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$186 Million to rebuild Superdome?


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If the people still homeless and living in trailers don't mind, then who am I to mind? But you can bet a dollar to a doughnut if a stadium had been rebuilt in a Republican Governors' and Mayors' territory under the same conditions, there would be some screaming going on.
You were making a pretty good point until you revealed your agenda. You don't want people whining about people living in traliers, but oh the horror of people screaming at Republican politicians ... :rolleyes:

I think you have a legitimate complaint about the money, because some of it comes from our taxes, but people will always whine and complain about anything ... in fact, that's what you've been doing this entire thread. Telling people that they shouldn't complain is a pretty futile exercise.

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Sure I do - it's important to rebuild the stadium - symbol of progress, recovery, healing, tourism, jobs, erasing the memory of the horror endured there in the days after Katrina. All that jazz. It's all true, and the energy tonight is evident. My problem really isn't with the $, its the hypocrisy of all the people who continue to bemoan the lack of progress in rebuilding the wards etc while celebrating the reopening of a footbal stadium that only a relatively few will get to enjoy.

I'm happy to see the progress, don't get me wrong, but there seems to be some talking out of both sides of the mouth by some.

To me, you can't say "Oh my God it's still horrible here - I can't believe it hasn't been cleaned up yet - it's the federal govt's fault" while spending that kind of money on the Superdome.

If the people still homeless and living in trailers don't mind, then who am I to mind? But you can bet a dollar to a doughnut if a stadium had been rebuilt in a Republican Governors' and Mayors' territory under the same conditions, there would be some screaming going on.

Honestly I think they are doing the best they can. I do not think people understand teh scope behind all of this. Yes we all wish we can snap our fingers and everything will be fixed, but that is not reality.

They way to build the city is to get the jobs and businesses back into the city so those that do not have homes can at least start working while they start rebuilding those areas.

The cameras yes show empty and destroyed homes around the lower 9th ward, but we also do not know if they have said those areas are now save to even beging to build in. The destruction was amazing and it is great to rebuild homes but the first thing we have to find out is if that land is safe and even capable of building, which is what they have been doing.

I also wish we do not just worry about NO since the entire gulf area was impacted, parts of Mississippi look like a war happened and isn't that a republican state :)

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You were making a pretty good point until you revealed your agenda. You don't want people whining about people living in traliers, but oh the horror of people screaming at Republican politicians ... :rolleyes:

I think you have a legitimate complaint about the money, because some of it comes from our taxes, but people will always whine and complain about anything ... in fact, that's what you've been doing this entire thread. Telling people that they shouldn't complain is a pretty futile exercise.

You don't think the situation would be different if the tables were turned? If so, you are in a fantasy world.

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they said if a new stadium werew to be built it would have costed about 600 million with the demolition of the superdome. There was a lot more than just fema money put into alot was insurance the NFL put the most in if i remeber correctly about 80 million.

Again, it's the hypocrisy I see that irks me.

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they said if a new stadium werew to be built it would have costed about 600 million with the demolition of the superdome. There was a lot more than just fema money put into alot was insurance the NFL put the most in if i remeber correctly about 80 million.


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oops your right, that was a bad link on google :)

however the Miss governor is republican so that was right :)

Better be sure when you use those "I can't believe you're so stupid" smilies. They'll bite you. :laugh:

And the Gov. of Mississippi has what to do with anything? I don't hear much from them. No, they weren't hit as bad, but maybe the fact that he's a Republican means something re: the lack of political grandstanding and whining. ;)

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