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What is wrong with us Fans...


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There have been some messages on this board recently which have made me realize why this team will never be able to acheive the level of consistency of the Eagles and Patriots. In all of the 80000000 Campbell threads several people inevitably state that "give him a few games and if he sucks we can draft a new QB or sign one for next year."

Are you kidding me? Seriously do you honestly belive that is what we should do? As someone else on this board put it so perfectly "This is why we cant have nice things!!!" The fact that anyone on this board would even consider giving up on JC after a few games this season, or as some posters suggested "4 or 5 drives" is insane. This "win now or else" mentality has got to stop.

If we ever want to be an elite franchise again we have to go through a rebuilding process, and that starts with young players who need time to grow and mature. Look at Alex Smith out in SF, he was HORRIBLE last year but now he looks like one of the most promising young QBs in the game. David Carr in Texas was a marginal qb for several years and now he is the top rated QB in the league.

Once Campbell gets in we must give him several YEARS not games to fully reach his potential. We have far too many other holes on this team to be going out and wasting more cap room on another QB. Might this mean having to deal with mediocre football teams for a few years? Yeah, but what else is new the Skins have been bad for a decade whats a few more years.

Its time for people to look pragmatically at the Skins and not dream of a Super Bowl every year. This team needs a plan, a direction, a fresh start. It does not need to give up on a QB after a few games. For the good of us all lets all start looking at this team realistically and look to the future and stop only living for the here and now. Thank you.

Go Skins.

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There have been some messages on this board recently which have made me realize why this team will never be able to acheive the level of consistency of the Eagles and Patriots. In all of the 80000000 Campbell threads several people inevitably state that "give him a few games and if he sucks we can draft a new QB or sign one for next year."

Are you kidding me? Seriously do you honestly belive that is what we should do? As someone else on this board put it so perfectly "This is why we cant have nice things!!!" The fact that anyone on this board would even consider giving up on JC after a few games this season, or as some posters suggested "4 or 5 drives" is insane. This "win now or else" mentality has got to stop.

If we ever want to be an elite franchise again we have to go through a rebuilding process, and that starts with young players who need time to grow and mature. Look at Alex Smith out in SF, he was HORRIBLE last year but now he looks like one of the most promising young QBs in the game. David Carr in Texas was a marginal qb for several years and now he is the top rated QB in the league.

Once Campbell gets in we must give him several YEARS not games to fully reach his potential. We have far too many other holes on this team to be going out and wasting more cap room on another QB. Might this mean having to deal with mediocre football teams for a few years? Yeah, but what else is new the Skins have been bad for a decade whats a few more years.

Its time for people to look pragmatically at the Skins and not dream of a Super Bowl every year. This team needs a plan, a direction, a fresh start. It does not need to give up on a QB after a few games. For the good of us all lets all start looking at this team realistically and look to the future and stop only living for the here and now. Thank you.

Go Skins.

A quick lesson:

Redskins fans = Best people in the world.

People = Still effing stupid regardless of how brilliant their choices in football teams may be.


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A quick lesson:

Redskins fans = Best people in the world.

People = Still effing stupid regardless of how brilliant their choices in football teams may be.


:laugh: How true.

I understand the philosophy of rebuilding through the draft. It requires great smarts, some fortune, and incredible patience... but if it works it works perfectly. If we were 5-2, or even 4-3 right now, we wouldn't be questioning the philososphy of our FO of building through free agency right now. I understand that philosophy too. It's a little more risky, but if you get the right guys at least 80% of the time it does the job and it does it faster than the draft would.

I actually like the free agent philosophy a little better, with building depth through the draft. It hasn't panned out that well this year so far... but in reality, most of the free agents we aquired have been great successes for us. I think the things we've done this year that has caused our 2-5 record have nothing to do with the free agents we brought in... just injuries, and a new offense to learn.

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Fans want to win now, regardless of what is rational or logical.

This is probably stupid and psychobabble, and lame internet psychology speak, but the fans probably reflect the attitude of management in your organization. Every year, if it doesn't win it all, blow it up and try something new. That never works in pro sports, but it happens in washington every year, and the fans buy into it, get tremendously excited, which of course provides a tremendous let-down when once-again, conventional knowledge wins out and the free-agent chasing method fails.

Forums are a great place to vent. Of course, you're always gonna have those guys who want to jump off a bridge if something isn't successful immediately. It's just unfortunate that your owner is one of those guys.

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