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I LOVE GIBBS, but we sure look less prepared than the other teams


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[/b] How can we justify scoring just 6 points against the 29th ranked pass defense in the entire league? McNabb threw 4 TD's against the Giants and Hasslebeck threw 5! We don't even score a freakin touchdown? Talk about not showing up! I have to question how well prepared we are for some of these games. I'm sure Gibbs is asking himself the same question.

Where has the WR screen to Moss been the past couple of weeks? Where was Duckett on 3rd, 4th and 1? Where has Brandon Lloyd been all season? What is this teams offensive approach? Our defense didn't play well yesterday but they did keep the team in the game for most of the game. Hell, the Giants were ready to implode and we come in and save their season for them by not showing up in any area. This is one of the most disappointing losses I can remember. Now, we must win in Indy after hopefully being prepared enough to beat the lowly Titans.

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I agree with you....but do you know what you just did? You questioned the almighy and king of kings of Washington. This board doesn't take well to that. They will say it was the players fault when we lose...and praise Gibbs when we win. Fact of the matter is that our strategy was not to win. Going for the field goal on 4th down when you have Duckett and sellars........sends a real message to your offense.

......ok Gibbs lovers and sack riders....on with your defense

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I agree with you....but do you know what you just did? You questioned the almighy and king of kings of Washington. This board doesn't take well to that. They will say it was the players fault when we lose...and praise Gibbs when we win. Fact of the matter is that our strategy was not to win. Going for the field goal on 4th down when you have Duckett and sellars........sends a real message to your offense.

......ok Gibbs lovers and sack riders....on with your defense

Well see fans have 2 options.

1. Trust Gibbs

2. Trust people that wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground yet think they are qualified GM's and head coaches..

I'll take option 1.

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I agree to a point. Yes some of it was bad coaching, but most of it was poor execution. First of all, as much as we would like to blast MB and the offense, the fact is that they couldn't get on the field. From what i heard, between the last drive of the 1st half and the first drive of the 2nd half, the Giants had the ball for a straight 12 plus minutes! Thats nearly an entire quarter. I'm way more concerned with the defense than the offense (as inconsistant as it can be). Teams continue to gash the hell out of us to the left side (Rogers, Holdman, and Carter). And even when we get a pass rush with out front 7, we still get beat for big plays on 3rd and long. I said it before and i'll say it again, if the defense keeps this up, there will be alot of explaining to do about the personel moves that were made last offseason.

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G-prime....you get so offended that your man "coach joe" has his faults. Sorry, but I said it last week after the win and I'll say it again this week....this team is mediocre. It's been a mediocre team since Gibbs came back. You people have a hard time accepting reality but we are not that good right now. Good teams don't play like that on the road.....and we are 2-3. Right now we are not that good. You are redskins fans that like football......instead of football fans that like skins.

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G-prime....you get so offended that your man "coach joe" has his faults. Sorry, but I said it last week after the win and I'll say it again this week....this team is mediocre. It's been a mediocre team since Gibbs came back. You people have a hard time accepting reality but we are not that good right now. Good teams don't play like that on the road.....and we are 2-3. Right now we are not that good. You are redskins fans that like football......instead of football fans that like skins.

Though I do disagree with some of the calls Gibbs has made over the years, we did make it to the playoffs last year for the first time in a while. He set up a good team with a bunch of talented players, all with character if nothing else he did that. A mediocre team since he got here?? You make it sound like we were better before he came back, and we went to the playoffs last year! A playoff team usually isnt mediocre, so what if we are 2-3. I am tired of seeing people say things like "the season is over" and things of that nature when we are only going into week 6 and are 2-3. You have your opinions and thats fine but dont try and tell us what kind of fans we are, or make it sound like we have the wool pulled over our eyes because we support our hall of fame coach, who has done alot for this franchise past and present.

And what is wrong with a Redskins fan that likes football? Are you implying those type of fans dont know as much as someone who is a "football fan first"?

So many people on these boards rush to them every week to complain and blame. Even when we win against the Jags people like you want to complain about the coaching or whatever else. You are entitled to do so, but I am also entitled to tell you I think you should watch more football and stop blaming every loss and win? on Gibbs. I am not getting offended I am telling you that Gibbs isnt the only reason or the main reason this team is "mediocre" if you want to call us that. If we make it to the playoffs again I am sure it will all be Saunders and the players and have nothing to do with Gibbs right? And spare the "we deff wont make the playoffs" comments, its still early and anyone that is convinced we wont is a negative fan and should try and have a little faith in there team.

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SkinsFans13 - yes I'm implying that if your a football fan first, you can see things and understand things better because your objective. Your not wearing your "redskins shades" 24/7. I'm not dis-crediting what Gibbs has done, but I'm simply saying that this team is mediocre. Last year we won some very close games on some very close plays....and went to the playoffs. We are mediocre and up and down. I'm not bashing the team or the coaches....I'm just calling in reality.

Yes we went to the playoffs last year, but with the talent on this team, and the opportunity we had....that is expected of a good coach. Since Parcells and Vermiel have returned...they have been to the playoffs....so what are we really saying? I know about keeping faith and trusting the coach......but that doesn't mean he has faults.

Every time I post something on this board about Joe Gibbs you people run to his aid and kiss his @ss without trying to understand that coaches make mistakes too. Our team was not motivated, we didn't look sharp, the decision making and strategy from a coaches perspective sucked, the personell was poor (no Duckett on short yardage)...and the team just wasn't ready.

Am I saying we won't make the palyoffs? NO. Am I saying we won't be a good team? NO. What I'm saying is very simple and easy to understand: Right now we are not that good. Last week we won a game that WE WERE SUPPOSED TO WIN. We need to play better...and hope by the end of the year we get something going for us. As much as you fans don't want to hear the truth, we just aren't good right now. Accept it and move on to next week.

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The team is just infuriatingly inconsistent, which is directly tied to coaching. I wouldn't lay it all at Gibbs' feet, but Williams and Saunders are definitely deserving of a lot of the blame. Scoring three points in an NFL game is simply unacceptable at the level this team is supposed to be at. And for a supposed defensive genius, Williams looks increasingly conservative, uncreative and unable to adapt or make changes to mask the weaknesses.

There's just no signs of improvement. The O and D should both be getting better as the season progresses, but our development is completely chaotic.

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How can you not question the coach when the team is 2-3?

It's great to have faith and respect for the head man, but he's accountable.

This year is the first that I've wondered about him. He hired away his play-calling responsibilities so that he could better manage the team and game, and I don't see an improvement. The personnel decisions have been bloomin awful. Why on earth do you add a RB that you have no roster space for? The handling of the Portis injury situation early was quite shaky as well. And there are still penalties for sloppiness, like motion and delay of game that a game management coach should have the team prepared for. As a 25 year fan, I also see some major differences in his sideline demeanor from Gibbs I to Gibbs II. He doesn't seem as animated or engaged during games this time around. Hiding his eyes during clutch field goal attempts??? That tells me a lot about his mettle at this point in his life. I also have no idea where Gibbs the motivator was yesterday. The team looked listless from the beginning. If I hear him congratulate the other team for kicking our *****e$ one more time, I'm gonna throw up.

I love the man, but he's not infallible.

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i said i disagreed with calls he has made too, and I never said he wasnt at fault for anything. Its just this board, I cant go to it after games because I hate seeing people get singled out for losing the game. Too many negative redskins posts for me, all I see is blame blame blame. I just need to not post anymore, or not come here after games or something...

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22 passes against a team ranked 29th against the pass. Sometimes you need to pass to open the run. Bad play calling.

On 3rd and 1 down 13pts. (Field goal does not help you win) You pound the ball up the middle twice. If you cannot get 1 yard on two tries then you deserve to loss.

Both cases are bad game management

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I love the Skins and Gibbs, but I am mad to some degree that we got Al Saunders as our O coordinator. I feel like Gibbs kinda copt out on his second come around..the offense was fine last year. Is saunders going to be a scape goat if it doesnt work out for him?? Im sick of seeing gibbs just sit there on the sidelines and look lost. I miss the old gibbs calling plays...and those halftime adjustments were amazing. Nothing close this time around.

That 4th and one call(just like the Jacksonville game..we are lucky we got the ball first) was bad. Kick the field goal and still be down 2 possesions....no! you get the first and try to score and get the momentum back. We are in a serious hole...and I wonder if Gibbs will be here next year...we are getting outcoached...

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How can you not question the coach when the team is 2-3?

It's great to have faith and respect for the head man, but he's accountable.

This year is the first that I've wondered about him. He hired away his play-calling responsibilities so that he could better manage the team and game, and I don't see an improvement. The personnel decisions have been bloomin awful. Why on earth do you add a RB that you have no roster space for? The handling of the Portis injury situation early was quite shaky as well. And there are still penalties for sloppiness, like motion and delay of game that a game management coach should have the team prepared for. As a 25 year fan, I also see some major differences in his sideline demeanor from Gibbs I to Gibbs II. He doesn't seem as animated or engaged during games this time around. Hiding his eyes during clutch field goal attempts??? That tells me a lot about his mettle at this point in his life. I also have no idea where Gibbs the motivator was yesterday. The team looked listless from the beginning. If I hear him congratulate the other team for kicking our *****e$ one more time, I'm gonna throw up.

I love the man, but he's not infallible.

I like your passion and the points you make. Being 39 years old I too remember the young, aggressive Gibbs 1 and I wonder if we'll ever see that again. Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt would be to say that we just can't get comfortable in this new offense. But, do you mean to tell me that there isn't someone in that Giants secondary that we could have singled out on film and picked on him to death? When are we going to start taking advantage of the matchup problems that we should be causing for other teams? We have so many weapons yet we only score 3 points? If you go back to the way we looked in preseason and the way we've started this season, you've got to question what is going on with how these players are being used. Why not start focusing on a power running game if the passing game isn't up to speed yet? How bout some creativity? I agree, good teams do not play the way we play on the road, especially within the division.

Not to say we can't become a good team, but, we have to get more consistent and the coaching staff has to be held accountable for that.

Oh by the way, we should have beaten Seattle last year too. Especially after we knocked Alexander out of the game. We got too conservative and waited for the other team to take it to us. This is becoming an old theme.

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