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Are Some of U People Crazy?: Sean Taylor

Drunken Master III

What is the biggest factor in the defensive decline  

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  1. 1. What is the biggest factor in the defensive decline

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I am trying to understand why I see people on hear bashing Sean Taylor. Im hearing things like he covers as well as Archuleta and he misses tackles like the average safety. Some of you people are ridiculous. Do you expect him to cover the whole entire field. You all should understand that he is human and not Superman. I do not care who you put at safety. If the corners are playing sucky then its gonna be tough on anyone. I guess he did kind of resemble Superman in his first two seasons so maybe that is where the misunderstanding is. He is still top 3 or 4 in my book in the entire NFL. :2cents:

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Yeah these folks on this board are smokin good! Taylor can cover with the best. Randy Moss 1 on 1 is just an example off the top. He covers big time. Yes he's been beat a few times (mainly in the Giants game at the meadowlands) but he's a stud in coverage....

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I am trying to understand why I see people on hear bashing Sean Taylor. Im hearing things like he covers as well as Archuleta and he misses tackles like the average safety. Some of you people are ridiculous. Do you expect him to cover the whole entire field. You all should understand that he is human and not Superman. I do not care who you put at safety. If the corners are playing sucky then its gonna be tough on anyone. I guess he did kind of resemble Superman in his first two seasons so maybe that is where the misunderstanding is. He is still top 3 or 4 in my book in the entire NFL. :2cents:

must have been a Funboys fan that posted what you saw.All ive seen is talks about how he might be the best FS in the NFL:D

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i love sean taylor as much as anybody else.. favorite player on the skins team..

but his cover skills has diminshed a bit this year and his angles on tackles are also bad.. now, i don't know if he is trying cover for AA in secondary or what, but he is chasing plays like AA

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Taylor is GOD ... You think we suck now ? I wish everyone could see how much worse this defense would be without him.

The redskins #1 priority should be to get him a contract extension this offseason!

remember the game when we played the Bucs without ST we got smoked

ST is the best one on one cover Saftey in the nfl:D

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Taylor is a great safety. The one thing i've noticed is that he's getting a bit TOO reckless with his tackling. He's constantly going for knockout hits and/or trying to strip the ball. I've seen RB's bounce off his tackles in the last few games when he doesn't wrap up. Sometimes getting the tackle and keeping a player from getting big yardage is just as good as a big hit!

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I am trying to understand why I see people on hear bashing Sean Taylor. Im hearing things like he covers as well as Archuleta and he misses tackles like the average safety. Some of you people are ridiculous. Do you expect him to cover the whole entire field. You all should understand that he is human and not Superman. I do not care who you put at safety. If the corners are playing sucky then its gonna be tough on anyone. I guess he did kind of resemble Superman in his first two seasons so maybe that is where the misunderstanding is. He is still top 3 or 4 in my book in the entire NFL. :2cents:

For real? I haven't seen any threads like that unless I have overlooked them.

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taylor is a great player, but when people make remarks like 'st is the only player on defense that shows he can tackle' makes me wonder what kind of juice they are drinking during the game, I have seen him miss as many tackles as the rest of the guys this season in which nobody has shown they know how to tackle

its the 'what have you done for me lately' complex, sure he has been GREAT the past couple seasons, but he isnt this season, he should get criticized just as much as everyone else I think, nobody is off limits when a team is playing so bad

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I am trying to understand why I see people on hear bashing Sean Taylor. Im hearing things like he covers as well as Archuleta and he misses tackles like the average safety. Some of you people are ridiculous. Do you expect him to cover the whole entire field. You all should understand that he is human and not Superman. I do not care who you put at safety. If the corners are playing sucky then its gonna be tough on anyone. I guess he did kind of resemble Superman in his first two seasons so maybe that is where the misunderstanding is. He is still top 3 or 4 in my book in the entire NFL. :2cents:

well then maybe you should all stop acting like he is superman :rolleyes:

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i love sean taylor as much as anybody else.. favorite player on the skins team..

but his cover skills has diminshed a bit this year and his angles on tackles are also bad.. now, i don't know if he is trying cover for AA in secondary or what, but he is chasing plays like AA

I think he's trying to cover AA's mistakes, the corner's mistakes, the LB's mistakes in coverage and the line and LB's mistakes in the run game.

ST may have the most heart on this team, def on the defense. I have all the respect in the world for Taylor and do think if he's not the best safety in the league now he will be. We gotta remember he's still a little on the young side.

But again, I think he's "fighting his guts out" and I mean that, not Gibbs speak....he's trying to be the entire D, can't blame him for that!!!!

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its the 'what have you done for me lately' complex, sure he has been GREAT the past couple seasons, but he isnt this season, he should get criticized just as much as everyone else I think, nobody is off limits when a team is playing so bad

think it's time to update the sig my friend, where's Ramsey right now???

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I think he's trying to cover AA's mistakes, the corner's mistakes, the LB's mistakes in coverage and the line and LB's mistakes in the run game.

ST may have the most heart on this team, def on the defense. I have all the respect in the world for Taylor and do think if he's not the best safety in the league now he will be. We gotta remember he's still a little on the young side.

But again, I think he's "fighting his guts out" and I mean that, not Gibbs speak....he's trying to be the entire D, can't blame him for that!!!!

Well said! :applause:

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taylor is a great player, but when people make remarks like 'st is the only player on defense that shows he can tackle' makes me wonder what kind of juice they are drinking during the game, I have seen him miss as many tackles as the rest of the guys this season in which nobody has shown they know how to tackle

its the 'what have you done for me lately' complex, sure he has been GREAT the past couple seasons, but he isnt this season, he should get criticized just as much as everyone else I think, nobody is off limits when a team is playing so bad

It's people like you who forget the plays Taylor has made this year; like forcing fumbles by Julius Jones and Tiki Barber.

While Taylor may have missed some tackles, you can bet your bottom dollar that he's made his fair share of tackles. Can you imagine what are defense would look like if we didn't have Taylor on the field?

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I am trying to understand why I see people on hear bashing Sean Taylor. Im hearing things like he covers as well as Archuleta and he misses tackles like the average safety. Some of you people are ridiculous. Do you expect him to cover the whole entire field. You all should understand that he is human and not Superman. I do not care who you put at safety. If the corners are playing sucky then its gonna be tough on anyone. I guess he did kind of resemble Superman in his first two seasons so maybe that is where the misunderstanding is. He is still top 3 or 4 in my book in the entire NFL. :2cents:

:stop: Since it seems like you mentioned me by taking what I said from another thread I might as well defend it here. I did say Taylor and AA are making mistakes in coverage. If YOU can't see that you are a homer. Plain and simple. And coming from someone who bashes Brunell at will and calls his defenders(not me being one of them) homers is quite ironic if you ask me.

People are trying to blame Adam Arch for the problems with the deep ball. Did you all watch the game two weeks ago? If you did, you will see that it was Taylor who gave up two HUGE plays and not Arch. That being said, since you attempted to take what I was saying out of context, I think both AA and ST are being exposed because neither are here for their coverage skills . Period.

AA and ST are roaming , hard hitting, aggressive safeties. When they are forced to bail out our so-called "cover-corners" they are usually out of position and having to come from behind because they are biting on PA fakes because our DL and LBs can't stop the run, or bailing out a LB in coverage over the middle short, etc. I have a news flash for you. Most GOOD safeties bite on a good PA fake especially when their DL gets run over like a freight train by opposing RBs. Most GOOD safeties need decent corners to help elevate their play. It's because they are aggressive, and when you have corners playing for you who cannot cover their own shadows your safeties look foolish. You cannot tell me that AA looks bad for letting a reciever blow by Rogers and then on the next play tell me Taylor "shouldn't have to cover the whole field" when a reciever blows by Wright, or Ruimph,or Springs, or Rogers, or whoever else we have had out there!

I agree, Taylor is a GREAT Safety! And Arch isn't nearly as bad as people are making him out to be. :2cents:

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Taylor is a great player, an excellent safety and my favorite Redskin but he isn't playing as well as he could right now. Yes, he's playing with more fire and intesity than most of the D and yes, he's being asked to do too much. However, he does still take bad angles, not wrap up tackles and whiff at times has gotten beat in coverage and on play fakes this year. That's just a fact. Like I said, he's still an excellent player and should be much better if the rest of the D can come around, but he's not where I excpeted him to be this year, either. Some of the things he messes up are the same fundamental mistakes he was making as a rookie and it could be argued that he's making them a little more frequently than when he was a rookie. Again, probably a product of the entire D, still love him, but I hoped for more this year.

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I don't think his skills have diminished. Your skills don't decline at 22 or however young he is.

He's being asked to do too much. But at the same time he's still a beast, but the guys around him have to play better.

I'd love to see Taylor playing on a team that can rush the passer like Carolina or Minnesota. He'd be the best FS in the NFL.

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