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props to the Pack and the refs

Murilo Bustamante

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First off, the Pack have a good team. They played hard and well and didn't seem fazed when they lost their leader. And their defense played with a lot of intensity while maintaining discipline, which is why they spanked us so bad.

And props to the refs. I'm the first to call foul and bias, but they called a fair game. I didn't agree with every call and non-call, and they definitely called a very strict game. But it was fair. They made mistakes both ways- i.e. their mistakes didn't all favor the Pack. So I can't complain.

Good game by the Packers. Now, I hope we are at that point in the season where we were last year after we lost to Dallas the first time.

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Half the penalties in this game shouldn't have been called. Both of Loverne's holding calls were bogus. The Pack had a handful of very questionable ones against them too. You're right. The officiating was just bad, but at least it wasn't unfair :).

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Isn't Tripplette the ref who threw the flag in Orlando Browns eye and then Brown shoved him down?

Also, wasnt he the same official who blew the coin toss?

I am not trying to bad mouth him or blame him, just trying to remember.

I long for the days of Red Cashion, Gordon McCarter, Jerry Markbreit, Jerry Seamon.

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Originally posted by just skins baby

Isn't Tripplette the ref who threw the flag in Orlando Browns eye and then Brown shoved him down?

Also, wasnt he the same official who blew the coin toss?

I am not trying to bad mouth him or blame him, just trying to remember.

I long for the days of Red Cashion, Gordon McCarter, Jerry Markbreit, Jerry Seamon.

No, you're thinking of Phil Luckett (I think). He's been demoted to Back Judge I think.

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Actually, I was thinking: At least, in this game, when there's a flag, and the TV guys show the replay, you can see what the ref saw. You can argur whether the offense was bad enough to warrant a flag, but the offense was always there.

Much better than the cases where, even after the replay, you still can't figure out what game the ref was watching.

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