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Redskins vs. Jaguars Prediction Thread


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Where's the speed? The 7-WR set comment was kinda assinine, btw.

Just kiddin' around, TCO. Honestly, i believe that Spurrier will remain leery of using Champ after his one-touch, one-fumble performance against the Eagles. And J. Green is probably almost as fast as Champ is.

Also, banged up as Gardner may be, he's deceptively quick and flat-out outran Shawn Springs (who's no slouch) multiple times last week. Of course, Shane couldn't find him or overthrew him in those instances. :cry:

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Just kiddin' around, TCO. Honestly, i believe that Spurrier will remain leery of using Champ after his one-touch, one-fumble performance against the Eagles. And J. Green is probably almost as fast as Champ is.

Also, banged up as Gardner may be, he's deceptively quick and flat-out outran Shawn Springs (who's no slouch) multiple times last week. Of course, Shane couldn't find him or overthrew him in those instances.

I know you were messin around ATB. Although... with SOS, you never know :D

I haven't seen anything from Quez that has remotely impressed me this year. His punt returns are "ok", but I prefer B. Mitch type returners (slam it up in there, get what you can, and if anything opens up when you are inside, make a move from there) to the uber-chancy Lord of the Dance type punt returners. I like the way Betts looks on kickoffs, I wonder if he can be trusted with punt returns. He really reminds me of B. Mitch on his returns.

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Ha Legendz!

The vet as of late hasn't been as scary as it once was. Must be that astroturf3000 or whatever you're using. That being the last game there....not that's scary. Look for seats, concrete, people, etc. to be thrown out on the field...

Skins 38

Jags 14

The place is going to be rockin' with Skins fans. Even our practice squaders and our injured reservist are going to the game. Vegas should give US points for home field.

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Originally posted by JVILLEJAGS

34-7 Skins? And your a Eagles fan? You should give the Jags more respect then that after they smacked your overrated team all over Alltel Stadium...

I had every intention of giving the Jaguars respect after the way they beat the Eagles. They followed it up by being beaten by the Texans, and stomped on by the Giants. I then, realized how badly the Eagles actually messed up that game. That was the worst game we've played all year hands down. I give the Jags props for winning, but I don't think theyre the better team, I don't think it'd happen again, and I don't think you'll beat the Redskins. 34-7 Skins.

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Legendz, did you watch the game. We completely shut you down. It was 28-10 with 6:00 in the 4th quarter. Your team got most of their yards after we went into prevent. You mediocre recievers could'nt get open all day. Your defense is over rated..and your coach is fat......YOU GOT YOUR A$$ES KICKED IN JACKSONVILLE.


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Originally posted by J-VILLE BALLER$$

Legendz, did you watch the game. We completely shut you down. It was 28-10 with 6:00 in the 4th quarter. Your team got most of their yards after we went into prevent. You mediocre recievers could'nt get open all day. Your defense is over rated..and your coach is fat......YOU GOT YOUR A$$ES KICKED IN JACKSONVILLE.


What does any of this have to do with my prediction of the score this week? Every team is allowed its slipup during the year. I'm sure all of you got to laugh at the Texans fans after you dismantled them at Attlel too right? Oh wait...

The Eagles got caught looking past Jax, just as Jax did the same to Houston. 34-7 Skins.

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The Eagles are 6-2.

While we Redskins fans have our own issues with the Birds and their fans at times, for Jacksonville fans to maintain they are a better team is just a crock of ****, and if you were sober you would admit that :D

The Jags are an average team. Like most average teams they have 3 or 4 very good players that could start in most places and then a bunch of decent to middling guys the coaches are trying to get maximum productivity out of week to week.

Them's the facts, like it or not.

The Jags were 14-2 a couple of years ago and Coughlin made the decision to damn the torpedos and ruin the cap for the next 3 years while trying to get to the Big One.

You lost the AFC title game AT HOME and then have faded, as expected with losses in free agency.

Hoped you enjoyed that fast climb up, because it looks like you are going to be down for awhile now, just like the Panthers :laugh:

For those of us in Washington and Philly that have teams that go back 60 years or more and know championships come around only infrequently, it is good to see you greenhorns have to earn your place in the NFL before rising to the top :)

Hey, don't get mad, it's just life kid :laugh:

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Originally posted by bulldog

The Eagles are 6-2.

While we Redskins fans have our own issues with the Birds and their fans at times, for Jacksonville fans to maintain they are a better team is just a crock of ****, and if you were sober you would admit that :D

The Jags are an average team. Like most average teams they have 3 or 4 very good players that could start in most places and then a bunch of decent to middling guys the coaches are trying to get maximum productivity out of week to week.

Them's the facts, like it or not.

The Jags were 14-2 a couple of years ago and Coughlin made the decision to damn the torpedos and ruin the cap for the next 3 years while trying to get to the Big One.

You lost the AFC title game AT HOME and then have faded, as expected with losses in free agency.

Hoped you enjoyed that fast climb up, because it looks like you are going to be down for awhile now, just like the Panthers :laugh:

For those of us in Washington and Philly that have teams that go back 60 years or more and know championships come around only infrequently, it is good to see you greenhorns have to earn your place in the NFL before rising to the top :)

Hey, don't get mad, it's just life kid :laugh:

Let them have their one win and bragging rights. I'm sure it'll mean a whole lot when they're at home enjoying the games in January. They're going to finish third out of 4 teams, in arguabley the weakest division in football. BTW bulldog, I think Eagles fans certainly know how infrequently those elusive championships come around. :doh: :gus: *crosses fingers*

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Houston is a good team. When your rebuilding or builing you are going to have your ups and downs. Good point but they did beat us and I for one am not going to take anything away from them. We beat you and showed you who the better team was this season so face it. We will see the Texans again and I am confident that we will copme out on top. Not as confident as I am about this game, but thats the way it goes.

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Listen to the moronic Jag fans talk about their "super bowl" victory of the Eagles. Do you think that the fact the Eagles were called on 10 penalties in that game had something to do with the outcome? Do you think the fact that both of the Eagles starting gunners on special teams were out with injuries had something to do with the punt return for a TD? or how about the TD pass dropped by Freeman in the second quarter? Or maybe the #3starting defensive players out with injury? Look, the Jags had a whoping 260 yards of offense that day. They won and they were the better team, congratulaions. Now how about continuing that success the rest of the year. And how was it playing host to over 9000 Eagle fans in your stadium. That's right, these numbers came directly from the Florida Times Union.

Have fun at the bottom jag's fans! I was at that game, and the 96' debacle, and allow me to say your fan base is pathetic!!!!!!

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Phanatic, you sound just like those Eagle fans we were kicking in the A$$ all the way out the stadium.

I was at the game, and the reason you were called on 10+ penalties, is because your offensive line couldnt do anything with our D-LINE. Go back and see how many holding penalties you had. HMMM, Try to use your pea sized brain for a second, and think about why you had so many holding penalties. John henderson, and Stroud were coming after Mcpuke all day, and your O-LINE had no choice but to hold.........And in case you didn't know, holding is illegal...So blame your Sub-par offensive line for those penalties, and give our D-line credit for handling you up front. Dont blame the refs. You got you a$$ kicked. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Hey ballers, I WAS at the game. Nobody had anything to say to me and the 9000 other Eagle fans on the way out with one exception. I kindly told the "gentlemen" that his team was going to do nothing this season and the Eagles will be in the mix for the superbowl! You are an idiot!!! What do you expect the Jags to do this season? Why don't you listen to the local flavor on the radio (Lex & Terry and of course Sam ). Your team is less then average and will do nothing to push toward a playoof bid.

I also find it funny how you are arguing with an Eagles fan on a Redskin MB. I guess you realized you don't stand a chance tommorrow!!!:laugh:

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Lex and Terry and Sam??? Those freakin Idiots!! I don't listen to them, they are just Jaguar haters. You think I would get advice from them regarding football?? Sam Kouvaris is a chump. You must have been in the "club" seats with all the rich folks, cause in section 231 we were harassing all you chumps.

28-10 with 6:00 left :laugh:

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