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Novak has a great leg


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Well he was on the Cardinals roster and I don't think anybody here honestly thought he had a chance to beat out Neil Rackers. The guy was 40 of 42 last year. I mean Novak has promise IMO but you don't cut a guy that only missed 2 FGs in 42 attempts for a guy with promise.

Every team in the league had a chance at Novak and passed, which why in week 7 this year we could just call him up and get him out to Redskin Park.

The Falcons needed a kicker and they turned to a 50 year old guy.

That fact that Novak is always available shoud tell you something, he's not wanted.

But you guys just keep acting like you know more about kickers and player potential than the 32 GMs in the NFL and all the scouts.

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Multiple examples?? What like 3 or 4?

So 3 or 4 examples makes it an absolute science?

For every 3 or 4 examples you can name of a kicker that started off bad and then became great when got another chance there are probably 50 kickers that got cut and never did anything because they were not very good.

And by anti redskin, do you mean like how everyone probably even including you were towards Hall?

Hall being the guy that was 9 for 11 before being injured, Novak won't be 9 for 11, because at 2 for 5 thats impossible, i'd be happy if he could make 60% after 10 kicks.

First of all don't assume I was anti Hall. The guy couldn't stay halethy so I won't even bring his name up because he has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Hall is no longer a factor because of his injuries.

The reason I say multiple examples is because you made it a point that 1 is not good enough for you, like you are the God of all Kickers™ and we must bring you offerings in the form of data to appease your wrath :rolleyes:

You still fail to mention Novak was 7 of 9 last year with a winning kick. You're still harping about the 2-5 this year. As if all of the skins played well this year. He started off bad, I remember Hall having games where he went 0-3 or 1-4. Still doesn't explain why you are so anti Novak. Please tell us why, what has he done yo you oh Great God of all Kickers™.

You have already crucified Novak even after he hit a game winner for us against the boys. And as a further slap in the face you say "you hope he does better" but I seriously doubt your feelings are true.

Maybe you should lay off the hatorade a bit and have a nice cold one. I'm starting to wonder if in fact you are even a redskins fan at all with all of the anti-Novak rhetoric that you spew. It's actually quite comical. I can't wait when he goes on a streak and I'll be sure to hunt you down to hear more of your negative drivel and excuses as to why we need to get rid of him.


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Multiple examples?? What like 3 or 4?

So 3 or 4 examples makes it an absolute science?


Who said anything about an absolute science? Obviousely you, the Great God of All Kickers™ have a formula which GUARANTEES that Novak will fail and be shown the door. I'm just going to enjoy reposting all of your drivel when in fact he succeeds.

We are both going off our own opinions here so basically it's just your word vs mine.

P.S. And I've checked your previous posts and you have a history of disagreeing with folks. I'm not sure if thats just your cynical personality, you just enjoy arguing with folks or worst...


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Novak has not been great since he's been back. Yes he kicked the game winner, but Cooley caught a bad Brunell pass for a TD...so what are we really saying here? I really doubt that Novak meant to bend the ball through the uprights like he did. He needs to stop acting like a d@mn 5th grader and man the hell up so we can trust him. Right now, if we had him kicking a 40 yarder on the road to win a game I don't have any faith in him! His kickoffs suck! I was a Novak supporter in the beginning, but now he's got me second guessing....

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Novak has not been great since he's been back. Yes he kicked the game winner, but Cooley caught a bad Brunell pass for a TD...so what are we really saying here? I really doubt that Novak meant to bend the ball through the uprights like he did. He needs to stop acting like a d@mn 5th grader and man the hell up so we can trust him. Right now, if we had him kicking a 40 yarder on the road to win a game I don't have any faith in him! His kickoffs suck! I was a Novak supporter in the beginning, but now he's got me second guessing....

Second guessing is one thing, and I think most people on this thread second guess Novak, at least I do too. But blind hatred towards saying he needs to go and not giving him a chance is just absurdity IMHO. Give the man a chance and see how it plays out. Don't crucify him just yet, not necesarily talking to you dwills.


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Every team in the league had a chance at Novak and passed, which why in week 7 this year we could just call him up and get him out to Redskin Park.

The Falcons needed a kicker and they turned to a 50 year old guy.

That fact that Novak is always available shoud tell you something, he's not wanted.

But you guys just keep acting like you know more about kickers and player potential than the 32 GMs in the NFL and all the scouts.

No, you're always available. Nick's been picked up by multiple teams, and has only been replaced by either a veteran who was injured and already under contract (John Hall in Washington), or by the most accurate FG kicker in league history (Vanderjagt in Dallas).

We don't know how he'll turn out, but he looks like a good guy to give a chance to and see what he turns into.

If you think he sucks as bad as you do, I guess you'll be able to readily point us to better options available out there. Who are they?

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Yeah I'm not after the man's job. Win you win a game in the NFL making a field goal like he did....that's clutch. It's like a NBA player given 1 free throw with no time left on the clock to win a game. That definately is a plus. I think he needs to be more consistent and more convincing on his feild goals and kickoffs. Every kick he's made this year has "barely" went in! I hope he turns it around. Nice to see local guys make it....

However....if he's not performing like he should....I'm all for bringing in someone else!

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First of all don't assume I was anti Hall. The guy couldn't stay halethy so I won't even bring his name up because he has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Hall is no longer a factor because of his injuries.

The reason I say multiple examples is because you made it a point that 1 is not good enough for you, like you are the God of all Kickers™ and we must bring you offerings in the form of data to appease your wrath :rolleyes:

You still fail to mention Novak was 7 of 9 last year with a winning kick. You're still harping about the 2-5 this year. As if all of the skins played well this year. He started off bad, I remember Hall having games where he went 0-3 or 1-4. Still doesn't explain why you are so anti Novak. Please tell us why, what has he done yo you oh Great God of all Kickers™.

You have already crucified Novak even after he hit a game winner for us against the boys. And as a further slap in the face you say "you hope he does better" but I seriously doubt your feelings are true.

Maybe you should lay off the hatorade a bit and have a nice cold one. I'm starting to wonder if in fact you are even a redskins fan at all with all of the anti-Novak rhetoric that you spew. It's actually quite comical. I can't wait when he goes on a streak and I'll be sure to hunt you down to hear more of your negative drivel and excuses as to why we need to get rid of him.


So many inaccurate statements in your reply its hard to know where to start.

1.) I said to bring up the David Akers thing is ridiculous because thats 1 guy, mistakes happen, then you name like 2 or 3 more guys that did the same thing, again that dosen't change anything.

Kickers are cut all the time, just because a few come back and become great dosen't mean that teams should be more patient and stick with struggling kickers.

If Novak continues to struggle and Gibbs or whoever is in charge of it finds another kicker that shows he can make the gimme kicks, Novak will be gone because that is just how it is in the NFL when it comes to kickers.

Thats not a personal knock on Novak, its just a fact and he knows, which is why he said, he was basically kicked to save his job each week, he knows he needs to be more consistant or he is out the door.

2.) No you do not remember hall being 0 for 3 or 1 for 4. His stats with the Redskins are as follows.

2003: 25 of 33 the worst day he has 2 of 4

2004: 8 of 11 worst day 0 for 1

2005: 12 of 14 worst day 1 for 2

2006: 9 of 11 worst day 1 for 2

If you are going to debate me atleast have your facts straight and don't just pull them out of thin air.

I am not anti Novak, im pro Redskin, he needs to be more consitant, to say that i'm being untruthful when I say I hope he does better is just plane ridiculous.

Do you not want him to be better than 2 for 5 and start making some more kicks?

Don't question whether or not i'm a Redskin fan or not just because I doubt the ability of our "replacement kicker".

Its a message board, disigned to discuss. I don't like Novak as a player, nothing personal towards him. I think he's looked bad even on the FGs he's made.

And I hope you do hunt me down like you promised because that means he's turned it around and kicked well. But if he continues to kick bad and is cut I won't hunt you down because i'm worried about the Redskins winning games, not my opinions being right, not to mention i'd probably have to slap myself in the face if I ever purposely hunt someone down on a message board.

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No, you're always available. Nick's been picked up by multiple teams, and has only been replaced by either a veteran who was injured and already under contract (John Hall in Washington), or by the most accurate FG kicker in league history (Vanderjagt in Dallas).

We don't know how he'll turn out, but he looks like a good guy to give a chance to and see what he turns into.

If you think he sucks as bad as you do, I guess you'll be able to readily point us to better options available out there. Who are they?

That a brilliant statment. So now because I don't like Novak and feel he has to be more consistant for us to win I'm now in charge of finding his replacement?

Gee I thought that was the coaches job. I'll be waiting on that phone call though, i'll let you know who I tell the Redskins to pick up. :doh:

I'm a fan buddy, this is a message board, Novak scares the hell out of me, I hope he turns it around but if he keeps kicking at a 2 for 5 rate he's going to kill us and he'll be cut.

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So many inaccurate statements in your reply its hard to know where to start.

1.) I said to bring up the David Akers thing is ridiculous because thats 1 guy, mistakes happen, then you name like 2 or 3 more guys that did the same thing, again that dosen't change anything.

2.) No you do not remember hall being 0 for 3 or 1 for 4. His stats with the Redskins are as follows.

Its a message board, disigned to discuss. I don't like Novak as a player, nothing personal towards him. I think he's looked bad even on the FGs he's made.

And I hope you do hunt me down like you promised because that means he's turned it around and kicked well. But if he continues to kick bad and is cut I won't hunt you down because i'm worried about the Redskins winning games, not my opinions being right, not to mention i'd probably have to slap myself in the face if I ever purposely hunt someone down on a message board.

All this still doesn't not explain why you want the man's job NOW. Thanks for going out and finding some facts for once. I was beginning to think your hatred was making it hard for you to look for facts. I'd rather not spend time looking for them, especially to prove my point against someone who has a history of arguing for the sake of arguing on the board.

The examples still stand, whether you choose to see them or not is up to you Oh Great God of All kickers™. But like I said, I'm going to enjoy seeing your excuses once the man gets on track, and in turn keeps his job. There is just no reason to send him packing after one game.


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Second guessing is one thing, and I think most people on this thread second guess Novak, at least I do too. But blind hatred towards saying he needs to go and not giving him a chance is just absurdity IMHO. Give the man a chance and see how it plays out. Don't crucify him just yet, not necesarily talking to you dwills.


Sense you enjoy looking back at my post go back and find where I said cut Novak now. Hint, you won't find it.

I have maintained my stance that if he continues to kick at a 2 for 5 rate that he needs to go.

I hope the game winning kick will give him confidence and he ends up 10 for 13 on the year.

But it is unrealistic to think that Gibbs is going to stick with him if he has another 1 for 3 game or something. Another day like he had in Indy and at the very least there will be kickers at Redskin Park auditioning to take his job.

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All this still doesn't not explain why you want the man's job NOW. Thanks for going out and finding some facts for once. I was beginning to think your hatred was making it hard for you to look for facts. I'd rather not spend time looking for them, especially to prove my point against someone who has a history of arguing for the sake of arguing on the board.

The examples still stand, whether you choose to see them or not is up to you Oh Great God of All kickers™. But like I said, I'm going to enjoy seeing your excuses once the man gets on track, and in turn keeps his job. There is just no reason to send him packing after one game.


Again I have yet to say he should be cut right now. But hey you are pretty good and coming up with inaccurate statments as proven by your quote that you can remember Hall going 1 for 3 or 1 for 4. When he has never done it for the Redskins.

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All this still doesn't not explain why you want the man's job NOW. Thanks for going out and finding some facts for once. I was beginning to think your hatred was making it hard for you to look for facts. I'd rather not spend time looking for them, especially to prove my point against someone who has a history of arguing for the sake of arguing on the board.

The examples still stand, whether you choose to see them or not is up to you Oh Great God of All kickers™. But like I said, I'm going to enjoy seeing your excuses once the man gets on track, and in turn keeps his job. There is just no reason to send him packing after one game.


Why do you quote things I say if you didn't even read them or atleast comprehend them?

I clearly said I hope you do hunt me down one day because that will mean that Novak turned it around to kick well which in turn would be great for the Redskins.

Yet even after quoting that statement I made you come back with:

You are going to enjoy seeing my excuses once the man gets on track.

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Why do you quote things I say if you didn't even read them or atleast comprehend them?

I clearly said I hope you do hunt me down one day because that will mean that Novak turned it around to kick well which in turn would be great for the Redskins.

Yet even after quoting that statement I made you come back with:

You are going to enjoy seeing my excuses once the man gets on track.

Spin Spin away bro. All of your statements would mean so much more if you already didn't have a history of spinning, arguing and in general making cynical and negative comments here on ES (I've read through pages of your posts, sad)

If it wasn't for your history here at ES i'd actually delve into more debate with you but as it stands it's just more of the same. More spinning "first you think he should go, then you change your stance and say I hope he does well". Can't have your cake and eat it to.

Just man up and continue to say that he needs to go and he sucks. Don't try to play both sides of the fence and all of a sudden throw a positive light towards your negative ish.


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Spin Spin away bro. All of your statements would mean so much more if you already didn't have a history of spinning, arguing and in general making cynical and negative comments here on ES (I've read through pages of your posts, sad)

If it wasn't for your history here at ES i'd actually delve into more debate with you but as it stands it's just more of the same. More spinning "first you think he should go, then you change your stance and say I hope he does well". Can't have your cake and eat it to.

Just man up and continue to say that he needs to go and he sucks. Don't try to play both sides of the fence and all of a sudden throw a positive light towards your negative ish.


The really isn't a debate because you have no idea what you're talking about.

I have never once said that Novak should be cut right now. I have always said that he looks bad right now and if he continues to play bad he will be gone and should be gone.

As far as spin, i'd say you making up statistics that don't even exist would be a better example of spin.

Either you don't have a very good memory or you just figured you'd make up a stat and that nobody would actually research it, sorry to burst your bubble but when you quote statistics atleast make sure they are right.

My history on ES? When someone has an opinion there is always an opposite or opposing opinion to that.

What would you like ES to be? Someone makes a thread and the everyone reply to it with a statement like, "yes you're right!"

I'm fairly confident that when I disagree with someones opinion im not standing alone, thats the point of a message board, to discuss and debate.

Also, when I agree with a thread or a statment made in a thread I probably will not even post in the thread because its pointless.

Just agreeing with someones idea and not adding anything to it but mearly echoing what they said is pointless to me and just a way to boost your post numbers.

You are taking this way too personal and making it personl by calling me the "god of kickers" or whatever ridiculous thing you said.

Its a discussion about Novak, i've used facts, such has he's 2 for 5 and that he's looked bad on this 2 makes.

I've stated that he won't be around long if he continues on a 2 for 5 clip, thats my opinion.

You on the other hand have made up statistics, you've resorted to name calling, and you've slandered me as negative.

I'm a Redskin fan, its not spin to not like a players performance but at the same time hope like hell that he turns it around and plays well.

This is becoming way too personal like I said and i'm done arguing with you because it has drifted far away from the topic.

If you really must and feel the need to keep respoding to me, go right ahead but i'm telling you before hand that i'm done.

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The really isn't a debate because you have no idea what you're talking about.

I have never once said that Novak should be cut right now. I have always said that he looks bad right now and if he continues to play bad he will be gone and should be gone.

As far as spin, i'd say you making up statistics that don't even exist would be a better example of spin.

Either you don't have a very good memory or you just figured you'd make up a stat and that nobody would actually research it, sorry to burst your bubble but when you quote statistics atleast make sure they are right.

My history on ES? When someone has an opinion there is always an opposite or opposing opinion to that.

What would you like ES to be? Someone makes a thread and the everyone reply to it with a statement like, "yes you're right!"

I'm fairly confident that when I disagree with someones opinion im not standing alone, thats the point of a message board, to discuss and debate.

Also, when I agree with a thread or a statment made in a thread I probably will not even post in the thread because its pointless.

Just agreeing with someones idea and not adding anything to it but mearly echoing what they said is pointless to me and just a way to boost your post numbers.

You are taking this way too personal and making it personl by calling me the "god of kickers" or whatever ridiculous thing you said.

Its a discussion about Novak, i've used facts, such has he's 2 for 5 and that he's looked bad on this 2 makes.

I've stated that he won't be around long if he continues on a 2 for 5 clip, thats my opinion.

You on the other hand have made up statistics, you've resorted to name calling, and you've slandered me as negative.

I'm a Redskin fan, its not spin to not like a players performance but at the same time hope like hell that he turns it around and plays well.

This is becoming way too personal like I said and i'm done arguing with you because it has drifted far away from the topic.

If you really must and feel the need to keep respoding to me, go right ahead but i'm telling you before hand that i'm done.

Correction, it's not slandering. It's very much fact dude. I read through pages of your stuff and it's just negativity. Not one positive statement in the bunch. No balance whatsoever.

:::yawn:: finished, good....Moving right along. It's just more of the same. It's like deja vu. I could have copied and pasted any one of your past posts and inserted a similar reply for you to save us both some time...


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