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Do any of the candidates have anything to run on?


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Besides, of course, pointing out each other's bad points? Seriously. Every commercial I see is a smear campaign. Are there any candidates that are running on their OWN MERIT, rather than their opponents' weak points? Any new ideas? Anyone have a REAL platform? Seriously, it's pathetic. Maybe our country has gotten so sad that you vote based on party rather than candidate. They should just hand out ballots with "Repub" and "Democrat" and leave the freaking names off the list. Sorry, a bit of a rant, but I'm so disappointed.

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Sorry, a bit of a rant, but I'm so disappointed.

Welcome to the club.

Some may call me un-patriotic, whatever, but I stopped voting for some of the very reasons that you're talking about.

One day I woke up and realized that both parties are virtually the same and the only difference is who they are in bed with financially.

Both parties use fear to energize their base and the demonize the opposition, which is completely distasteful, and when a candidate who smears their opponent is voted in, let's try to not act SO surprised when they do something unethical, or underhanded.

Another question came to my mind as I stood in that voting booth for the last time: "Do I really know any of these candidates?" I mean, I was familiar with their commercials and their party, but do I know them? It was then that I figured out that we don't vote for a politician anymore, instead we vote for the one with the best TV ad campaign and the best public relations team.

As I left that voting booth two years ago for the final time, I have never in my life felt more like a prostitute than I did that day, and I vowed never to feel that way again.

Let the flaming begin.

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Maybe our country has gotten so sad that you vote based on party rather than candidate. They should just hand out ballots with "Repub" and "Democrat" and leave the freaking names off the list.

I agree. That's how I'll vote. The left is a joke. No matter who it is, I'm voting Repub. :D

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Asbury, not voting is not the answer, go to the polls and vote for a third party candidate. If all the disgruntled people did that it wold send a big time message. I will be voting for several third party people in the state and local elections this year.

WE need a viable third party and campaign reform.

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Asbury, not voting is not the answer, go to the polls and vote for a third party candidate. If all the disgruntled people did that it wold send a big time message. I will be voting for several third party people in the state and local elections this year.

WE need a viable third party and campaign reform.

I live in central Kentucky, and there is only a single 3rd party candidate on the whole ticket. And he doesn't stand a chance. Here is our ballot.


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