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Ny Times -- 30 Hours With The Ps3


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I never played the FN2... but FN3 for PS3 looks fdifferent. they were able to tweak it more over the last year... looks like you can do more 1st person boxing

with FN2, you could create a character that looked so much like you, that your only real limitations were in hairstyle and skin color. its amazing the facial design tools they give you the ability to create your face perfectly from chin to cap. i was hoping they'd have a few new features like more hairstyles (or some kind of hair editor,) a better way of doing facial hair, and a more gradual skin-colors instead of just white, latino, light-black, and dark-black.

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with FN2, you could create a character that looked so much like you, that your only real limitations were in hairstyle and skin color. its amazing the facial design tools they give you the ability to create your face perfectly from chin to cap. i was hoping they'd have a few new features like more hairstyles (or some kind of hair editor,) a better way of doing facial hair, and a more gradual skin-colors instead of just white, latino, light-black, and dark-black.

Well u can do a good job of doing it. But can't compare considering never played FN2... What I wanna see is they use the camera in the future to do it automatically, I believe you can do that already in the poker game they have.

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Well u can do a good job of doing it. But can't compare considering never played FN2... What I wanna see is they use the camera in the future to do it automatically, I believe you can do that already in the poker game they have.

from my experience, games that have you upload a picture and print your face on a manakin tend to have crappy results. it doesn't end up looking like you, and you just get a disfigured, unrealistic looking model. i much prefer the method they have in FN2 where you can actually physically construct your face, jaw, brow, head, nose, and eyes. the results are amazing (much better if you happen to have a facial hairstyle and head hairstyle that the game already has)

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from my experience, games that have you upload a picture and print your face on a manakin tend to have crappy results. it doesn't end up looking like you, and you just get a disfigured, unrealistic looking model. i much prefer the method they have in FN2 where you can actually physically construct your face, jaw, brow, head, nose, and eyes. the results are amazing (much better if you happen to have a facial hairstyle and head hairstyle that the game already has)

well from what i seen it looks pretty cool, you take a pic from the front and profile and constructs it for you i guess... i dunno how much user intervewntion there is (this is in poker i talkin bout)

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Can u say BetaMax? :laugh: I dunno who will win... but the average user won't care. Both formats will be high def and 7.1 surround sound. The user won't care bout the technology behind it. You can saw Blu-Ray holds more data... but the biggest use for DVDs aren't data storage on computers, it's for movies. So if both movies are the same... who cares...

well that's the thing, the graphics and sound in movies is getting to the point where DVD's and HD-DVD's will have to compress to fit the movie on. Also, Sony owns more movies then most. Not only from their library, but they purchased another movie companies library (or at least a good chunk of it) that will only be available on Blu-Ray. So this is not the same as Beta-Max anymore. On the movie front, Sony has the upper-hand.

7.1? :laugh: get into the year 2006, 8.1 has been out there for a few years now, and that will require even more space on a disc when movies start to be filmed in this format. ;)

Back to the point, the PS3, I hear mixed reviews. For every articla that states the thing is crap, I read a the thing is superior, and will only get better when the online thing gets worked out.

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well that's the thing, the graphics and sound in movies is getting to the point where DVD's and HD-DVD's will have to compress to fit the movie on. Also, Sony owns more movies then most. Not only from their library, but they purchased another movie companies library (or at least a good chunk of it) that will only be available on Blu-Ray. So this is not the same as Beta-Max anymore. On the movie front, Sony has the upper-hand.

Well I was looking at a website today. Something intresting was that HD-DVDs could hold 24 hours of SD and 8 Hours of HD, Where as the Blu Ray could hold 23 hours of SD and 9 Hours of HD. I dunno how that math works... (these numbers are on dual layer disks (30 gigs for HD-DVD and 50 on Blu-Ray)


7.1? :laugh: get into the year 2006, 8.1 has been out there for a few years now, and that will require even more space on a disc when movies start to be filmed in this format. ;)

a Channel is only good if it is used, You could put 16.1 but if the sourse only has 7 then you have wasted speakers... :silly:

Back to the point, the PS3, I hear mixed reviews. For every articla that states the thing is crap, I read a the thing is superior, and will only get better when the online thing gets worked out.

I got the 360 the day it came out and the Wii the day it came out. I wanted a PS3 the day it came out... only to sell it. I am a fan of the 360 and the Wii. The 360 and PS3 will be going head to head but Wii will have a pretty big portion of a "nitch" market.

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Wrapping Up

The Microsoft Xbox 360 currently provides the richest overall gaming and media experience thanks largely to a robust platform and having a year launch lead. The Nintendo Wii provides the best individual, aerobic, gaming experience and will likely be the most popular with parents (and wives) as a result. The Sony PS3 simply doesn't feel finished, but, given the ability to download updates many of these shortcomings should be addressed next year. Once that happens the Sony should be able to better go toe to toe with the other players, for now the market (at least for the new generation of gaming systems) appears to belong to Microsoft at the high end and Nintendo at the low end.

If I were buying a system for myself or for someone into High Definition programming, I'd favor the Xbox, as a gift for kids I'd favor the Nintendo (assuming I could find it) and, with the Sony, I'd stick with the PSP (arguably the best portable player and both more affordable and more available this year) until the PS3 matures a little more and drops out of the Ebay nose bleed pricing phase.

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