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Highlights on YouTube.


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I have created two "highlight videos" that were posted on YouTube for a couple of months...until I received this e-mail:

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by The National Football League claiming that this material is infringing.

Looks like NFL highlights will no longer be allowed.


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I'll give you the skinny on this ENTIRE situation. GOOGLE. GOOGLE...GOOGLE.

Google...which I like to think is a great company when you look at its employee benefits - on-site doctors, masseusse, dentists, dry cleaning, etc...promotes itself as an anti-Microsoft embodiment...as it continually likes to blast Microsoft and its business practices.

Which - is hilarious...because...for online video market-share...they (just like what Microsoft does)...decides to bully everyone and "buy" You Tube. You tube, before Google's ownership, was a broke entity with little money....which is why they never faced lawsuits from artists, organizations, etc. Now that they are owned by Google, which has a TON of capitol...they can no longer have material that is 'infringing'. Things like NFL highlights, music videos, cartoons, movie clips, etc...are all going to be blasted from You Tube...

All because Google, unable to escape its destiny, is just like Microsoft afterall...

Weak, google.

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The previous owners were able to get away with having copyrighted material on YouTube because 1) they couldn't prove any profit and 2) they didn't have any liquid assests worth suing for...

Google on the other hand...

This is why the crackdown... So don't blame Google...they're just trying to keep from getting sued off their ass...

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This is why the crackdown... So don't blame Google...they're just trying to keep from getting sued off their ass...

Ummm...no, blame Google...because they are the lone reason why you cannot post material like Sean Taylor ripping people's faces off...

It's like I said...Google cannot escape their destiny...they are already becoming Microsoft. I feel bad for them...because they paid out the butt for You Tube...and You Tube...because you can no longer post things like...NFL highlights, South Park clips, John Kerry botching jokes on the military and looking like the donkey of the week, will no longer remain the community it once was.

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Damn, I just checked and all but two or three of the dozen videos I have saved have been blocked. Is there anywhere else to get a hold of them? Ive never understood enforcing a copyright when you don't intend to make the footage available for purchase, not that Im going to go out and buy $500 worth of NFL DVDs.

Like the "Dallas Week" intro to the NFC Championship, where the hell can I get that now? :(

All I got left is the marching band, seat cushion game, and the Chris Paul video "Redskins are Back".

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Another reason why I ask all of you to send me your videos, ill host them for free, and the links wont die unless a server problem occurs.

or NFL tells you to take them down. If its more of a NFL is getting more active in protecting its assests that very well may happen.

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You'll like this if you haven't seen it already...

Theories on YouTube acquisition

"Youtube knew they had an issue and had offered a straight revenue

share deal if the complainants would call off the dogs and give them

time. The media companies quickly rejected this path for two reasons.

First off Youtube wasn't making any money and was fuzzy about how they

would generate revenue in the future. But more important the media

companies view is that there was a mountain of past infringement that

Youtube had engaged in and built their business on and they felt they

deserved some of this accumulated value. And who could blame them. In

spite of the media "user generated" puff pieces it was clear to all

involved that they generated that content by hooking up their TV tuner

cards to their PCs."

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The previous owners were able to get away with having copyrighted material on YouTube because 1) they couldn't prove any profit and 2) they didn't have any liquid assests worth suing for...

Google on the other hand...

This is why the crackdown... So don't blame Google...they're just trying to keep from getting sued off their ass...


Good call Not the same but the reason why they are suing

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