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My question would be that if the lack of humor is pre-stated and known, what is the purpose of basically pissing on the party in here?

Knowing from the outset you won't enjoy it, I can't think of any reason to even read this thread, much less make sure everyone knows how much you don't like it.

How about this... because the thread title didn't indicate the thread was about humor. I opened it wondering what the hell those two items had in common, to find that their common link is apparantly a babbling chimpanzee whose tv show (from the maybe 90 seconds I've ever seen of it) looks to kill the brain cells of its viewers.

I mean , Mass, if you're as "serious as a heart attack".. why waste any time at all with this frivolity?

I think you need to get laid.

I'm not sure which level of frivolity you're refering to... this thread, or ES in general. If it's this thread, I made my sole comment and was going to leave it at that until someone responded to it. If it's ES in general, I've discussed that elsewhere in some detail.

As for getting laid... that requires a woman, and I haven't found many real women in my lifetime. But that's a separate discussion.

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I opened it wondering what the hell those two items had in common, to find that their common link is apparantly a babbling chimpanzee whose tv show (from the maybe 90 seconds I've ever seen of it) looks to kill the brain cells of its viewers.
Damn skippy.

And it's awesome. :)

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How about this... because the thread title didn't indicate the thread was about humor. I opened it wondering what the hell those two items had in common, to find that their common link is apparantly a babbling chimpanzee whose tv show (from the maybe 90 seconds I've ever seen of it) looks to kill the brain cells of its viewers.

remember mass, your talking to a bunch of people who drink beer everyday. what's a couple more brain cells? :laugh:

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It looks like an artsy, pretentious, ultra-jewy Dukes of Hazzard knock-off. I actually went to college with a couple of folks from Kazakhstan and, to hear them tell it, there ain't a whole lot to it. So, I don't feel right having a snide laugh at their expense courtesy of a Hollywood production. It's just kinda low and mean-spirited...what's next , a comedy about a guy from Ethiopia that's emaciated, illiterate, and has HIV-positive family members? Also, I fail to see the satirical aspect of making fun of third-world countries.

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It looks like an artsy, pretentious, ultra-jewy Dukes of Hazzard knock-off. I actually went to college with a couple of folks from Kazakhstan and, to hear them tell it, there ain't a whole lot to it. So, I don't feel right having a snide laugh at their expense courtesy of a Hollywood production. It's just kinda low and mean-spirited...what's next , a comedy about a guy from Ethiopia that's emaciated, illiterate, and has HIV-positive family members? Also, I fail to see the satirical aspect of making fun of third-world countries.

Starvin Marvin rocked.

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remember mass, your talking to a bunch of people who drink beer everyday. what's a couple more brain cells? :laugh:

I'm not talking a couple brain cells here, Packer. I'm talking this thing looked like "Teletubbies" for adults... so awful that I would guess it's killing somewhere around a dozen brain cells a minute to watch it.

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