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ES COVERAGE: Joe Gibbs' Press Conference 10/16/06 (7:10PM) Final Audio Update


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Check that... The question he answered was about what would be the process of looking at moving to Jason. This was the answer. I know everyone wants a change but don't spin the answers.

I couldn't remember off the top of my head exactly what the question was... thanks for correcting me.

But he still never answered what the process of moving to Jason Campbell.

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I'm sorry but this is complete crap. I've been a Redskins fan since the 70's. Joe Gibbs needs to leave. I'm so tired of hearing how hard he is going to work, and how everyone is in this together, the fans are the best in the world, blah, blah, blah. Brunell is clearly the worst QB in the league. He cannot play anymore and Gibbs is hurting this franchise by not admitting his mistake of going after a QB nobody else wanted three years ago. Why we aren't playing Jason Campbell? He is our only hope. Joe - you cannot coach anymore in this league. All phases of the game are in complete shambles. How about showing some kind of emotion Joe? How about actually holding some people accountable for producing perhaps the worst team in the league (Raiders not included). This team actually had Super Bowl aspirations. We will be lucky to be 6-10.

Time to go Joe. The league has passed you by.

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Who else loves Kelli? She's hot and the sports version of Chris Matthews! She asks the tough questions. I did enjoy Gibbs response though "IM NOT AFRAID TO MAKE A CHANGE." Let's hope.

Best question of the day. You could throw out the other 25 minutes of the press conference.

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Kind of off the subject, but does anyone here ever listen to those guys after the conference has ended? Well, today I could hear a bunch of guys (plus Kelli Johnson) talking and laughing and then one of them starts mocking the coach,"ever ever" and he just kept saying it over and over again. It seemed like they got a real big kick out of it.

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So he's lost it because he didnt give the answear you wanted? Give me a break. JC will get his shot when he proves to the coaches that hes ready period. If you dont like it go cheer for Mcnabb and the Eagles. I realize that we suck meaning the entire team but the whining is getting embarassing. We are suppose to be great fans, some of the best. Im not saying not to complain or even boo they deserve it. But stop crying about one player when its the whole team!

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Kind of off the subject, but does anyone here ever listen to those guys after the conference has ended? Well, today I could hear a bunch of guys (plus Kelli Johnson) talking and laughing and then one of them starts mocking the coach,"ever ever" and he just kept saying it over and over again. It seemed like they got a real big kick out of it.

Yep I heard that too...

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I'm basing Gibbs' performance over the last three years, not only because he's afraid to play JC. Gibbs is something like 12-20 - that is abyssmal for a team with this kind of talent. The whole Mark Brunnel thing is absolutely retarded. Brunell is holding this team back. THIS GUY CANNOT PLAY ANYMORE. Do not tell me about his 22 consecutive screen passes to our smurfs.... HE SUCKS.

Can somebody answer a question for me about Campbell? After what we invested in him, why is he not ready now after two years?? What have we got to lose? Why is Matt Leinart ready to play now? Why is Vince Young ready to play now? Why is Brad Gradkowski ready to play now?

Point is, none of those guys are really ready for serious success right now, but those teams have made decisions to get them their lumps now, and they all are doing a decent job. The Bucs and Titans won yesterday!

Brunell is the worst starting QB in the NFL right now. How could Campbell be worse than Brunell? Brunell cannot put any arm strength into the ball, he cannot scramble anymore, he's afraid out there, he's watching the rush, and he makes bone-headed throws like the 4-deep coverage pass he killed the game with yesterday, when there was plenty of time left to use the middle of the field for at least one play. Due to his lack of arm strength, Brunell cannot throw to the whole field. That's why we are seeing all these short passes using half the field. Brunell lacks the filed vision he once possessed - that is why Lloyd, ARE and Cooley are getting no action - Brunell is the major problem with this team.

Sure, the defense can't stop anybody now either, but if your QB is throwing the ball into the stands every other play and you're going three and out this many times, you keep leaving your D on the field. You need a QB that can make all the throws on the field. Only Jason Campbell can provide us with that now.

For whatever reason, Gibbs will not make a change. For this reason, I want to see Gibbs gone after this season. He is hosing this team right now because he has a man-crush on Brunell.

(What is up with the T.J. Duckett trade? Why aren't they playing him? QUIT GIVING UP DRAFT PICKS JOE!!!)

I guarantee you there has to be some kind of in-house mutiny going on in Redskins park with Gibbs vs. Saunders and the other coaches. Gibbs is probably the only one at Redskins park that wants to play Brunell still. Why do you think he keeps harping on the "we're all in this together" crap?

It won't be long until the players start revolting...... here we come Indy for you to kick our arses.

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