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Official Post Game Thread -- Jets at Skins.


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I didn't see the game, but caught some of the audio. I was hoping that Lumsden would get a few more touches, but given what happened in the 3rd quarter... Anyways, I signed off before the final series and I understand that he had a carry, a drop and a short reception. Does anybody think that they will give him a serious look next week or should we expect him back in the CFL this Fall?

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I will take a glass is half-full approach.

1. Jason Campbell IS the real deal.

No, I am not suggesting that he be the starter now or any time this season (barring injury). He has proven that he is the #2 and is grasping the system. What I like is that he has poise. He does things that sadly Patrick just didn't do. Like: Thread the needle passes, knowing that he's going to take the hit, still stands in the pocket and makes his pass, takes the sack instead of throwing the bad pass, doesn't look at the guy he's throwing to and just doen't look shaky in the pocket.

2007 he will be our starter.

2. ARE- great pick up.

Not only did he have a good game, but when thrash caught the Campbell pass, he was the first guy off the bench to congratualte him.

He clarly looks like a team player we need :point2sky

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I didn't see the game, but caught some of the audio. I was hoping that Lumsden would get a few more touches, but given what happened in the 3rd quarter... Anyways, I signed off before the final series and I understand that he had a carry, a drop and a short reception. Does anybody think that they will give him a serious look next week or should we expect him back in the CFL this Fall?
I wish they would give him a serious look. He had 6-7 yards on his only carry and managed to hang on to a pass after getting hit pretty hard. That dropped pass might have hurt his chances of making the team though.

A lot will depend on how Danny Smith feels about him on special teams. Personally, I would love to see them give him a chance to return a couple kicks.

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Man, I just watched Gibbs' presser on Redskins.com and I have never ever seen him that pissed. He looked like a man defeated to me.

I think the guys will have hell to pay this week. Enough of treating them like pansies because they had great offseason workouts.

The only positive I can see from the game is that we were 2 for 2 on extra points.



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I agree with most of what people are saying... It's pre season and who cares, but I would have loved to see at least one decent run by a RB. Sellers aside (who, BTW, RULES) our rbs kept running into the backs of our guys and getting hit for short gains.... that frustrated me that there never seemed to be any holes.

Also Rumph looked good to me for the supposed "Taylor Jacobs of Cb's"... I didnt's see anything I didn't like for a back up, and was impressed with some of his tackling, which was his big knock coming for SF.

Also... Wright looked good to me. There must have been 8,000 "Wright Sucks" threads started during the week, which is a lot for a guy playing for a back up roll, but he impressed me this week and I haven't read any one blaming him for everything that's wrong from why we'll never win a game, to the problems in the middle east...

Other than that I hope the injuries aren't serious, and hope Gibbs puts the fear of God into his players this week. I think this week in practice isn't going to be the warm and fuzzy practices we got to see in TC.

But that a side I'll take the game with a "pre-season" sized grain of salt and hope for a more crisp offense next week....

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I was at the game, row 3 sec 131 really close, and I want to say that Sean Taylor is the scariest thing I've ever seen on a football field and he's definately bigger than what he's listed at, and our cheerleaders are really hot.

Nice preseason post! I enjoyed a good laugh... Our cheerleaders are "HOT"!

Lucky you... Being at a Redskins game!


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"I'm real concerned," Gibbs said. "I'm concerned about the team. You have to play well as a team. And we're not."

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link my Redskin friends. I admire Joe Gibbs for his honesty and hard work at such a tough and tremendous job. I can only keep the faith that Coach Gibbs will try his best to pull a winning TEAM together come (9/11/06).

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"I'm real concerned," Gibbs said. "I'm concerned about the team. You have to play well as a team. And we're not."

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link my Redskin friends. I admire Joe Gibbs for his honesty and hard work at such a tough and tremendous job. I can only keep the faith that Coach Gibbs will try his best to pull a winning TEAM together come (9/11/06).

That there was the real motivation behind the press conference, IMHO. It's true Coach Gibbs has alot to be concerned about, alot that we the fans, can't see and dont know about, mainly things that happen behind the scenes, in the conference room, on the sidelines between coaches.

The concerns we can see: injuries to key players, starters believing too much of the preseason hype (which is a big one to me, and if true, really pisses coach off), and for some reason coaches of opposing teams pulling out all the stops, in preseason. This shows that other teams are concerned about our hype also and may be gunning for us, and from Coach Gibbs' stand point I wouldn't like that either.

The only thing our players should get out of the preseason are: no injuries, get the Saunders offense timing down, back ups learn their positions, and above all, starters not giving into all the hype and playing like humble Coach Gibbs players.

I am not one of the "doom and gloom" crowd because I have faith in Coach Gibbs and believe he will have all the wrinkles ironed out before the season opener, thats what preseason is for, not to win games. And I also believe that it may take a few humbling losses to achieve those goals, its all part of the process, the nature of the beast. :2cents:

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While I will readily admit that preseason games don't mean a damn thing, what dissappointed me was the lack of effort. Independant of the regular season plays that the Jets were running, what struck me (I was at the game) was that the Jets players seemed to want it throughout the game; our boys looked completely inconsistent - hustle on some plays, jogging on others.

I also thought Patten had alligator arms attached to him last night - he pulled up short on two passes that he should have gone for. Given the number of receivers we have and the fact that he looks expendable I would have thought he would have tried a little harder.

I'm confident JG will straighten this out before the games start to count.

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i don't know. I just got back from brother Utah's place where I watched the game on a rebroadcast and all I can say is and? Sure, there were some spots there that made me go :wtf: and there were some plays that made me go :jump: . Same as a regular season game. And therein lies the difference in reaction to what I saw. Overall, no biggie. I can see, ( well, in a fans limited point of view anyway), where coaches would be a little pissed at some players, but there were still some good things done out there. Betting this next game, if archival evidence is any indication, that this next game could be a bit more......satisfying.

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Sellars taking handoffs as a FB showed some nice potential.

Randle El making some nice catches as a #2 receiver.

Mike Rumph looked solid.


Special Teams.

First Team Defense Run D: Last year although stout they gave up big plays due to the aggresive nature of the D. So far this preseason they are also giving up the 5 yarder that last year got stuffed at the line.

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