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This team and Brunell


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Its hard to support the team when we have a (good) backup QB masquerading as the guy who is going to lead this team to a superbowl this year.

I wasn't convinced we were going to the superbowl before, and am even less convinced after the way the skins have looked in 4 out of their 5 games.

I will cheer, I will "support" but I can't lie - we are rebuilding and need to stop acting like we aren't.

Rocky should be playing, Golston should be playing, Duckett should be traded for whatever they can get - and we should be happy that we have a football future here in DC with the young players we have - no matter how much this summer's signing bonuses hurt the team for the next 2 years.

Oh yeah, it would be nice to see the 1st round QB actually get into a game now and again when they are pathetically out of reach - I'm pretty sure he could lead the offense to no first downs in the 4th quarter too.

21 games and counting - all inactive on game day.


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Accept that fact and move on. Quit bashing the guy every week we lose, because it's not Mark's fault that we lose, it's the OL, it's CP, it's the running game and sometimes, it's the defense. This is our team. It's who we are. Let's just summon our pride and support this team to wherever it goes.

It can't be CP because you can't expect the line to block 8 guys up in the box and open large holes for CP to run to, and the reason they can do this is because Brunell can't unload the ball down field to open up the defense. It is far from CP's fault.

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I blame Sunday's debacle on the entire team. No one showed up at the Meadowlands and that makes me MUCH MORE angrier than a loss to a team that is just better than us. How can you muster just 164 yards against one of the worst defenses in the league? Pathetic!

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Indeed, it's not only the QB, it's the whole team. But here's my prospective on this: I see a greate resemblance between Drew Bledsoe and Mark Brunnell. They both went to Washington state, they both flip backward when pressured and they both are "very" one dimensional, narrow focused and therefore slow when the pocket collupses. So if a receiver is not where they think he should be they either will get sacked, throw interceptions or simply throw the ball away. So, without a "perfect" O line Mark is as good as Bledsoe. You replace Brunnel with Bledsoe, you will get more of the same result. I see similar trend in Daunte Culpepper. The more I watch the QBs around the league the more I get convinced that it's the mind set that matters the most. If a QB is used to relying on the O line and seeing big and tall receivers down field I think he is bound to be a pocket savy QB. On the other hand QBs like Vince Young (Rookie), Elli Manning, McNab, Brad Johnson, Tom Brady, Steve Mcnair, Michael Vik, Jake Plummer and Payton Manning are used to being hit in the pocket; therefore, they are used to improvising and NOT being one dimensional. So even when they are hit , they make the completion, well not exactly for Vince Young but he is getting better. Although the direction and play calling comes from upstairs and the coach, execution and improvising is the KEY to winning games. A win is a win even if it is by 1 point. I am not sure if Mark Brunnell is that kind of QB who can step up in that respect. So Do you replace Mark? Or do you make the OL better? OR do you make the Running game better? All those questions boil down to one point and that is: Redskins team is in a different kind of building phase where the coaches, owner and the whole organization is trying to kill too many birds in the same time.

So there, I have said it all... now what say you... :cheers:

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Two words for all those reluctant to blame Brunell for our pitiful offensive play:

Rex Grossman

He's come into that offense this year surrounded by the same people as last year and look how the Bears have played since. I know our line hasn't played great at times, but we're more than adequate at the skill positions. I don't see why some people can't accept the fact that sometimes it's justifiable to place the majority of the blame on just one person.

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It is what it is. Brunell is who he is. He will only succeed if everything is right. That is, the running game is moving forward, and then, hence, the OL dominates the oponent's DL. He will not carry this team on his shoulders. And he will not lose games for us. Ultimately, this is what Gibbs looks for in a QB. Get this into your head. Accept that fact and move on. Quit bashing the guy every week we lose, because it's not Mark's fault that we lose, it's the OL, it's CP, it's the running game and sometimes, it's the defense. This is our team. It's who we are. Let's just summon our pride and support this team to wherever it goes.

I've resided to the fact that Gibbs will ride Brunell straight out of the playoffs (see '04 season for reference), but I refuse to stop complaining about him if he's going to continue being a problem. We handicap our team each week we start him at QB and it's getting a little ridiculous. Sure, he still has a couple great games left in him, but when he's bad, he takes it to a whole new level. NOTHING...absolutely NOTHING happens on offense when he's called upon to do something. He is incapable of playing from a deficit, he looks inept and he needs to go.

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Every teams success depends on the O-line play :doh: .

But especially Brunell...

The last two games, Eli Manning (although he was only pressured a couple times), Byron Leftwich and, heck, even Brad Johnson stood in the pocket and delivered the ball on target and for big gains. Do you think Brunell can do that? Beside from that Dallas game last year, do you ever see him step up in the pocket when the pressure comes and deliver the ball? No.

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There is one point that's proven time and time again for this Redskin team. If Portis gets 100+, they win. If he doesn't, they don't.

This season we have a suspect defense to contend with as well, but basically it comes down to our o-line getting CP going.

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There is one point that's proven time and time again for this Redskin team. If Portis gets 100+, they win. If he doesn't, they don't.

This season we have a suspect defense to contend with as well, but basically it comes down to our o-line getting CP going.

So, like I said, we've handicapped ourselves because we're incapable of playing from behind. We certainly have the receivers to make an explosive comeback....but for some reason we don't.......I wonder why that is? :paranoid:

We can't depend on Portis getting 100 yards every week, sometimes other guys (Brunell, I'm looking in your direction) need to step up.

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Yep, so I think I finally figured out the formula for the Dud QBs in the league:

Daunte Culpepper + Mark Brunnell + Drew Bledso + Kurt Warner = Jeff George

As for the team, I think they need a spark. I am willing to bet that Santana and even Randle El to an extent is as pissed as T.O, deep down inside...."Get me the friggin ball!".

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It's pretty hard to win on a regular basis with a QB who can't win games for you. As has been said, everything has to be working for Brunell to be on. That's a lot to ask in this era. During Gibbs' first run it might have been different. I'm not saying Brunell is a bad QB, he's more like the Marty Schottenheimer of QB's.

Until Campbell plays and shows that he has it, or the team finds a QB who can make plays when everything is not at 100% go, I'm afraid the 2nd Gibbs tenure will be wasted.

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Until all the mentally challanged people on this board realize that Brunnell is WASHED UP AND HAS BEEN FOR YEARS this team will do nothing but continue to come up short. The guy can't lead the team because he isn't leader material. A nice guy YEAH but a LEADER HELL TO THE NO! How many bad games has he had versus good games? Vince Young is doing more to be a leader than Brunnell is! This team is a bunch of overpaid, underachieving athletes that have NO ACCOUNTIBILITY! That's it and that's all. We have arrogant pompous coaches that have been found out. We have a old fashioned HC that cannot succeed in todays NFL and we have owner who is making money hand over foot.

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What The F**k!?!

Yes, this is our team ... and, we support it when it counts - in the stands, being the 12th man etc.

Having said that, it's not okay to brush their ineffectiveness under the rug! The Skin fan demand and deserve a winning team. For well over 15 years, the Skins fans have had little to cheer about! And, that my friend is a drought!

Wake up to reality. The meddlesome ways of Danny boy are well documented. The loss of good players is well known. The trading away of draft choices ... and, the list goes on for all of the team woes.

At present, most of the blame falls on the broad shoulders of Mark Boonell, and Gibbs! It's their bullheadedness that is making the Skins sink.

Mark was an average QB with Jacksonville, and is even worse here. Anyone can be a good QB if you have a great running game. But, great QBs find a way to win when things are not firing on all cylinders. Do you hear Tom Brady complaint that he lost all of his WRs and Offensive Coordinator? He still plays, and wins with lesser talent!

The game plans that have to be incorporated to accomodate Mark Boonell are very compromising! Max protection all the time. He is slow, his release is slow, and his balls don't have zip. He is short when compared to other QBs and doesn't have quite the vision over the O-Line. He also has the poor trait of targeting only one receiver, rather than going thru progression.

We are the only team that has a very predictable offense. It's frankly "no offense" other than Clinton, and Santana! :notworthy

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It is what it is. Brunell is who he is. He will only succeed if everything is right. That is, the running game is moving forward, and then, hence, the OL dominates the oponent's DL. He will not carry this team on his shoulders. And he will not lose games for us. Ultimately, this is what Gibbs looks for in a QB. Get this into your head. Accept that fact and move on. Quit bashing the guy every week we lose, because it's not Mark's fault that we lose, it's the OL, it's CP, it's the running game and sometimes, it's the defense. This is our team. It's who we are. Let's just summon our pride and support this team to wherever it goes.

You are close....He wont lose games for us nor will he win them. He played well for a couple of games then for a couple he is pretty much like you and I, a spectator, except he has a lot better seat. As long as he is the QB of the Redskins we will be a very average team. We will play good enough some weeks to have the Redskin faithful all giddy and walking the walk then look like we cant even get out of our own way the next. We have set this pattern through 39 games of Gibbs II now and there is little reason to see change as long as we have him behind center.

Joe Gibbs signed on for 85 games so we are nearing the half way mark of his second coming and regardless of your opinion of Brunnell, he is really tainting the legacy of Coach Gibbs. Now that might not be happening here within the Redskins community. Joe Gibbs doesn’t have to do anything to earn most or our respect but his reputation in the NFL community is certainly taking a hit. This hit is the result of the Mark Brunnell experiment, an experiment who’s successes are few and failures are many.

The good, this week should be another success. The bad, the failure is sure to follow. The ugly, Brunnell will survive both.

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But especially Brunell...

The last two games, Eli Manning (although he was only pressured a couple times), Byron Leftwich and, heck, even Brad Johnson stood in the pocket and delivered the ball on target and for big gains. Do you think Brunell can do that? Beside from that Dallas game last year, do you ever see him step up in the pocket when the pressure comes and deliver the ball? No.

I couldn't have written this statement any better :applause:

This isn't 1991 and we don't have the hogs. If anyone one is waiting for us to give up 9 sacks in one season again, it ain't going to happen. A lot of times in this league the QB has to make a play. Offenses aren't going to click every Sunday, but in most cases it's the QB that has to step up and make a play ala Eli Manning. His best throws came as he was getting hit. Brunell needs the O-line and the running game to be in top form in order to play great. Defenses are fast and they fly to the ball now. People on this board need to quit whining about the O-Line play. This isn't 1991. The day of the drop back passer with 6-7 seconds to throw the ball is over. Quarter Backs have to make plays and it seems like Brunell can't do it on his own.

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I would like to make a relationship between the skins organization with Dan Snyder and the political Influence in this region but I can't put my fingure on it. I know it's there but in the form of 100% speculation from my view. I see the other sports teams in this region and I see the same trend. Well, except for the College teams. Although I would vote for firing MD's football coach :doh:. Anyway, at the end of the day it's all about business. I agree, 1st Gibbs era had totally different dynamics. I have nothing but repect for Titans coach Jeff Fisher and the organization, who decided to move on after building a QB like Steve Mcnair for 10+ years. And that's how you build a football team, well it makes sense to me. I would like to think Gibbs or Snyder is trying to the same but there is too much distortion to that. I was watching Brad Childress the other night and he has got the similar steadfastness. I don't mean any disrespect towards coach Gibbs but every time I watch him I see he is either defending or downplaying evry one and blaming himself. I don't ever see him talking like any of these other coaches in the League. Like I said, I think it's the influence, can't put my fingure on it.

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Thats JOe Gibbs football really. I mean we never had a QB like McNabb or Peyton or any of those guys. We just had guys who fed off the run game and made some timely throws here and there and can sling it when given time and let the receivers run after the catch. Is that not how we won 3 superbowls?

Well we had guys who would throw it downfield (Rypien in '91, Theismann in '82, '83)

Keep in mind in '91, I believe Earnest Byner barely had 1000 yds that season. We had a strong OLine, don't get me wrong, but we didn't need a running game.

Not to compare this team to the '91 team because it doesn't deserve that comparison. But the point is we took shots downfield in Gibbs' first tenure. We had the receivers to do it then...we have the receivers to do it now. So why can't we???

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