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Redskins vs. Jaguars Prediction Thread


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You guys are very amusing!!! How can you even begin to come to their(Redskins) site and talk trash? You can't even sell out your stadium you losers! Until the birds came to town the largest crowd you were able to muster was 58,000! Eagles game 68,000. I wonder why? And now Steve's coming and you have a sell-out. Again, I wonder why. I can't believe you stupid rednecks are even attempting to talk football over here.



if your front office had even the slightest idea what cap management is you migfht have been able to field a contender this season! Can't wait till the Jags get a game on the road against the Eagles although it's not likely. How many of you "die hard" fans would show for that one? i live in Gainesville Fl and have been here since 93'. I am quite familiar with your pathetic franchise and it's equally pathetic fanbase! So keep spouting off with your rediculous comments about pro football. Aren't you suppose to be watching college ball anyway?:laugh:

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Phanatic, I would come to Philly at a home game. You got me confused with one of those gator fans that are your neighbors. I'm not scared of Philly fans, I would be well prepared, so you got the wrong one. Quit acting like your faking a$$ is from philly. You know your just a Donovan Mcpuke, fairweather a$$ kisser....You know your hick a$$ is a Gainseville native, and you are just another HATER who's only joy in life is too talk bad about the home team, and wear your Eagles colors and act like your from there.



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Or that's all your gonna hear, after we start stompin the Skins. You eagle fans should be familiar with getting drowned out. So for those 55,000 hardcore jag fans, we sure made a lot of dam-n noise......After we are around as long as a franchise like the Skins and Eagles, then we will have a lot larger following. We're the second smallest market, and Only 500,000 of the JAX population is actually from here, and we have the 5th largest stadium in the league. It's not like we have the population that Washington or Philly has. So that nonsense about us having no fans is ridiculous.......Our fan base will continue to grow, as tradition builds.

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I have some popcorn and enjoying the great entertainment. Who needs cable? I cannot believe I will defend an Eagle fan, but in this case I do have some loyalty to the NFC East. By the way, I still would never, ever dream of defending a Cowboy fan!

First of all the worst division in football is the AFC SOUTH. It will be the only division in football sending a team to the playoffs with a record below .500. It will not be the Jags. It will most likely be the 7-9 Colts or the 7-9 Titans.

Second of all, the game in which Philly lost to Jacksonville was due to one simple reason. Donovan Mc Nabb was "dog sick" and in fact "threw up" on the field late in the 4th quarter. He felt queasy throughout the game with flu-like symptons, but roughed it out and almost pulled out a game where he had no business playing in.

Thirdly, since this is a REDSKIN FORUM, even though the Packers and Eagles are the two best teams in the NFC at this point...remember if FAVRE OR MCNABB go down to injury or even illness, they are HISTORY. Both teams won't even be able to beat a team like Jacksonville.

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Well I take extreme offense to being called a fair weather fan. Isn't that suppose to be an oxymoron for the eagles (help me out here skins fans). I mean the last time we won a championship was in the 50's! So save that line for the 3 Texan fans that danced out of your stadium! It is incomprehendable to even fathom the possibility of someone so blatently ignorant as to assume the existance of a "fair weather" Eagles fan. Get a grip man! What you fail to understand is that on any given Sunday ANY team can win. Your team beat the superior team (the Eagles). We are 6-2 and ascending the ladder to the superbowl. Your team is stumbling its way to the bottom of the most incompetent division in proffesional football.

The idea of hanging your proverbial hat on a win against the Eagles is ludicrous. Allow me to make a suggestion--show a little restraint when bashing a team that is clearly superior. The last I checked a 3-5 season was not a clear sign for making reservations for late January. It is in my opinion you have developed a deep rooted hatred for the Eagles and their fans, after all, it's not every day that an out of conference opponent can take the stands of the oppostion. True fans follow and stick with their team regardless of the record. Most Eagle fans have been followers of the team from childhood. It's more then just the team to us, it's a representation of what we stand for. Maybe in thirty or fourty years the Jacksonville consensus will grow into this mold but until then YOU are the fair weather fans and YOUR attendance proves just that!!!

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You Eagles fans are very pathetic. You got beat by a team that got beat by the Texans, you must really suck!:shootinth LOL, but really, Do you expect to see a team that has been around a few years to have a huge fan base? Im sure the Jags have a decent sized fan base after they started out the most succesful franchise team in NFL history.

Oh yea, for you stupid Eagles fans.....YOU HAVE NEVER BEATEN THE JAGS! AHAHAHAHAH: BOW DOWN YOU B****s, WE OWN YOU :notworthy :notworthy:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy = Eagles fans

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Hoosierskin, you are an idiot. Believe that crap about Mcpuke being sick if you want too. How do you know he was sick? Because he said so after the game? HAHAHA He wasnt sick before the game, we made his a$$ sick running for his life all day....He could'nt handle that Florida heat, and by the end of the game, he was dehydrated. :puke: So believe that $hit if you want to. ALL THAT STUFF , IS JUST EXCUSES TOO ME. Wasn't nothing wrong with him, he just wished he was back in philly and his TUMMY was a little upset from being smacked around all game!

Phanatic, You said "True fans follow and stick with their team regardless of the record. " And thats just how I am, If someone gets in my face and talks bad about MY team, then I put them on the spot. Most of these fairweather fans around here will say "faguars suck", then I get all up in their grill, and see If they can talk some football.........9 out of 10 can't talk football. But I've been to every home game since 1995, and I set the BAR high, on being a true Jaguar fan. Tell you what, you wouldn't have been doing all that eagle cheering around me and my people.

but i digress, It is time for me to get :high: , sip on a little Crown, and get a good night sleep. BECAUSE TOMORROW, THE JAGS ARE LAYING THE SMACK DOWN ON THE GATORSKINS, AND I'LL BE LAYING THE SMACKDOWN ON THE OPPOSING FANS.


GOODNIGHT, EAGLE TRASH FAN. (p.s. I'm still waiting to see your group picture of fans after the game :cry: :cry: :cry: ...Awww, and ya'll were so confident, smiling and everything.....WELL SNAP OUT OF IT EAGLE SCUM, AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT, WE GOT MUTHAF*&KIN" SCOREBOARD ON YOU.......AND WE'RE 2-0 AGAINST THE EGALES ALL TIME. YOU REMEMBER WHEN JAMES STEWART RUSHED FOR 5 TOUCHDOWNS ON YOU IN 1997, DONT YOU?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Good night. :snore:

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Well thank you captain obvious for the ESPN update. Really now, why do you even bother? Okay, you beat us the two times we've played. Man thats some rivalry! I don't know what I'm going to do now. This is really pointless fellas I believe you have become conversationally bankrupt on these issues; however, I have found a nice support group that is willing to listen to your endless rhetoric.

Hello, I'm a Jag fan in desperate need of self assurance!

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You go Phanatic...did I tell you that I did meet the real Philly Phanatic in person...and he is just as hilarious! He sprayed me with that fake silly putty, stringy stuff. I think that is what we need to spray at the Jag fan, so he can realize how funny he sounds by thinking the Jags are a better team than the Eagles. Peace NFC East brother, hopefully Donovan oversleeps for tomorrow's game against the Colts...so the Redskins can gain a game on you in the standings!

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What Wali are you talking about, Wali Clever or Wali Rainer, Rainer is the one that led Cleveland in tackles last year, but the tackles where 7 yards past the Line of Scrimmage, that's the reason they got rid of his weak A@@ and got Holmes, now you got him and your D is ranked 26th... LMAO.. only in Jacksonville......

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