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15yo loses leg to Noah.


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Due to our British heritage, we tend to rephrase things into rhyming slang.

Therefore, Noah is short for Noah's Ark, which is rhyming slang for shark.

Another way is a form of Strine, a language commonly used by Aussies, or Strines. Noah can be used as a sentence - 'Mate, thad snor dash adow inna water, is it?' 'Noah, shark!' Translation: 'Look, is that a shadow in the water?' 'No, it's a shark!'

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Speaking of British heritage. This was the first thing I thought of...

(sorry about the length)

Pakenham-Walsh: Morning Ainsworth.

Ainsworth: Morning Pakenham-Walsh.

Pakenham-Walsh: Sleep well?

Ainsworth: Not bad. Bitten to shreds though. Must be a hole in the

bloody mosquito net.

Pakenham-Walsh: Yes, savage little blighters aren't they?

First Lieut Chadwick: [arriving] Excuse me, sir.

Ainsworth: Yes Chadwick?

Chadwick: I'm afraid Perkins got rather badly bitten during the


Ainsworth: Well so did we. Huh.

Chadwick: Yes, but I do think the doctor ought to see him.

Ainsworth: Well go and fetch him, then.

Chadwick: Right you are, sir.

Ainsworth: Suppose I'd better go along. Coming, Pakenham?

Pakenham-Walsh: Yes I suppose so.

[Chadwick leaves. Ainsworth and Pakenham-Walsh thread

their leisurely way through the line of assegais.

Pakenham-Walsh's valet is speared by a Zulu warrior but

Pakenham-Walsh valiantly saves his jacket from the mud.

They enter Perkins's tent. Perkins is on his camp bed.]

Ainsworth: Ah! Morning Perkins.

Perkins: Morning sir.

Ainsworth: What's all the trouble then?

Perkins: Bitten sir. During the night.

Ainsworth: Hm. Whole leg gone eh?

Perkins: Yes.

[As they talk, the din of battle continues outside.

Screams of dying men, crackling of tents set on fire.]

Ainsworth: How's it feel?

Perkins: Stings a bit.

Ainsworth: Mmm. Well it would, wouldn't it. That's quite a bite

you've got there you know.

Perkins: Yes, real beauty isn't it?

All: Yes.

Ainsworth: Any idea how it happened?

Perkins: None at all. Complete mystery to me. Woke up just now...

one sock too many.

Pakenham-Walsh: You must have a hell of a hole in your net.

Ainsworth: Hm. We've sent for the doctor.

Perkins: Ooh, hardly worth it, is it?

Ainsworth: Oh yes... better safe than sorry.

Pakenham-Walsh: Yes, good Lord, look at this.

[He indicates a gigantic hole in the mosquito net.]

Ainsworth: By jove, that's enormous.

Pakenham-Walsh: You don't think it'll come back, do you?

Ainsworth: For more, you mean?

Pakenham-Walsh: Yes.

Ainsworth: You're right. We'd better get this stitched.

Pakenham-Walsh: Right.

Ainsworth: Hallo Doc.

Livingstone: [entering the tent with Chadwick] Morning. I came as

fast as I could. Is something up?

Ainsworth: Yes, during the night old Perkins had his leg bitten

sort of... off.

Livingstone: Ah hah!? Been in the wars have we?

Perkins: Yes.

Livingstone: Any headache, bowels all right? Well, let's have a

look at this one leg of yours then. [Looks around under sheet]

Yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... well, this is

nothing to worry about.

Perkins: Oh good.

Livingstone: There's a lot of it about, probably a virus, keep

warm, plenty of rest, and if you're playing football or

anything try and favour the other leg.

Perkins: Oh right ho.

Livingstone: Be as right as rain in a couple of days.

Perkins: Thanks for the reassurance, doc.

Livingstone: Not at all, that's what I'm here for. Any other

problems I can reassure you about?

Perkins: No I'm fine.

Livingstone: Jolly good. Well, must be off.

Perkins: So it'll just grow back then, will it?

Livingstone: Er... I think I'd better come clean with you about

this... it's... um it's not a virus, I'm afraid. You see, a

virus is what we doctors call very very small. So small it

could not possibly have made off with a whole leg. What we're

looking for here is I think, and this is no more than an

educated guess, I'd like to make that clear, is some

multi-cellular life form with stripes, huge razor-sharp teeth,

about eleven foot long and of the genu *felis horribilis*.

What we doctors, in fact, call a tiger.

All in tent: A tiger...!!

[Outside, everyone engaged in battle, including the

Zulus, breaks off and shouts in horror:]

All: A tiger!

[The Zulus run off.]

Pakenham-Walsh: A tiger - in Africa?

Ainsworth: Hm...

Pakenham-Walsh: A tiger in Africa...?

Ainsworth: Ah... well it's probably escaped from a zoo.

Pakenham-Walsh: Well it doesn't sound very likely.

Ainsworth: [quietly] Stumm, stumm...

[A severely-wounded Sergeant staggers into the tent.]

Sergeant: Sir, sir, the attack's over, sir! the Zulus are


Ainsworth: [dismissively] Oh jolly good. [He turns his back to the

group around Perkins.]

Sergeant: Quite a lot of casualties though, sir. C Division wiped

out. Signals gone. Thirty men killed in F Section. I should

think about a hundred - a hundred and fifty men altogether.

Ainsworth: [not very interested] Yes, yes I see, yes... Jolly good.

Sergeant: I haven't got the final figures, sir. There's a lot of

seriously wounded in the compound...

Ainsworth: [interrupting] Yes... well, the thing is, Sergeant, I've

got a bit of a problem here. [With gravity.] One of the

officers has lost a leg.

Sergeant: [stunned by the news] Oh *no*, sir!

Ainsworth: [gravely] I'm afraid so. Probably a tiger.

Sergeant: In Africa?

Ainsworth and Pakenham-Walsh: Stumm, stumm...

Ainsworth: The M.O. says we can stitch it back on if we find it


Sergeant: Right sir! I'll organise a party right away, sir!

Ainsworth: Well it's hardly time for that, is it Sergeant...?

Sergeant: A search party...

Ainsworth: Ah! *Much* better idea. I'll tell you what, organise one

straight away.

Sergeant: Yes sir!

[Outside dead British bodies (of the other ranks) are


Sergeant: [apologetically] Sorry about the mess, sir. We'll try and

get it cleared up, by the time you get back.

[They walk through the carnage. Orderlies are cheerfully

attending to the equally cheery wounded and the only

slightly less cheery dead.]

A dying man: [covered in blood] We showed 'em, didn't we, sir?

Ainsworth: Yes.

[He gives a thumbs up and dies.]

Sergeant: [addressing a soldier who is giving water to a dying man]

We've got to get a search party, leave that alone.

Another cheery ****ney: [with an assegai sticking out of his chest]

This is fun, sir, init... all this killing... bloodshed...

bloody good fun sir, init?

Ainsworth: [abstracted] Yes... very good.

[He waves and moves on.]

A severed head: Morning, sir!

Ainsworth: Nasty wound you've got there, Potter.

Severed head: [cheerily] Thank you very much sir!

Ainsworth: Come on private - we're making up a search party.

Another terrible casualty: Better than staying at home, eh sir! At

home if you kill someone they arrest you. Here they give you

a gun, and show you what to do, sir. I mean, I killed fifteen

of those buggers sir! Now at home they'd hang me. *Here* they

give me a ****ing medal sir!

[The search party for Perkins's leg is passing through

thick jungle. As they emerge into a clearing they suddenly see

a tiger's head sticking out of some bushes.]

Ainsworth: Look!

[Their eyes follow along the bushes to where the tiger's

tail is sticking out several yards away. For a moment it looks

like a very long tiger.]

My God, it's *huge*!

[The tiger's head rises up out of the thicket with its

paws up. The tiger's rear end backs out of the thicket

further down.]

Rear end: Don't shoot... don't shoot. We're not a tiger. [Takes off

head.] We were just... um...

Ainsworth: Why are you dressed as a tiger?

Rear end: Hmmm... oh... why! Why why... isn't it a lovely day


Ainsworth: Answer the question.

Rear end: Oh we were just er...

Front end: Actually! We're dressed like this because... oh no

that's not it.

Rear end: We did it for a lark. Part of a spree. High spirits you

know. Simple as that.

Front end: Nothing more to it...

[All stare.]

Well *actually*... we're on a mission for British

Intellingence, there's a pro-Tsarist Ashanti Chief...

Rear end: No, no.

Front end: No, no, no.

Rear end: No, no we're doing it for an advertisement...

Front end: Ah that's it, forget about the Russians. We're doing an

advert for Tiger Brand Coffee.

Rear end: 'Tiger Brand Coffee is a real treat

Even tigers prefer a cup of it to real meat'.


Ainsworth: Now look...

Rear end: All right, all right. we are dressed as a tiger because

he had an auntie who did it in 1839 and this is the fiftieth


Front end: No. We're doing it for a bet.

Rear end: God told us to do it.

Front end: To tell the truth, we are completely mad. we are inmates

of a Bengali psychiatric institution and we escaped by making

this skin out of old cereal packets...

Perkins: It doesn't matter.

Ainsworth: What?

Perkins: It doesn't matter why they're dressed as a tiger, have

they got my leg?

Ainsworth: Good thinking. Well have you?

Rear end: Actually!

Ainsworth: Yes.

Rear end: It's because we were thinking of training as taxidermists

and we wanted to get a feel of it from the animal's point of


Ainsworth: Be quiet. Now, look we're just asking you if you have

got this man's leg...

Front end: A wooden leg?

Ainsworth: No, no, a proper leg. Look he was fast asleep and

someone or something came in and removed it.

Front end: Without waking him up?

Ainsworth: Yes.

Front end: I don't believe you.

Rear end: We found the tiger skin in a bicycle shop in Cairo, and

the owner wanted to take it down to Dar Es Salaam.

Ainsworth: Shut up. Now look, have you or have you not got his leg?

Rear end: Yes.

Front end: No. No no no.

Both: No no no no no no. Nope. No.

Ainsworth: Why did you say 'yes'?

Front end: I didn't.

Ainsworth: I'm not talking to you...

Rear end: Er... er...

Ainsworth: Right! Search the thicket.

Front end: Oh come on, I mean do we look like the sort of chaps

who'd creep into a camp at... night, steal into someone's

tent, anaesthetise them, tissue-type them, amputate a leg and

run away with it?

Ainsworth: Search the thicket!

Front end: Oh *leg*! You're looking for a *leg*. Actually I think

there is one in there somewhere. Somebody must have abandoned

it here, knowing you were coming after it, and we stumbled

across it actually and wondered what it was... They'll be

miles away by now and I expect we'll have to take all the


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