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A Scanner Darkly

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I've seen Slacker, Dazed and Confused, Berfore Sunrise, Waking Life, Tape, The School of Rock, and Before Sunset. And based on this I'd say Richard Linklater is a director who is extremely overrated by the film snob elitists(a group of people many would say I fall into). Due to the fact that so much of his filmography is very talky and visually unremarkable, I'd say his films are very uncinematic. Seriously, if your turn on Before Sunrise or Slacker, and don't watch, but just listen. It's pretty much the same experience as if you had sat and watched the whole thing. He's the type of director who is far more interesting than he is good.

That said, I'm planning on going to watch A Scanner Darkly, because I love Philip K. Dick, and even though I've never seen anything where it worked particularly well, I'm intrigued by the rotoscoping process. However, needless to say, my expectations are curbed.

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Saw it the other day. It's a weirdly fun movie.

Of all the Philip K. Dick stories that have become movies (Blade Runner, Minority Report, Total Recall, etc.), this one does the best job of staying true to the original story.

It's easier to follow if you read a summary of the premise first, but don't read anything with plot spoilers in it.

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to be honest, i didnt like it all that much. hard to really follow, lots and lots of talking, and just kind of boring. the only reason i didnt come out of that theater really dissapointed was because of the rotoscoping thing. the visuals were awesome.

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Due to the fact that so much of his filmography is very talky and visually unremarkable, I'd say his films are very uncinematic. Seriously, if your turn on Before Sunrise or Slacker, and don't watch, but just listen. It's pretty much the same experience as if you had sat and watched the whole thing. He's the type of director who is far more interesting than he is good.


I think most people want an escape from reality with movies, Slacker was one of the greatest shows of the human banality that ever was produced.

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Ok, so A Scanner Darkly is definitely a nominee for Linklater's best movie. It's kind of fell apart a little towards the end, but I was definitely into it for the majority of the movie. It didn't really feel like a Linklater film, and not in the way that School of Rock didn't feel like a Linklater film.

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