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Somewhat off topic, is Campbell a lock to start next season?

Supreme Wu

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I don't want this to be twisted into somehow advocating starting Campbell immediately, because I'm not.

The thing is, we're all obviously reading and hearing some things that must make one wonder, is Campbell really the future of THIS team? Will he actually be starting next year? It's going to be his 3rd year at that point and he won't have taken a regular season snap -- while QBs that were drafted this year are starting games already. I understand other teams are much worse off at the QB position and are forced into playing their rookie QBs, but the fact remains that they are starting on their careers well before Campbell despite being drafted 1 year later.

We know he's been patient, but when do you think that patience runs out? When does he demand a trade?

Most importantly, in your mind, is Campbell a lock to start next season? What if Brunell takes this team deep into the playoffs or even all the way and wins the big one? Does your prediction change in that scenario?

Just a hypothetical discussion, please don't start bashing Brunell that's not what this is about at all.

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God I hope he finally gets on the field. I love Brunell and have his back around this board, but I cannnot wait to see how Campbell can run the offense. I hope that surrounding him with so much talent at the skill positions will make his tansition easier. While I am all for Brunell right now, I can't wait until I can wear a #17 jersey, I really have a good feeling about him. I think not seeing a snap for the first 1 year and 5 and counting games of his career will prove to be a good thing for him. I think sitting behind a veteran QB, surrounded by offensive masterminds, and the ultimate QB guru has really given this kid a chance to be great for us. Remember, he is a national champion caliber QB who went undefeated his senior year. I can't wait for #17, I hope it's a lock.

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JC will start well before then....when we are 2-6 he will start this year...and MB will retire because his legs hurt too much....They are already killing us.

Well aren't you optimistic in our team's record.... :doh:

No it's not a lock. A lot depends on what happens the rest of this season AND the off season. Hell for all we know, we could end up trading him for a corner back *shrugs*

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You know...I was wondering the same thing while watching MNF last night. They said it was a foregone conclusion that Plummer would be traded and Cutler would start for Denver next year. Plummer led his team to the AFC title game last year but definitely is weak at this point. Is Cutler that much better than Campbell or is Plummer that much worse than Brunell that it's already "decided" in Denver?

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They had better start Campbell. What is the point of wasting those draft pics if you aren't even going to let him touch the ball. We need to take the risk of a rookie occasionally making mistakes. A QB does not become Tom Brady, Peyton Manning or anyother great QB by sitting on the bench year after year.


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My thoughts have always been that this year would be "the" year. Brunell would

lead us....

get us....

ok.......manage his way to a Super Bowl. Then he could retire at the top and ride off into the sunset and let Campbell take over.

The season is in no way over now, but I think my scenario has been blown out of the water. To be continued....

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If campbell does not start next season, then we will have basically wasted an entire draft's worth of picks over the past year for absolutely nothing. (See Duckett, Lloyd, and Campbell draft trades)

That about sums it up for me. Especially if Duckett walks after this year.

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No! If Gibbs has his way, he would have Mark Boonell start for another 5 years!

Gibbs is stubborn, and sticks with the players he has selected for a long time -- even if they are unproductive. Mark Boonell, and John Hall are great examples!

What's worse - is that if you get on his ****ty side, we will pull you as soon as you make one bad play. Just ask Patrick Ramsey. He had one series to play as a starter, and then was pulled in favor for Mark.

I thought Mark was a poor choice for the Skins then, and think he is a horrible choice now! :doh:

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I don't want to be all gloom and doom..

but has anybody thought about the possibility that JC just isn't very good and the coaches know it and they want to keep his trade value high by keeping him off the field to most likely get another veteran QB after MB is gone.

I personally think that is a much more likely scenario than JC starting next year.

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I don't want to be all gloom and doom..

but has anybody thought about the possibility that JC just isn't very good and the coaches know it and they want to keep his trade value high by keeping him off the field to most likely get another veteran QB after MB is gone.

I personally think that is a much more likely scenario than JC starting next year.

Who's going to trade for JC? He doesn't have 1/10th the buzz that Rivers had and quite frankly we reached to pick him in the first round. He has no trade value because we have no one that's really pressing to take the job from him long term. If we go to move him, everyone will know why we're trying to move him.

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