in his hiring of Saunders, and I think it's also evident in his open door policy. Obviously some people just can't own up to their thoughts or actions face to face with coach.

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Authentic is right,, the interview I heard with Gibbs on the radio yesterday said quite the opposite,, many players take advantage of his open door policy to approach him, and according to what he said, offer suggestions on what is working and what isn't.

Don't know how good THAT is, but if he can deal with it, more power to him.

Gibbs always builds brotherhoods within his teams. I can't see him changing that style now.


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I have to be honest. I get on here...when frustrated...and I say things that are in reaction to my anger from this season's long list of disappointments. Then...I see Gibbs on TV...talking...and I feel like I need to apologize straight to him.

Gibbs reminds me of "grandpa"...and I think he is very approachable...

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