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Another Brunell Supporter Gives his Resignation and Saunders on the sideline...


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Does he really? Where was Brunell against the Vikings? Where was he against Tennessee? Those were games were our defense bent but gave us plenty of chances to win the game. Brunell was the guy that had a chance to make it happen then and he didn't.

We didn't need stellar QB play in those two games we just needed the occasional play made and Brunell failed to deliver.

We win those games and we're 4-3 with a legitimate shot for a wildcard spot and a possible division title.

We're 2-5 with home losses against the Vikings and Tennesse, yet somehow Brunell gives us the best chance to win. Bizarre, that's the only word that comes to mind.

When you put it like that, I become even more pissed off. Even with this crappy D, we STILL could be in the thick of things.

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Well in reality we are no more out of the divisional race than we were 2 weeks ago after the loss to the Giants. The Eagles lost the last 2 games as well. If they were 6-1 instead of 4-3 Brunell probably would be benched soon.

I'd expect him to start at least the Dallas game anyway since we don't want to lose that one and Gibbs still thinks Brunell can win. I kinda agree, if the OL could actually pass block Brunell could burn some teams but he is way way too jittery back there. He also still plays as if he thinks he has mobility, he doesn't know or refuses to use the pocket. He's like Michael Vick back there without the speed and elusiveness. Many of the times the OL actually get a good block on the rusher Brunell backpedels too far and allows the defender a straight shot on him. Unbelievable that this has never been fixed.

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Why is everyone complaining about the QB position when the Defense can't stop anything. The most glaring problem we have is defense. If you can't stop anyone on D you're not going to win. Last I checked Brunell wasn't the one getting burned on passes play after play.

The other problem we have is that the offensive line isn't holding up. No holes for the running game and suspect pass protection. This was a good unit last year, I just don't know why they are so poor this year.


Maybe you should go back and read my post all the way through instead of seeing the Brunell criticism and answering blindly. I gave my take on the D and why we need a more mobile QB because our O-line is getting torched out there.

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I'm not a Brunell hater either but I think it's time for Campbell to start for the following reasons:

Brunell has become predictable. Every knows he's looking for only 2 receivers. Moss, then Cooley. We got talent that was supposed to take the pressure off Moss but they might as well not exist. Campbell has no such history and will be more likely to spread it around. It also might force Saunders to a more basic, run-first offense which is this team's stength. (And for God's sake give TJ some playing time)

This team has become less than the sum of its' parts. Some might say going to Campbell now would signal to the team that we've given up. My take is they would rally around him and play more inspired football on BOTH sides of the ball.

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I think the bye week is the perfect time to make the switch. Plenty of practice time available to lead up to the game, and making the change now provides Campbell the most time to ready himself. At the same time, keeping it quiet until the last minute doesn't allow for other teams to try to prepare for a more mobile QB. Make the switch TODAY for maximum impact.

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Here it is, ladies and gents. The "fairweather" fan that so many of you have been looking for.

If you cant support this team through good times and BAD, get the **** outta here.

Give me one good reason, based in fact (not your opinion of what a true fan is), that TC should keep showing up every Sunday when the team, as a whole, is not showing up.

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That's right. I've been very pro-Brunell for pretty much the entire season and I'm here to tell you that I am officially joining the "put-Campbell-in-now" crowd.

You won't see me using any of the stupid "the future is now" signatures, but the time has come. It's not unrealisitic to believe that we could still earn a wildcard spot, but it will never happen with Brunell under center.

First off, let me say that Brunell didn't have a ****ty game yesterday, but there are two glaring problems that I see with him that cannot be fixed:

1) He just isn't mobile. In today's NFL a QB MUST be able to escape the rush and Brunell can't do that. Right now, if defenders make it into our backfield the play is over. Either Brunell gets sacked or he throws the ball away and we need someone who can elude defenders and continue the play. I'm not saying we need Mike Vick, but we need to be able to produce plays even under pressure.

2) Brunell is too willing to check down to a back or TE when he doesn't find a reciever open right away. This may be due to his lack of mobility, since eventually defenders will make it into the backfield, I feel that Brunell finds it imperative to get rid if the ball as quickly as he can so he can salvage the play.

So that's that, we need a younger more athletic QB to have a shot at salvaging this season...ahem! Jason Campbell. I hate to say it but Troy Aikman was right yesterday.

Now about Al Saunders....

We need him on the sidelines going over plays with Gibbs. Get his ass out of the air-conditioned booth and have him check over each play with Gibbs. The man obviously cannot make sound decisions on his own. It's time to have JG check and approve everything before it's executed.

And yes I realize that our D is to blame too, but I feel that injuries are where the problems lie there, sans the LB position. By our next game our banged up D-Line will be back to good health and we will finally have Carlos Rogers and Shawn Springs starting on the field at the same time, which will improve our secondary drastically.

The only change I see that needs to be made here is the insertion of Rocky McIntosh into the starting lineup.

So that's it. Brunell bashers, I officially eat my words...it's time for Campbell. I truly believe that he can provide us with a winning record at the very least. And if not, at least he will have some experience for next year...

And everyone remember, we have the same amount of wins as the defending Super Bowl champs!!!:)

Welcome to the club. Impeach Boonell!

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Here it is, ladies and gents. The "fairweather" fan that so many of you have been looking for.

If you cant support this team through good times and BAD, get the **** outta here.

Get over yourself, jackass. This "fairweather" fan has followed the Skins my entire life and suffered through the same pitiful play and losing seasons as you have. **** you.

I refuse to watch the Redskins until Brunell is on the bench where he belongs. Even if the Redskins continue losing with Campbell at least I have PROGRESS to look forward to. All watching does is ruin my Sunday at this point. And apparently, unlike you, I have other things I could do that could be much more fun and constructive.

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I am writing this with a heavy heart. If we change QB'S then it is time play Jason Cambell and release Mark Brunell. Once the change is made Collins should stay as the 2nd QB. Next year we can bring a vet in to provide comp for Jason. And it looks like the time to change is going to be sooner than later.

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I am joining as well.. this is the first week that i was actually wanting to see JC in the game.... i dont think for a minute that it will mean we make the playoffs... thats a far stretch... but i think it will help this team in the long run... it will also keep our offensive stars happy.... i just get the feeling that no one supports brunell as far as the players go..... i dont think they believe he can get it done anymore... i think we need to see what JC has because if he doesnt improve any over the last 9 games then we need to start looking elsewhere in a hurry....

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I am joining as well.. this is the first week that i was actually wanting to see JC in the game.... i dont think for a minute that it will mean we make the playoffs... thats a far stretch... but i think it will help this team in the long run... it will also keep our offensive stars happy.... i just get the feeling that no one supports brunell as far as the players go..... i dont think they believe he can get it done anymore... i think we need to see what JC has because if he doesnt improve any over the last 9 games then we need to start looking elsewhere in a hurry....

Well, according to the Gibbs press conference, Brunell's playing against Dallas in two weeks. I, like all Redskins fans hope that we beat the crap out of Dallas, but if not, then it's absolutely and positively time to hand the ball over to JC, because I agree with the last part of your post 100 percent...we need to know what he can do before the draft...that is if we have any draft picks in the spring.

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It's not time yet. Brunell gives us the best chance to win, and he played a hell of a game yesterday. The reason he checked down yesterday was b/c Samuels and co. couldn't block Aunt Esta yesterday much less the Colts' rush. Brunell is staying in, so get used to it until we're mathematically out of the post season. You'll have to wait for two or three more losses which may or may not happen. Don't be surprised if this team goes on a run especially if everyone can get healthy in the next two weeks.


Brunell played a hell of a game? I must have been watching some modified west coast feed or something cause he looked pretty bad to me. Most of his yards came after the game was already decided. 25 comp for 226 yards??? That is a joke. He had plenty of time to complete long passes on a couple of occasions yesterday and he did not get it done. That is why the wide outs were having fits yesterday, because they know Brunell cannot get it done. It almost seems to me that coach is being stubborn now, but what do I know?

Get back in your crate!

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i dont understand why saunders isnt on the sideline. he was in kc. i think lazor should be up in the booth helping saunders but i think saunders needs to look his players in the face and draw up some plays on the sidelines with his unit. im surprised no one in press row has asked gibbs about this.

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The effective use of the "No Huddle" kept the Redskin defense guessing; no time to change personnel. In each of two instances, the Colts drove and scored in just over two minutes. What we saw was great play calling and execution. I'm wondering why we have not yet adapted the "No Huddle" plan, to keep the strongest of defenses baffled, as well.

Perhaps, MB cannot implement this. Perhaps, he is still learning, grasping this new offensive scheme. Perhaps, he cannot read defenses quick enough, surmise his receiver options, and know, before the snap, precisely where the hole in the defensive coverage will develop; to drop the pass there. Wishfull thinking, I know.

This team has gone through so many schematic changes, consistency is nothing more than a word on my wish list.

Time for another change? Hmmmmm.

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