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OT: BREAKING NEWS: Man shot in Ashland, Virginia.


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On the plus side, the victim is stll alive and is in surgery. Thoughts and prayers with he and his family. Happend outside a Ponderosa at 7:59. Victim is a 37 y/o male. Single shot. Police could be talking to witnesses. Could have more info in an hour. According to Lt. Doug Goodman Hanover sherrif's department.

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I'm watching now too. The media is making this whole thing worse. First they say the schools are safe, so he shoots a child, then they say he does it in unpopulated areas, so he shoots someone at Home Depot. Now, they have said he doesn't kill on the weekends, so look what happens. He is obviously paying attention to what the media is reporting and proving them wrong.

We all know the media sucks in relation to football, now they are clearly showing they just plain suck.

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If this is another sniper shooting, I wonder if he is starting to move south down 95 now. Ashland is pretty far away from NorVA and the DC area. If it is him/them, he is probably moving to catch more people that are not as "terrorized" as the people around the beltway. God I prey that these people/person slips up soon so we can catch him. I don't want to see any more people hurt.



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The video from WWBT is showing traffic ther in Ashburn and outside. Things are locked up tight. Amazing. There is a road block narrowing the highway to 1 lane. Police are inspecting each vehicle. This is happening at least 30 miles away from the shooting. Conflicting, go figure, reports coming out right now. AP reporting that no witness beside companion of victim, ( who reportedly didn't see anything), to incident. However someone has reported that the police are searching for a white rental van with 2000 licence plate. sigh...

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Until the govt. gets very serious about this, I believe this reign of terror will continue. What do I believe is serious? Well, for starters it seems that the local boys lack the resources to deal with something like this. As such, it's time to turn this over to the Feds who will need to seek the assistance of the Pentagon. This may very well be the work of an international terrorist organization (e.g. Al Qaeda) which makes an escalation to these levels necessary.

How can the military help? Advanced survelliance/tracking aircraft and equipment is a great start, as they are doing. The use of anti-sniper special forces will probably be necessary. Perhaps a deployment of National Guard units would assist in blanketing areas part of a dragnet.

Dragnet's focusing on just major arteries is pointless. Focusing on just a few specific vehicle types is pointless. Performing brief, cursory inspections of selected vehicles is pointless. Focusing on just roadways and vehicles is insufficient.

In know this seems extreme, but this situation is rapidly getting out of control and warrants a response in kind.

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Ooooooookay. CNN is reporting that possible witness are being interviewed. They apparently talked to the man, who worked at a nearby gas station, who may have originally placed the 911 call. No info. Man was a shot in the abdomen and is reported as in serious condition. Other witness(s), being interviewed according to CNN.

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This was not hard to predict.

One thing I find interesting is he's been inactive since Monday night, his longest stretch during the week since he started. Was that a close call that has made him back off a bit or is he changing up his habits again? Might that mean we've seen the last of the "quiet" weekends?

Had a feeling that, after all the talk of "no weekend shootings" he was going to do one. Hope he's stuck in traffic and they catch his sorry a$s.
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They're trying to ensure that he didn't get through. I've heard they have stops at 15, 30 and 60 miles. I have to wonder if that's in both directions or if they jsut stopped Northbound. From the coverage it looks as though the southbound is relatively open.

For all we know this guy could have scoped out a restaurant nearby and be sitting 5 or 10 minutes from the scene of the crime until things die down.

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Originally posted by Brave

They're trying to ensure that he didn't get through. I've heard they have stops at 15, 30 and 60 miles. I have to wonder if that's in both directions or if they jsut stopped Northbound. From the coverage it looks as though the southbound is relatively open.

For all we know this guy could have scoped out a restaurant nearby and be sitting 5 or 10 minutes from the scene of the crime until things die down.

Again, what about all of the secondary roads? What if they have a local safe house? What if this phuck just ran back through the woods to an overnight camp site? What if the white van is a decoy?

I hope their "tactical plan" encompasses much more than the obvious and what is advertised on the media.

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This is hitting pretty close to home. Ashland is on the north side of Richmond, I live on the south side. I've often stopped at the Exxon station in Spottsylvania where the man from Pennsylvania was killed last week and I've been to the Texaco where the 911 came from.

It's become sort of a joke around here to ask anyone who's headed north on I-95 if he has made sure to fill his gas tank before leaving. Now, Richmond is not safe harbour any more.

To be sure, you have a much better chance of being killed an a car wreck on the way to a gas station than you do of getting picked off by a sniper. It's still pretty spooky, though.

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This reign of terror is a paramilitary operation and is being responded to by a civilian law enforcement agent. This is how a former FBI counter-terrorism agent on FoxNews has characterized the situation. He goes on to say that a military type response would include the deployment of several counter sniper teams, hundreds, if not more troops to blanket an area.

I fear he is right. The conventional, civilian agencies are constrained by resources and law. It just seems like a less unrestrained and unencumbered response is necessary.

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I'm guessing the authorities are not looking for a white van anymore but they keep that out there in the press so the perp might feel safe in another vehicle that they DO have a description on. This guy would have to be an idiot to be using a white van or truck at this point.

Which brings to mind another point. Might he have access to an array of vehicles? Car salesman, auto mechanic? Something like that, maybe? who knows?

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