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Can anyone tell me about brunells performance?

Mr. Buggles

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Is it just me, or is Brunell INCAPABLE of making a 3 step, or LORD even a 5 step drop?!

While I understand the O-line looked poorly, the offense looked much like last year's.. Brunell w/ a 7 step drop, look and throw. I have plenty of hope for the skins, and I can only hope that the skins run more quick timing patterns where brunell makes a quick drop and delivers the ball. This would be good to mixup w/ the 7 step drops.. lol

Could it be that Brunell is short and has trouble seeing over the lineman, so he needs a 7 step drop?!

Do a search for the Brunell: Too Deep thread. You will find that your observation is certainly correct.

It's not even that he can't make 7 step drops, it's that his '7 step drop' is actually 9 steps. He drops too deep and I think his height is part of it as is his lack of comfort in the pocket. He continually backpedals into a rush that wasn't a problem but his deep drops and running backwards create a direct line to the QB which makes his line look bad. maybe not tonight because it sounds like they did plenty themselves. But even last year during the 'good times.'

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Do a search for the Brunell: Too Deep thread. You will find that your observation is certainly correct.

It's not even that he can't make 7 step drops, it's that his '7 step drop' is actually 9 steps. He drops too deep and I think his height is part of it as is his lack of comfort in the pocket. He continually backpedals into a rush that wasn't a problem but his deep drops and running backwards create a direct line to the QB which makes his line look bad. maybe not tonight because it sounds like they did plenty themselves. But even last year during the 'good times.'

Still bitter about LaVar, eh? That coaching staff can do no good. Nope...not even 10-6, playoffs, and a playoff win. Keep blaming the only winners we've had in a dozen years...

The coaches really suck...not at all able to judge talent.


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What the ___ does Lavar have to do with this?

Go back to Around the NFL where your antagonisms are amusing and welcomed.

Even great ones can miss out on a judgment call or miss out on the TIMING of when to make the switch.

Do you forget that Lavar had the opportunity to stay with a different contract and chose not to? Do you enjoy rewriting history? Don't answer.

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Didn't see as much as I would've liked to, had to work, but Brunell seemed to have no O-line support and therefore looked like a deer in headlights. Definitely a point of concern, but I seriously don't look at the preseaon as a tell-all for how the team will do in the regular seaon.

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For better or worse, for the moment Brunell has to be the "man". The starting job is his to lose, if it becomes necessary to yank him, I hope Gibbs won't wait until 9 games into the season like he did in 04. I say let Brunell prove that he can't hold down the position anymore and then look into "other options".

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I dont care how many steps a qb takes back, If the whole d-line is in his face, he is screwed.

I understand the line looked bad tonight, I'm not saying otherwise. My point is that you CANNOT take 10 steps back on a normal drop, period. Why you ask? Simple..

A DE or corner blitz rushing to the outside is trying to get around the tackle. It becomes pretty obvious that the tackle backing up cannot stop the DE from getting down the field, but can prevent him from getting THROUGH him.. If the QB backs up too far, the DE can essentially run right AROUND the tackle and the QB is sitting their for the sack. There is supposed to be that "pocket" where the QB is safe, that the QB can step up into if he's feeling pressure. Of course when the pocket is collapsing from pressure up the middle and there's an outside rush you're in trouble.. but the point is that dropping back too far IS a big problem if you do it regularly, because your O-line can't effectively block the outside rush.

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We all have that idea that hey we need to win every game bull **** we have a great time for the buy week 8 Brunell and the men are just taking it slow not showing all the new wares and wait till the vikes get a taste of that D it will be enough to smoke them right out of fed ex Super bowl bound HAIL DOUBTERS!

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i'd like to ask those using this phrase to refrain because i think numerous people would agree with me when i say that mark brunell is not my guy. we lost 41-0 tonight guys. i've never seen someone with such a nack for three and outs. thats not the way i enjoy football, just waiting for the mistake to happen. sign me up for the jason campbell fanclub. and yes this would be a start to another bash brunell thread, so theres no need for that to be repeated 80,076 times.


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After Mark ,Clinton ,Cooley Too many others and our great D led us from the abyss the darkness the shame of being losers you people have the raw nerve to jump all over them.You should be ashamed of yourselves wake up and remeber on last years run to the super bowl we fell short because of injuries these men come to preseason in shape why risk loseing a starter now or going out there and blowing teams out we almost lost Clinton the man who put this team on his back and carried it thrugh the season wins and losses. Let's respect our guys and stand up and believe they win and lose together and wasn't Joe a little to calm at the interview he's ccoking up something you are all too foolish too see Hail!

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I am also down here in NC and did not see the game, nor listened to it on Redskins.com as I usually do. Looks like I missed very little. 41-0? Ouch.

Looking over the stats, the one thing that stood was that the run defense again gave up tons of yardage. Granted, Griff is out and he is the key to the run defense. But the D line (starters and subs) have got to a better job of plugging holes and not have so many tackles made by the secondary as was the case last week vs. the Jets and I assume was the case tonight as well.

Also, the stats for the special teams did not look too good. A blocked field goal, Frost punting for just a 37.3 avg (though maybe one or two of those punts were on a short field) and also giving up a 36 yard kickoff return.

And, as others here have mentioned, the O-Line was smacked around, so it looks like another bad effort all-around for the Skins. Since next week's game will be a throwaway as far as the starters go, I do hope that Saunders is telling the truth about showing only 2% of the playbook.

We'll see. I am not panicking in any way, but there is cause for concern as the team seems to be regressing each week.

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Spare me your lack of anything resembling an analytical football mind.

This coming from a guy who touted Ramsey as the next coming of greatness?

Come on, man. You know you lost all credibility on this board. It's obvious you've overdosed on meds again and have spent too much time watching Spurrier pre-season re-runs while clutching your pill bottle.

You're get a clue meter is still reading zero.


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Brunell played poorly, but a lot of it has to do with poor offfensive line play. He was getting hurried or hit on every passing play. Some people have said that he was dropping back too far, but I think that is because he doesn't have a pocket to step up into. The line got embarassed tonight.

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And what's to say that guys aren't in better situations in other places. Ramsey's end of 2004 was certainly better than most of Brunell's tenure here.
Certainly better? Ramsey ended '04 with 7 TDs and 6 INTs. By contrast, Brunell had 23 TDs and 10 INTs in '05. Patrick Intercepty could only dream of having a TD to INT ratio as good as Brunell's. Also, Brunell swept Dallas, and Ramsey never beat Dallas. Brunell made the playoffs, and Ramsey never even sniffed the playoffs. Seriously, give me a break dude. Brunell is not the same QB he once was, but he is the best we have had since Brad Johnson left and much better than Ramsey will ever be. Get off it already.
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Gimme a break. Do you remember what Theisman endured to win? Do you remember the hits Monk used to take,a nd all the receivers to win? DO you recall the line back then whining about hte qb's drop? We had small linebackers who knocked over 320 lb linemen. Did you hear the qb whining about protection? The problem here is we have a team with no balls, and keep keeping men with no balls in the lineup and actually PAYING them. Hell the groundcrew tries harder than them. Talent is not the issue.

Kilmer had no talent, but he got it done thru blood, sweat, and tears. Theisman was little and not very talented. Riggins was slow and small, but if you got in his path you would be sorry cuz he would hit you harder than you had ever been hit in your life and keep right on going to the next victim. The line was slow then, but they got their blocks done early and moved as one unit on every play, and helped each other out when one guy was having trouble on any given play. They didn't just go, "Oh look that guy got thru the guy next to me oh well. Hiss fault not mine.' No they laid out on the ground every play to slow someone down just a bit. Dexter manley was small, so was mann. But they knocked every opponent they came across on their A**, the qb threw completions even if it meant getting his head taken clean off, look at theisman's leg for evidence display #1. Manley found a way to the qb if it meant running over 5 guys that all outwieghed him by 150 lbs, so did Mann, while protecting the run! The line found way to make blocks regardless of the qb's drop. These guys r out on the field looking for an excuse and someone to blame so they can still collect a paycheck.

I say we need to rewrite all their contracts, 'YOU MUST PLAY LIKE MEN TO GET PAID, NOT SISSIES, YOU MUST BOTH TAKE SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF AND SACRFICE YOURSELF FOR YARDAGE AND LET YOUR HEAD GET TAKEN OFF, REPEATEDLY, AS A REGULAR PRACTICE. WHETHER YOU PLAYED LIKE MEN OR NOT IS FOR RIGGINS AND MANLEY TO DECIDE. SO GET YOUR NUTS OUT< YOU WILL NEED THEM IN THIS GAME AND ON THIS TEAM, OTHERWISE, GO PLAY FOR ST LOUIS." That will change this lame garbage and river of excuses once and for all. Does anyone remember how Monk would lay out for a short yradage reception and get hammered and get right up, smile, and threatent o come back and do it again??? He wore the other team out with his head, by letting them hit it. I am sorry, but until we get players with nuts, talent don't matter.

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When it comes to Brunell's play, is he floating his passes? I understand it is difficult for him to perform when the O-line isn't doing squat, but his problems in 04 were largely his inability to zip a ball. Is he at least getting that right?

BTW, it doesn't matter if we are running a vanilla offense. its not like blocking schemes for a pass are immensly complicated things. We are in a bit of trouble if our O-line doesn't improve.

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the qb is the leader of the offense and if your first team offense cant put up a single point in three preseason games then he is horrible. i much rather have cambell making mistakes and learning from them . then brunell to be making the same mistakes over and over. time for change.

:applause: :mad: :applause: :applause: :cheers: :applause: :applause:

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