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Pics of my nephew at Basic Training.


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A few months, I asked on this board for some advice in RE: to my nephew, Alec, who has recently joined the Nat'l Guard, with the intentions of going into a military college next year. Some generous members on this board provided some great advice and information, which I passed on to the young man.

Well, here it is months later, and my nephew is only weeks away from graduation. My sister took a few pictures of Alec - I was pretty darn proud when I saw him in his uniform. He looks pretty sharp, and I'll add that military life really suites him. Though there are parts of it he doesn't really care for too much - he is naturally a rebel at heart - but he is actually enjoying the experience, especially the training where he shoots all sorts of firearms. In fact, he is a darn good shot and almost qualified for Expert, but missed it by two shots. (He'll have a chance to requalify once he comes back to MD.) Since he and I went shooting a few times, I like to think I had a hand in his markmanship. He definitely picked up is affinity for firearms from me and his in interest in military firearms.

Anyway, here are a few pics:



A shot of some obstacle courses:


It's enough to make a grown man tear up a little seeing his little nephew growing into a man!

EDITED: Fixed the pic of the obstacle courses.

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He's been in past organizations that had elements of basic training (such as the Air Patrol organization), so it wasn't such a huge shock for him. I think he pretty much expected the hollering and toughness of the experience, so it pretty much aligned with his expectations.

I am gonna fly down for his graduation - it should be a really exciting day. I know, coming from me this may sound odd, but a small part of me always wanted to join the military. I guess in a certain way I am living through his experiences - the young man has more guts than his old uncle!

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He's been in past organizations that had elements of basic training (such as the Air Patrol organization), so it wasn't such a huge shock for him. I think he pretty much expected the hollering and toughness of the experience, so it pretty much aligned with his expectations.

I am gonna fly down for his graduation - it should be a really exciting day. I know, coming from me this may sound odd, but a small part of me always wanted to join the military. I guess in a certain way I am living through his experiences - the young man has more guts than his old uncle!

Hey man! The Army is taking people up to like 42 now, I think.

It may not be too late ;)

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In fact, he is a darn good shot and almost qualified for Expert, but missed it by two shots. (He'll have a chance to requalify once he comes back to MD.) Since he and I went shooting a few times, I like to think I had a hand in his markmanship.

If you had a hand in his marksmanship, you should not give him any more advice ;)

Marksman is 23-29 out of 40.

Sharpshooter is 30-35 out of 40.

Expert is 36-40 out of 40.

Is that Ft Jackson? Looks familiar, but I haven't been there in 17 years.

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I am gonna fly down for his graduation - it should be a really exciting day. I know, coming from me this may sound odd, but a small part of me always wanted to join the military. I guess in a certain way I am living through his experiences - the young man has more guts than his old uncle!

Should be exciting,I know I enjoyed my son's (of course not seeing or hearing from him for months made it even more special)

I never served either what with the troop drawdowns and the draft ending,but it is something I regret not doing at times...Except for Marine boot camp of course, No regrets on missing that :laugh:


Forgot...Congrats to him :applause:

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Thanks for the additional comments. About his shooting, what he told me is that there were technical issues with his rifle the day that he actually went for his badge. (From what I understand the process.) Perhaps this is the reason why he is retaking it? (Unfortunately I don't know about specific details...)

I DO know that he is a good shot (and I am a fairly good one, myself), and since I have an AR-15, shooting the M16-A2 shouldn't have been a really big change for him since he has shot my AR a few times. Also, he was getting a lot of compliments on his shooting, what he told me - so I at least LIKE to think that his story on what affect his shooting his true! If not, then he has some 'Splainin' to do to his Uncle. Haha.

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Ahh...the old 'technical issues' excuse.... ;)

j/k, I don't doubt that it can happen. The magazines they use have been used and abused and when the magazine springs get weak you start having feeding issues. That's one of the components of weapons qual though, you need to be able to take immediate action to clear the failure and put more rounds down range.

Anyways...congrats to him, and kudos to you for flying down to see him graduate. :applause:

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Great pics Baculus. The memories and friendships he makes in basic will last a lifetime man. He'll be telling stories about it for the rest of his life, ( he probably already is ;) ). An experience he'll never forget and definately helps in the growing up business. I wouldn't trade my experience for the world and I'm betting neither would others or he. Thanks for sharing and I wish him good luck with this venture. There are worse things in life for sure.

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