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My 1,000th Post = Long Time Strat Analysis

Troy Fakeman

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For my 1,000th post...I would like to comment on the direction of our franchise...not just the direction of our 'current' team.

We have had both success and failure when it comes to the draft...from Desmond Howard to Champ Bailey...and from Heath Shuler to Sean Taylor. It just surprises me that The Danny / The Vinny still try the "quick fix" approach and that they do not see the success other franchises have when building a championship unit. I know I am not a lone when I say that I am tired of being the "Pre-Season" champs. Other players and fans...and probably owners...joke on us about it constantly...

I heard Tiki Barber say in an interview...when the Giants were underperforming earlier in the season...that they "are like the Redskins...having all of this talent but not producing". Do not get me wrong...I get excited when we bring in new talent...and I actually like the Randle El and AA moves...but I want to see us start farming talent from college - you know...guys that are brought up w/ Burg. and Gold...and have a 'connection' to the franchise.

Personally...I am just tired of turning and burning our team / coaching staff every season like some hired admin assistant working part time for some random office. It's weak - and Danny...Vinny C...even Mr. Gibbs...everyone laughs at you...repeatedly...when you do this year after year after year.

You win 11 games...make it to the playoffs...then bring in two Wide Receivers...a new Tight End...a new Defensive End...a new Safety...and on top of all of that...a new Offensive "Genius"...and expect our team to play like a well-oiled machine during the first few games of a tough season.


I apologize for any spelling / and / or grammatical errors...considering how some of you like to call out people in a web forum...rofl...

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Let's see, we have two players that we drafted sitting on the bench doing squat when the person ahead of them in the depth chart is sucking it up. Not to mention, we gave up a HELLUVA lot for 'em. Right now this team needs a spark and you're telling me JC and/or Rocky won't give a spark to their respective sides of the ball?

I call shinanagans!.

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Totally agree with what you are saying about the players but are you saying the same thing about the coaches? We need to stick with this same coaching staff for 07? Saunders calling the plays? Too many coaches too many new plays and verbiage can make your all star squad play below their abilities because they are figuring out the system.

Team game it takes time. I hope Gibbs sticks it out one more year at least.

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Congrats on 1K.

It's hard to have a player connected to a franchise with free agency.

When we won championships it was another league.

Now most of the players want money not championships. I dont say its bad its the way it is.

Those times are over and I think its the thing that Gibbs hasn't understand.

Just beat the Cowgirls!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Totally agree with what you are saying about the players but are you saying the same thing about the coaches? We need to stick with this same coaching staff for 07? Saunders calling the plays? Too many coaches too many new plays and verbiage can make your all star squad play below their abilities because they are figuring out the system.

Team game it takes time. I hope Gibbs sticks it out one more year at least.

I understand what you are saying...I was alluding to the numerous coaching changes before Gibbs' arrival. Also...I love the Al Saunders addition...and I know it will take time to learn his schemes...I just think it should be of no surprise that our players are S-T-R-U-G-G-A-L-I-N-G this year...considering all of the coach / player acquisitions / changes.

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